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Everything posted by SkullKid

  1. NOOOOO!

    But there are no Lady Gaga songs that Rhyme with SHOES!


  2. No, if its only a small buzz, I should be fine.

    SO, I'm Gonna be gone for the next week for camp. While I'm gone, could you do me a favor and go ahead an record chapters 7 and 8 of the Gali Nuva for the Bionicle Serial Project, so I can edit it when I return. Thanks.


  3. SkullKid


    I very much agree. I prefered the limited size sigs. -SK
  4. A little late, but I thank thee none the less.


  5. Well, I off to do some flood clean-up with my Youth group. Wish me luck!
  6. Okay, I'm sure most of you have heard of know Crystal Matrix. He was the Founder of Biosector01 for those of you who don't. Well, Today I decided to Investigate the Hero Factory Website. I don't plan on getting into this line, as I am getting older and slowly shedding my Lego Obsessed cocoon. That being said I went to the Testimonials page, and I found something interesting. I found this.....intereesting to say the least. I know this is prbably just a coincidence, considering the name is one letter off, but a funny one at best! Here's a link if ya don't believe me. -SK
  7. Bakura: Marik, that doesn't rhyme.

    Marik: SHUT UP, I"M LADY GAGA!

    Hehe! Glad to see another fan.


  8. Yo's!

    Hey, never gotta mention this to you, but i am glad your on the BNG team.

    Its gonna be fun.


  9. You do know BBC. 59 has not started yet, right? -SK
  10. Yo, everyone on the face of the planet. Here's a little update in the Twisted World of SkullKid. Flood update: 3 weeks since last Post. Well, Nashville is still recovering, but it is a lot better. West Nashville is now traversable by car. Unfortunately though, there is still a lot of damage there. My Youth group is planning to do some Clean up on Wednesdays, so I will (finally) be able to contribute to the cleanup. My basement is now cleaner than it ever was. There is a lot more room down there "sniff" But, after a lot of......expensive purchases for a new water heater, washing machine, dryer, air conditioner, etc., life seems back to normal. Prince of Persia: Having not played the video game, I am free of any Fan-based influences that might have previously influenced my viewing if i had played the video game. And i can honestly say.....it was okay. Not great, but okay. The effects, stunts, and characters were all excellent. I especially liked Alfred Molina's character, Sheik Amar. Almost every line he said cracked me up. But i feel that the story lacked......depth. It had potential, but i was left unimpressed. The ending was also.....bland too me. Whether it is like that in the video game, I do not know. But it seemed like lazy writing by the movie or the video game company to me. Either way, it was so-so. If you are a fan of the series, this movie is very much for you. But as for the rest of you, it is best saved for a DVD rental some time in the near future. etc: Expect updates on Bionicle Serial Podcast sometime this week. I am now out of school, and will be able to work on it much more when i am not on vacation. I am thinking of Writing an Epic. I am confidant i want to do an Bionicle Alternate Reality story, but i cannot seem to decide which change in the storyline would be to most drastic for me to start writing. Well, that all. -SK
  11. Well.....

    It was fun while it lasted, you and i being the same age and all.

    Oh well.....

    Happy Birthday.


  12. you can put me down as an enemy. Sparkly Vampires shall be destroyed. -SK
  13. So , for the next 5 days, we are both 17.

    Happy early Birthday.


  14. Yo!

    Thanks for that!

    Even early Birithday wishes are nice.


  15. Thanks!

    I'm glad some people remembered my birthday!


  16. We should; also, you're totally invited to my graduation ceremony. Seriously? Cool. Tell me when and where, and I will try to be there. -SK
  17. So when do you plan to announce the winners of the Tyrant Powers contest?


  18. Congrats M'lady! We need to celebrate! -SK
  19. Its fine.

    Everyone is busy sometimes.


  20. SkullKid

    Day 4

    Today was mostly boring. I scrubbed most of my furniture down, plus cleaned out my ornament box. Who knew Christmas Ornaments held so much water. Some nice people from a church close by us brought our neighborhood lunch, which consisted of chicken, rice, two triangles of Pita bread, and a Greek salad. That was pretty sweet. The second half of the day, i took my truck out and gave A LOT of stuff to Goodwill. Plus i went to Sonic for Happy hour and got my whole family large sized soda's. The professionals finished cleaning the basement, so now it is all dry. Hopefully, we can start moving stuff back into the basement tomorrow. I'll post pictures soon, I promise! -SK
  21. Man, my arms are killing me today. I had to do a lot of heavy lifting today, cleaning out my basement. Tons of cinder blocks, wooden beams. You name it, I carried it. Fortunately, someone invented the wheelbarrow, so taking the junk out to my front yard was not that bad. Just tedious. So, along with heavy lifting, and cleaning salvageable stuff, i have had a very busy (and sweaty) Cinco de Mayo. Some good news though. We finally got some professionals to clean out the rest of our basement. Most of the stuff in storage was already taken out, so after these guys are done, I hope to see my basement sparkle......hopefully. I'll post pictures of my basement in a few days. My mom took plenty of pictures (mostly for the insurance people). Ohh, and i also saw a couple of helicopters fly over y house. That was pretty cool. Oh, a totally seperate note, I have restarted my audio podcast creations! I am right now working on 2 more chapters of The Glitch in the System audiobook. Hopefully, I can have those done within the month, God-willing. Also, I have restarted my Bionicle Serial Podcast. One of my Cast members had to drop out, so Me (now voicing Sarda), Krakuaofsonics (Now voicing Kopaka), and ultrahamster (now voicing Lewa) have replaced him in the roles. However, I am still in need of a Lovely Lady willing to voice Idris. Its a small part, and she does not appear in later serials, so if any of you ladies out there would like to voice a character temporarily, let me know. The link to my topic is here. Take a look if you have the chance! -SK
  22. Sounds like a plan.


  23. I'll take it one step further, if you don't mind. Kittens wearing Powdered wigs. -SK
  24. I would schedule something for this weekend, but i cannot honestly say i might not have a conflict. It depends on weather, and how much more cleanup is needed. Let me see what I am up against, and i'll get back to ya.

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