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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. Certainly, this is one of the most awesome things I've seen in a while.
  2. IC: Aryll couldn't help but be a bit jealous of Madrihk. His leader was in command a reasonable army and was respected and supported by almost all the ILS. Aryll clung to the believe that he could do it better, that he could plan out this little adventure far more effectively.Although, he felt he'd claw up the ranks with politeness and civility. So, quite kindly, he explained to Madrihk the limits of fire-bombs. "Madrihk, the jungle is far too moist . This means we'll have to set the fires within the hive."
  3. No Xemnas ( ), more like intergalactic police.
  4. We-we-WEAVERS!*Crouches into hole as memories of LA come back*
  5. I do believe I deleted my first characters out of shame. Although, I think some posts may still be in the Po-Terros topic, somewhere.
  6. I'm thinking about organizing (not leading) an organization of Makuta followers.Yay or ney?
  7. IC: (Durzan-Blackwood, Charred Forest)Today's dinner was rather quite special. Half a water Skakdi, grilled and mixed into a thick Madu stew. Placing it onto the table, he spooned generous portions into the plates of his two comrades. Haitol and Metack had no idea what they were eating.Haitol didn't eat the stew, much to Durzan's chagrin. He was too busy playing Makuta on a map of Ga-Koro.IC: (Haitol-Blackwood, Charred Forest)Haitol was rather grandiose today. The compound was ready, and it was his goal to see that a Makuta-follower organization was created and funded. But gathering such beings together would be a challenge.Followers of the Makuta were known to remain on the fringes of society, hidden in the dregs of it, or seemingly integrated with the Matoran. He, Metack and Durzan couldn't spread the word of a new organization quick enough.So, he figured he'd start small and sent Durzan out to tell others about Blackwood.
  8. OOC: Alright, I'll stop sending my Rogues Gallery at the ILS. I'll let Az sit back and watch. Oh, and let's just say Az came to Pala Koro earlier.IC: "We could always use another Toa on the advance team," Tarotrix said to Amerikos. "It could be your trial by fire,"IC: Within an hour, Az was near a modest little settlement by Lake Pala. Hiding in the bushes, he observed a variety of beings enter the main building. Steadily, he came to believe this was inhabited by a great deal of do-gooders.So, charging in and blowing the place to Kingdom come was out of the question.
  9. OOC: I guess now's the time to have one of my Makuta servants rain on the ILS's parade. Again.IC: Az was rather happy. Arriving on the shores of Le-Wahi, he heaved his backpack along the trail. The backpack, filled with about eight jars of explosive, weighed a ton. But then again, what he was going to next do was going to so much fun.But the question that bugged his mind was simple. Was he going to blow up the village rumored to be near Lake Pala, or was he going to begin a campaign of terror across the other villages.Az figured he'd at least see if 'Pala Koro' existed. So he pulled out a map and sneaked into the forest.
  10. IC: Aryll was rather happy that more people were arriving. The more out fighting the Rama, the more easier it would be for the hive to be toppled. Trying to look as regal as possible, he kindly spoke to the new recruit."Why don't you sit down and listen up," he told Amerikos.
  11. IC: "You'll likely be paired with Toa," Tarotrix said in as calm a voice he could speak to JiMing. "And we have the advantage of a combined ILS-Guard force experienced against such wretched things."
  12. IC: "If that's the case, then my men can provide extra protection for our Ko-Koran comrades," Tarotrix said.
  13. IC: Taro nervously looked on over to his fellow guards. They nodded in stoic encouragement. Someone had to lead the charge, he assumed they reasoned. Looking over at the Ta-Toa, he couldn't hide his disdain"We'll have both air cover above us and Toa behind us. I believe that we'll be able to fight the rahi long enough for reinforcements to arrive. And I have faith in Mata Nui that we won't take too much casulties."
  14. OC: I was simply showing off Aryll's superiority complex. IC: Aryll quietly listened to Madrihk's speech. In his mind, he thought out the tactics that could be employed in such a situation. After examining the map bit by bit, he spoke."Madrihk, my friend, which units are going in first? Will we focus on tunneling below the hive or let the Gukko Force distract the wretched bugs for a while. And I assume we'll be split into individual teams?"IC: Taro wasn't one to sit and wait in the bushes. He was a man of action. Fighting back the small voice that said "NO", he entered the conversation with a couple of rather strong words. "I, Second Lieutenent Tarotrix volunteer my contingent to lead the first wave."
  15. They have always been scary.If you don't believe me, look at the last weeks of Locus Abeo. The wrath expressed in those posts is still rather scary.
  16. IC: To say the least, Aryll wasn't happy about Madrihk not appointing him deputy. sure, he'd been in the ILS for a shorter time then the chosen three, but he actually had experience. But he didn't want to ruin his future chances, so he made a mental note not to bring it up. Looking around at the surrounding forces, he couldn't help but be a bit jealous of Madrihk. This force was probably the one of the largest these natives could muster. With his expertise he could probably defeat half of Makuta's forces.Sitting around the fire, all he could do was think.
  17. IC: Taro wasn't much of a fan of Le-Wahi. Almost everything about the place he disliked to an extent. It was the humidity and bugs he despised the most. Trudging through the undergrowth, he kept an eye out for possible threats.Fighting the Nui-Rama wouldn't be half bad. Sure, they could fly, lift a Matoran up into the sky and drop him down into the jungle below. But at least they were not Rahkshi. His failed vacation in Po-Koro and wounding from Rahkshi staff had made him somewhat scared of the things.IC: Aryll couldn't help but be a bit impressed. Madrihk had been able to sucessfully gather guardsmen from three Koros to fight in this little battle. Though he was a little disappointed about not planning it out, he figured the natives could figure a decent strategy out.He'd fought a variety of things in his long career. The rama were going to rather easy.
  18. Name: VardonSpecies: Fe-ToaAppearance: Vardon is a red-eyed Toa of Metruan build with ebony and dark purple armor. Vardon wears a black utility harness, Tahtorak-hide boots, a dark grey jumpsuit and a Sam Browne belt.Kanohi: Mask of Transmutation. Allows Vardon to transmute liquids into fuels or explosives.Powers: Iron and Transmutation. Vardon is also highly intelligent, and is a skilled pilot, inventor, and mechanic.Weapons: Vardon carries a single action revolver of 45. caliber.Implants: NonePersonality: Vardon is a rather reclusive, almost mad-scientist like inventor. He rarely ventures out of his cave, and hoards technologies from the ruins of Techna for use in his many vehicles. He also has a slight superiority complex.Vardon is devoted to the Hacker cause, and hates NMN (especially the CHI) with a passion.Alignment: HackersBio: Hailing from the southern continent, Vardon was always a tinkerer. After the move to Spherus Magna, he became a rather sucessful inventor. Initially an enthusiastic supporter of Techna, he was one of the first to board the vessel.But eventually, he joined the hackers due to him embracing the view that Matoran-kind shouldn't meddle with alien life. Forming friendships with his fellows, he was a rather high level Hacker, and was wanted for over a decade.After Techna's crash, he was hunted down for his past actions. Escaping out to what was to be the hacker base, he established his lab near the volcano.Misc: Vardon has built a working fighter-bomber, tank and motorcycle to strike out against the Technans. Each vehicle is made out of protosteel (The motorcycle and fighter made out of a lighter, less durable alloy).
  19. IC: (Az-Techna Ruins)It had been little over a day since Az had fought in battle, and he was starting to get edgy. Wandering the ruins of Techna, he quietly stalked a patrol of three CHI agents. While they were wandering around the ruins, merely standing guard, Az waited for night to come.The agents were rather easy prey.From a cavity in his shoulder, the machine gun emerged. Aiming at the first Toa, he mentally uttered a command: Fire four round burst.The gun cracked off four rounds in a second. One agent dead, two more to go. Commanding his weapon once again, a stream of rounds flew at the other, killing them before they could react.With a grin, Az left to hunt more agents.
  20. IC: (Aihus-CHI Towers)With a slight grin upon his face, Aihus went quiet. He was rather happy at the thought of going back into action, whether he was fighting the Barraki or Hackers.Despite being rather anxious for combat, Aihus avoided asking aabout the subject. The look on Esao's face told him that his new leader was not in a talkative mood.
  21. IC: (Aihus-CHI Tower)Aihus couldn't help but be a bit relieved. So, it was a corrupt bureaucrat who stole state funds. Viewing Esao with a great deal of respect, he followed along with new vigor. "Might I join your guild?" he asked the agent.
  22. IC: (Aihus/CHI Tower)Aihus was shocked, to say the least. Esao's rather brash actions against his own comrade had left a bad taste in his mouth. However, he felt that it was better to follow him then resist.
  23. IC: (Aihus/Helipad)As the dropship hovered over the pad, Aihus leaped gracefully to the ground. Fighting off air-sickness (he'd never liked flying) he walked toward Esao and the group surrounding him."What are we to do now, sir?" he said.
  24. IC: (Aihus-Near Techna)With the dropship growing closer, Aihus hastily grabbed one of the small flying robots. They seemed to him like insects, bees. Like bees, they needed a hive. The question was where the hive was.Going to Esao, he explained his rather simple theory. "These automatons had to come from somewhere. And as they seem to me like insects, I think they may come from some kind of hive."
  25. Name: AzSpecies: Cyborg of Unknown OriginGender: MaleAlignment: HackerAppearance: Nearly seven feet tall, Az is stockily built and encased in black armor. The armor resembles that of a knight, while his face looks like a motorcycle helmet.Kanohi: NonePowers: Armor resistant to fire, ice and gunfire. The armor also gives him great strength.Weapons: Shoulder mounted, retractable machine gun (Loaded with armor-piercing, incendiary rounds of rifle caliber), a wrist-mounted flamethrower (firing balls of flame) on his left arm, and a retractable machete on his right. The machine gun is connected to his helmet HUD.Implants: Az's HUD is rather quite advanced. It's able to view the surrounding area in thermal and night vision. It also allows Az to control and target his machine gun and his other weapons.Personality: Cold, sadistic and hungry for NMN's destruction. Az has only nominally a Hacker, prefering to spread anarchy alone. He'll only join others if it is in raids against the Technans.Bio: Allegedly created by the Brotherhood to massacre the Dark Hunters during the the Brotherhood-Dark Hunter War, Az was a loyal servant of the Brotherhood for decades. After the move to Spherus Magna, he lead an anarchist terrorist organization, and was widely feared. Somehow managing to sneak onto Techna Nui, he was continued his reign of terror for years.Joining the Hackers early on, he taught them the ways of terrorism and was wanted by the authorities. But it was in an ambush, where Az got caught in the crossfire, which finally crippled him. Wounded heavily, he was saved by his fellow Hackers and transformed into a cyborg.Now, on the horrible wastes of Karzahni Magna, Az roams, spreading chaos wherever he walks.
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