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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. Out of curiosity, does anyone think a kind of Grand-Strategy like RPG could work? Where players could get entire nations and duke it out for dominance?
  2. Granted. But they turn to dust the moment you see them. I wish for a glass of water.
  3. IC: (Dastana Shivada/Sado, Streets, The Alleyway) The Imperial Guard rushed forward, to push the rioters from the Hogo and break on through to the street. Shivada took the lead, bringing her blade down upon a club-armed Dashi. Her mind had numbed, very slightly, to the pain of fighting her treasonous Clanswomen. More numb it became with each slice of the blade. "Push, Hogo, join us to cast them into the streets!"
  4. There's a battle going on in Ko-Koro. The largest in a while. Pick a side and go at it.
  5. IC: (Arvun/Entrance, The Vault, Mangaia) Arv knew it would be a fight or die situation. As soon as he saw the figures to the front of him, he knew he hadn't any chance to flee. The Rahkshi would surely kill him if he did. So he would join this Maru, pray to whatever deity was out there, and fight to live. Live he would. His mind was however screaming at him, screaming in opposition, screaming in fear. As the sons of the dark lord came charging in, he held himself next the Maru by sheer will. He suddenly became aware of the leather in the hilt of his Kaskara, the weight of its blade, the racing beat of his heart, the air going to his lungs and the sweat going down his brow. He could see the shadows coming towards him, and raised his arm in defiance of them. His wife would have cried at him not to, if she would have been here to see. But that was the past, and this was now. The tide had turned, and he had swam with it. He knew the Protosteel of his blade was sharp, as he honed it out of compulsion. The Makutaspawn were fast, they were strong, and they could skewer Arv as easily as a knife through butter. But he had fought alongside them once, and he felt a fleeting amount of confidence he could go against them. He needed to attack them in their weak spots, to work with his companions. One went after Sulov, the others came alarmingly towards them. He would go for the legs, he felt, take out the legs, and they were vulnerable. But first, he'd have to help Sulov. So Arv went forward, sword and one hand, Kukri in the other. He'd help the Maru as much as he could.
  6. Welcome back, Tiragath. Good to see a veteran return.
  7. I'll be inactive for the rest of the day, so I'll have to leave interactions for tomorrow.
  8. OOC: It will be a little while... IC: (Ardron/Ostia) The supplies were gathered, and Ard lead the cart into the desert. Through the storm, he walked as fast as he could to the border.
  9. IC: (Ardron/Ostia) "A Saint of Mata Nui."
  10. OOC: People always ignore the over-armor... IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Ko-Koro Gates, The Ice Storm) The blade hit Larikon's backplate. and glanced off of it. It deflected straight through his mail undercoat, and stabbed into his left shoulder. Larikon shuddered upon the warmth, and reeled backwards. Taking Heathenbane upward, he brought the blade down towards Icha. Ak'rei'an would protect him, would guide him. He could only hope his fellow Brothers could make it out of the cold, stop the Guards in their tracks. He prayed as the blade went towards Icha's neck, propelled by zealous rage. "Go to the hellslime, filth!" he said through his shivers. OOC: We can do it... IC: (Weiss/Ko-Koro Gates) Weiss had avoided the storm for a while, only going into it while his Brothers were struggling. He could fight the cold, he could blow up this gate. Using his powers, he rapidly lifted the barrels of powder to the foot of the Ko-Koro Gate. He would help Jaaku destroy it, if not destroy it with Thentyle. He hadn't much experience with explosives, so it was up to them to destroy it. But the fact was, Thentyle was distracted by trying to fight off the Kane-Ra riders. He'd have to take over in that regard, to let the group go into the city. "Thentyle, go to the gate! I'll fight the heathens off!" he said, as he floated the last barrel over. IC: (Rakona) The Ko-Toa looked so dignified, which made it all so satisfying when Rakona whipped at her. The protosteel tipped tendrils struck at the Toa, with a blow strong enough to dismount the Toa.
  11. IC: (Sukot urn Voyuk/The Sanctum) It seemed the company of misfits were trying to break through their group. Sukot wouldn't take such absurdity. He was being pushed away, he realized, but by the time he was, his Patero Launcher was cocked and loaded. As Echelon was doing some kind of mind-attack against the Knightly fellow (He saw the Snowman's strained look), Sukot pointed the muzzle at him, and fired. At that moment, around a dozen bamboo spears shot towards the necromancer. "Hey hey!"
  12. Okay, just out of curiosity, who would want Junyaus? He's Po-Koro's governmental spy, and a character out of tune with the current game. Anyone can have him...
  13. IC: (Arvun/Mangaia) Arv trailed the Maru, while keeping an eye upon Lantz.
  14. IC: (Larikon Torchbearer/Ko-Koro Gates, The Ice Storm) The Heathens thought they could freeze him, turn him into an icicle. Larikon, raising his head, felt a strong and sudden impact upon his Great helm. The impact knocked him off Lutrez, and hurled him to the snow. His vision blurred, his head span. The concussion momentarily knocked him unconscious. But disoriented, he rose, shivering with the cold. His surcoat, of tight-knit wool, offered a degree of warmth. But he could feel parts of his body teetering on numbness. Realizing after his daze Lutrez, protected his coat of fat and fur, was still able to fight, he yelled "Lutrez, sic!". The great bear would smell Icha, and attack the Sanctum guard with ferocity. Teetering through the icy wind, he grabbed Heathenbane from the snow, and went to find Icha. He needed to end the storm, and end it quick. Killing the Ko-Toa one by one would gradually cause the storm to falter, and give them victory. But they needed to be dispatched quickly, lest the freeze. "Target the riders! Their deaths shall end this cursed wind!" He kept his blade up defensively. IC: (Thentyle/Ko-Koro Gates) Thentyle was discouraged at how bad his trick worked out. But he needed to stop Trillia, and stop her fast. He raised a fist of earth from the ground, large in diameter, and hardly compacted. He sent it barreling a the Lesterin, to take or out of the picture, or distract her for a while. "Jaaku, rig the gate!" IC: (Rakona/The Storm) She heard something vaguely amid the howling wind. 'Target the riders', or something akin to that. Rakona knew the storm was artificial, and had faith in Ak'rei'an that she'd be able to help destroy it. She heard the vague clamber of Hooves to the side of her. A rider, caught in the storm near her. Her whip-gauntlet it hand, and Brotherhood issued hatchet in the other, she ran towards the rider, and struck with the protosteel-coated blade-strings. She wondered where Goran was, it would have been fine to backup...
  15. Superfriends should be the Maru and company. The Legion of Doom is more fitting. Excepting the swamp-helmet base thing, and Solomon Grundy.
  16. Just out of curiosity, can the Legacy/Piraka/Brotherhood alliance have a name? Albeit unofficial for now? It would make typing things out easier. Something neutral would do, The Dark Alliance, perhaps? Or maybe E.V.I.L!
  17. Was a product of The Watchers of The World (Stan Lee and Jack Kirby), to prepare us for the apocalypse. Whales.
  18. While I was too young to remember it, my condolences go out to those with loved ones lost during the attack, and the survivors of that day and its aftermath.
  19. IC: (Arvun/Mangaia) "I was, searching for him, at the least," Arvun said. "Lantz was only in it for the Vault. He is desirous of its wealth, no doubt." He rose. Sulov Maru, Ussalman, he knew that name. Sulov was the Toa who helped kill his former Master, one of the First Toa's heirs. The Maru represented everything about Mata Nui's established order. But yet, he held little ill will towards them. If he was in that position, he thought, he would have killed Makuta as well. Being past that point of his life, Arv had no inclination to harm anyone in the room. Save perhaps Lantz, due to his lingering distaste for the avarice-fueled Ba-Toa. Leaning against the wall, he began to speak again. "I'm Arvun, and let me say, I mean none of you any harm. But if you are going to the vault, I would like to join you. Something's down there, something ill. The Ta-Toa-I fear what happened to him. He was seeking the vault, and if what they say about it, he might be pray to twisted beings. And if I'm correct, I think you'd know him, Maru, his name was Joske."
  20. For the sake of accuracy, could some Legacy players update its Wiki Page? The history section and goals in need of work, along with the membership. And also, if Anyone wants to join the Brotherhood of Ak'rei'an, send me a PM. We have knights, and semi-intelligent Zombies!
  21. IC: (Ardron) "We are but a harmless religious group, with odd hours," he said.
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