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Mr. House

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Everything posted by Mr. House

  1. IC: (Aihus/Near Techna)Aihus couldn't help but smirk. The realization that he was a living piece of history had dawned on him a while ago. But he'd adapted, at least a bit, to the culture and customs of this new world. The technology, however, was still beyond his wildest dreams."Tell me about it;" he said in a polite tone. "Being trapped in a Mata Nui forsaken stasis tube has left me rather behind technology wise."
  2. IC: (Aihus/Near Techna Wreck)Aihus couldn't help but groan. As the HUD flashed in front of his eyes, he desperately tried to force-close it. He found annoying and rather intrusive. That aside, he focused on the mission ahead.Keeping a hand on his sword and radio on, he stepped out of the hovercraft and walked foward.
  3. IC: (Aihus-NMN Outskirts)"But keeping us on the outside would be ill advised," Aihus added. "I'm certain the elites would spot possible enemies at a farther distance."
  4. IC: (Aihus-NMN Outskirts)Aihus couldn't help but be a bit offended. This high-level Toa. Arell, was more stuck up then anyone he'd ever met. And he'd been the head a rather large court of nobles. "I assure you, I can handle myself in this mission."
  5. IC: (Aihus-NMN, Outskirts)Straight in the middle of the bustle, Aihus spotted a group of beings huddled together. Needing something to do, he casually walked on over to them. With a grin, he said."Might I ask what you are doing?"OOC: That's Skyra/Krayzikk's group.
  6. IC: (Aihus-New Metru Nui)In many ways, Aihus felt like this new land was more homely then Techna, Sure, it was harsh, and sure, it was dangerous, but he was used to such terrain. The Technans were obviously not. Most of them were far too spoiled, far too used to their computerized world. So he, being virtually a caveman to them, took charge of the situation. Using his skills and knowledge, he tried to help his new comrades. They'd been rather easy to teach, thank Mata Nui.Now, he simply wandered the village, looking for things to help with.
  7. I'm going to give this character another try.Name: Prince Aihus KytorikkGender: MaleSpecies: ToaAppearance: A fit, medium sized Toa about six feet tall. Aihus has natural ebony and maroon armor. Over this he wears reinforced leather armor, black boots and a hooded black cloak. He has grey eyes.Kanohi: Pakari, shaped like a black Hau.Powers: Fire and Strength.Weapons: Du'Raraz, an heirloom sword. The sword is single handed, with a silver hilt studded with emeralds, and a double-sided blade made of light-infused White Protosteel. He keeps it in a metal shealth on a leather baldric.Implants: Purely a brain implant.Personality: Regal, honest and calm. Aihus, despite being in a state of utter culture shock, has managed to keep a cool head and a sociable personality throughout his strange ordeal. He is loyal to the death to friends, and is brash in battle.Alignment: New Metru NuiBio: Aihus was the prince of the Kingdom of Kollrus, a small, albeit powerful nation on the Northern Continent. Tasked with defending his nation from the hoards of the then-expanding League of Six Kingdoms, Aihus defended his homeland for over five years, before being captured by the forces of Carapar. Instead of being killed outright, he was knocked out and placed in a crude, overpowered stasis tube to await his exeucution. But instead of meeting an exeucutioner's axe, Aihus's tube was placed into storage. Due to a stroke of luck, Aihus had survived. The fortress was besieged and almost completely destroyed by the Brotherhood. The tube was buried under rubble, where it remained for millenia.But on one faithful day, gold-seeking archeologists digging up the fortress discovered the stasis tube and raised it to surface. Figuring the toa inside was dead, and the tube presented little of value except a mummified toa, shipped it to the area that would one day be Techna.After being moved around, Aihus and his tube wound up a display item Techna's public library, as merely a curiosity.During a battle between the Hackers and Technan security, a stray wound finally destroyed the ancient tube, and leaving the still unconscious body of Aihus on the ground. When the Prince awoke, he was in a hospital, with a strange implant in his brain, surrounded by modern technology. Culture shock silently took him over, and he left the hospital to explore the city, and catch up on several millenia of history. Wandering the ship for a while, Aihus adapted to the new culture and remained neutral in the conflict. However, he never really adapted to the technology. Thus, the crash of Techna didn't affect him as much as others.Being raised in a primitive Kingdom, he'd learned everything from basic farming to city defense. Using this knowledge, he tries to help the Technans adapt to the harsh climate. He now is a prominent militia leader.
  8. IC: "He should be at his office right now," Taro said. "Follow me."
  9. IC: "Jaller can probably point us in the right direction," Tarotrix said. He had a feeling Mevi had came to recruit him. And since Ta-Koro was getting boring, he figured he'd lead the Guard in the battle."I'll come with you two. The guardsmen need some leadership."IC: "Well, Taro, I think it would be wise to start going to the Captain," Aryll said, trying to hide his impatience.
  10. Go HooL!There hasn't been a good horror RPG for a while! Come on people!
  11. IC: "I think we should speak to the Captain first," Aryll said. "I don't think it would be all that polite to send guards to another Wahi without his consent."
  12. IC: "I think I can gather about fifteen guards to help," Tarotrix replied. "I don't think I have the authority to muster more.""I assume the Gukko Force will provide air cover?"
  13. IC: "Yeah, some wacko ice Toa destroyed it," Tarotrix explained. "I don't think there was any deaths, just a huge mess. He's in the jail now, under heavy guard."He remembed Mevi's quest for Twiak, and didn't want to open up old wounds. So, he changed the subject back to the hospital."Aside from the loss of key medical equipment, the hospital's sinking wasn't that bad. The staff was a weird bunch, to say the least. If you had heard the rumors!"OOC: IC: Aryll never really liked Ta-Koro. It was too hot, teetering dangerously atop a freakin' volcano and was very, very ugly. Not Aryll's ideal home. So, he wanted to get out as soon as possible.But he figured he'd let the two catch up.
  14. Yeah, I think I'll spice up the Western and Ebony Sea regions a bit more. There's plenty of room for more bizarre things to be added.I'll clear up the history as much as possible, perhaps shortening and compressing bits of it down a bit. As for the EP thing, I forgot to make the EP entity non-canon. Karz.
  15. IC: It'd been a rather lazy day. Aside from an altercation involving a stolen sweet roll, nothing had happened. So when Taro saw Mevi and a Toa in rather long coat, he rushed towards them. He couldn't hide his joy."I go for a little vacation and you just disappear!" he said in a pseudo-serious tone. IC: It'd been about a week and another shipment of arrows had arrived at Blackwood. About sixty in all, and poison with them. Metack was pleased. Taking the bottles of poison and a brush, he coated each arrow.IC: A pack of explosives on his back, Az quietly entered Blackwood.
  16. Here's a new draft of a previous RPG. The Winds of Change"Change is like the wind. It is ever-present yet rarely felt. But in when storms arrive, the wind both takes and gives."-AnonymousOverview: After decades of isolation and two horrible wars, the Northern continent is beginning to rebuild. But newer, more expansionist factions have begun to rally across the continent, trying to take advantage of this moment of weakness Battling over a land mutated and transformed by Energized Protodermis bombs from wars past, a new opportunity has arrived. With enough manpower and might, anyone has the chance to form an empire, destroy their rivals, and change the continent for good or ill.All the while, the older nations struggle to modernize and keep up with an ever-changing world, competing with newer nations hungry for power. Adding to this, many believe forces in the outside world, who have long believed the continent to be a destroyed, anarchistic world of mutants, has begun to eye the landmass as an untapped resource ripe for the taking. Day by day, the clash of cultures and civilizations spreads like fire, a fire which can either be controlled or fueled... Backstory: For the sake of simplicity, the history will be explained in seperate parts chronicling the recent histories of the outside world and the northern continent.The Outside World: Teridax's Brotherhood discovered and wiped out the Order of Mata Nui. With the Order's knowledge in hand, Teridax modified his plans and soon enacted them. After taking over Metru Nui in disguise, putting Mata Nui to sleep (Causing a lesser cataclysm) and being beaten by the Toa Metru, he allowed the Visorak to invade and occupy the city, as an attempt to keep the matoran there. After the Metru battled and defeated the visorak hoards he allowed them to take the Vahi and flee to surface. While Teridax went to terrorize the Matoran of Mata Nui for a thousand years, the Brotherhood was enacting another part of the plan. With the Dark Hunter-Brotherhood War as an excuse, military forces were expanded, and new research facilities opened up. Perhaps the largest being the aircraft facility.After faking his own death, Teridax reassumed command and ordered the last parts of the plan enacted. By using spies to convince the Nuva that a Kanohi Dragon was attacking a southern island, and thus drew them away from the island. After the Toa left, bombers were sent to destroy the city. And while the Turaga were able to evacuate most of the population, many more perished. Using the city of legends as an example, the Brotherhood threatened to use deadlier weapons against those who opposed them.Many nations chose to surrender without a fight, soon being absorbed into the new Provisional Makuta Empire. Others chose to convene on Nynrah, forming the Coalition of the Free. Thus beginning the Universal Wars. For over four decades, Imperial, unaligned and Coalition nations battled one another for supremacy. Eventually, the unaligned nations were taken, and the Coalition was pushed into the Northern Continent. After the Brotherhood invaded and conquered the Tren Krom Peninsula, the ground war quickly fell into a stalemate. Losses on both sides were so great that each needed time to recover. The second invasion was to be lead by Emperor Teridax himself, but failed to materialize after he was assassinated in Stelt. The resulting power struggle, between factions lead by Icarax and Gorast, drew the universe into the Makuta Civil War.After eight decades of war, Icarax emerged victorious. The Second Makuta Empire was established on Destral. Icarax immediately went to work to reform the system, only allowing a select group of lands to be directly controlled by the empire. In the rest of the conquered lands, puppet governments were established. A hegemony, named the Imperial Friendship Council, was then created to promote mutual trade and defense among the states.Due to the destruction caused by both wars, the Empire began a massive program of modernization and scientific research, pouring billions into new technologies and public works projects. Within thirty years, the Imperial Sphere was industrialized, a shining example of Makutan superiority.The Northern Continent:: Dominated by two ancient nations, Lenuzad and Kollrus, for millenia, the Northern Continent was plagued by war for most of its history. By the time of the Universal Wars, Lenuzad had defeated its rival, and was seeking to establish itself as an international power. So it came as little surprise that Lenuzad became the Coalition's host nation, forcing the continent's lesser nations to follow.While the Coalition's outer nations began to fall, the continent became the most promising safe haven for refugees. Thus it experienced a population boom of astonding proportions. Massive refugee camps sprang up everywhere, increasing in number as the Coalition began to fall. The invasion of the Tren Krom Peninsula was the turning point in the war. After building a massive wall to cut the continent off from the mainland, huge airbases were built to house the Empire's new fleet of airships. The airships, equipped with mutagenic Energized Protodermis bombs (Made to mutate or engulf targets in plantlife) were sent in waves against the weakened Coalition. Entire cities were engulfed in plantlife, scores were mutated, and the populations fled into the countryside, fearful of another invasion.It was the arrival of a last wave of refugees, from the war torn imperial states, that pushed the people of the northern continent out of isolated settlements. The new refugees, clustering in eastern settlements, quickly brought violence to the region. As a result, worried city-states in the North and West united to form the United Commonwealth. Around the same time, the Confederation of Lenuzad was revived in the east. Plagued by economic troubles, the Commonwealth collapsed under the weight of hyperinflation. Thus, the western continent once again became city-states. As the Commonwealth died, new factions were established, mostly by new immigrants in the east. Chief among these were the authoritarian Empire of Vredra and the mysterious realm of Kopaka, New Ko-Metru. In the north, the Harbingers of Bedlam, a small bandit gang for decades, expanded rapidly enough to invade the northern region. Now, 177 years after the destruction of Metru Nui, the destiny of the continent seems uncertain.Gameplay: This RPG is primarily about grand scale factional warfare and empire-building. So that means that players will be given free reign to build their kingdom from the ground up, command armies, and conquer both other players and NPCs. The Staff factions will be far more powerful then player ones, early on. They will act as both the givers of punishment and will further the main storyline. For those who don't want to play Napoleon, there are options. Neutral or unaffiliated characters can start anywhere they please, build corporations, lead revolutions in other player's states or form smaller factions.. Mercenary work is rather plentiful.Like most other RPGs, the In-character (IC) and Out-of-character (OOC) system is in effect. The outcome of faction-faction battles is decided by the players. If no decision can be made, staff will decide. The Northern Continent: The Northern Continent, vast and varied, is defined into six different regions. Each region is divided culturally and physically. A pros/cons section is in place to explain the advantages and drawbacks of each regions to help factions decide where they want to be located.North (Defined as the area north of the Ebony Sea)Made up of forest steppe and coastal swamps, the north was the most sparsely populated region pre-war. Playing host to only a few cities along the Kahviz Trail, it remained miles of vast, untamed wilderness until recent times. Hit little by EP bombs, the north remains mostly untouched. Most settlements are new, carved out of the trees and in small clusters along trails.Pros/Cons: The north is largely untouched by major factions and is an excellent starting point for new factions. However, northerners can easily become isolated from the rest of the continent, due to the small number of trails leading in and out. The Harbingers of Bedlam also pose a major threat, terrorizing villages and raiding caravans across the north. South: (Defined as the area south of the Ebony Sea) The hardest hit by the EP weapons. The south was once the Mega-city of Vharus Nui, a prosperous trading center. Turned into a vast jungle, it gained the dubious nickname 'Green Karzahni' because of the huge numbers of insane mutants, transformed rahi, Zyglak and Ex-Brotherhood raiders that roam the plantlife infested ruins. Aside from small raider camps, only one permanent settlement, a Zyglak village, exists.Pros/Cons: The ruins of Vhaurus Nui present a possible jackpot of gold, weaponry, and supplies. However, trying to settle the Green Karzahni is an insanely daunting task. So only small expeditions are advised. East: (Defined as the area east of the Ebony Sea)The most blood soaked but powerful region. Eastern Kingdoms dominated the rest of the continent up until the EP bombings. The Northeastern half, the most influential part of the region, is primarily mountains and valleys with prairies taking up the rest of the land. The southeastern half is a great river basin, filled with forests, plains and marshland. The far northeast, commonly called 'The Wastes' is mostly flash-frozen forests, mountains and tundra.Pros/Cons: Compared to the western half of the continent, the east has a larger population and far more cities. Newer technology is easier to come by, and refugees with military training are easier to come by. However, new factions in the east are constantly threatened with invasion by the Northeastern powers. West: (Defined as the Area west of the Ebony Sea)Peaceful for most of its history, the west was the breadbasket of the continent. Despite several local disputes between larger city-states, it remained neutral until the dawn of the Universal Wars. The west is largely a flat, fertile plain fed by the Lokya and Culna rivers. The far northwest has a small mountain range and hundreds of hot springs. The population is mostly scattered in city states and villages.Pros/Cons: The west has the largest number of refugees on the continent. These refugees (Mostly Metruans) have made the west's larger cities some of the most advanced on the continent. The west also has few major factions able or willing to take down rivals and plenty of land to conquer. However, the population is centered in large, well-defended cities, which means gathering a rural army is troublesome. The Ebony Sea: (Defined as the landlocked, vaguely diamondlike desert across the middle of the continent)Formerly the center of prehistoric civilization on the continent, the 'Middle Lands' was once vast woodlands controlled by nomadic tribes. Annexed by Lenuzad, it was the location of some of the Coalition's largest military bases. As such it was targeted not for 'Greening' but for complete and utter destruction. Specialized EP bombs reduced the area to dust within weeks.Now a vast, arid sea of black dust, the sea is the main obstacle for traders trying to go from one side of the continent to the other. Wells are exceptionally rare, and small trading posts are usually around them.Pros/Cons: The main trading route between east and west, the Sea could be quite valuable to those who try to tame it. The second most dangerous region, hundreds have perished. Either from dehydration or simply straying from known paths can easily kill an entire army. There is also the threat of the Harbingers of Bedlam, who constantly raid caravans and terrorize villages. The Tren Krom Peninsula: (Defined as the peninsula situated along the southeastern part of the continent)Once a chaotic feudal landscape watched over by Makuta Gorast, the Peninsula was taken by the Empire after a long battle with the Coalition. Seperated from the mainland by a huge wall, the Peninsula has developed its own distinct culture. Transformed into a monsterous city as a result of Icarax's reforms, all that is known by denizans of the greater continent is that it is controlled by a puppet monarchy and huge numbers of Imperial troops are stationed along its borders.Pros/Cons: The Peninsula is heavily defended and virtually invasion-proof. Being part of the greater Makutan hegemony one would doom the entire continent to invasion if it is attacked. Thus, no player will be allowed to enter the peninsula. Period. Locations This section describes faction cities, smaller settlements and important landmarks. North: Saltros: Located in the middle of ancient Kahviz trail, Saltros is a paradise among the trees. Almost every building is made of the finest stone and rare woods. Saltros has a public bath, train system, and a private airport. Even after the Harbingers ravaged and looted it, it still maintains an aura of wealth.It is divided into four districts, divided by the wealth and power of their citizens. The first is luxury cabins, which low-level Harbingers live. Mid-level Harbingers live in the second, basic, cookie-cutter manor houses. The third level is both the hub of Saltros's commerce and where rich raiders live. The last level is Saltros Keep, the city's castle and center of government.Fort Tahu: Named after the deceased Toa Nuva, Fort Tahu was one of the first post-war settlements established in the north. Located near the western border, the Fort is an important trading center. It consists of an outer wall of timber and crudely made cabins within. South: Fanikak: Located in the southeast part of the region, Fanikak looks more like a refugee camp then a city. Made mostly of scavenged materials, Fanikak is surrounded by a wall of scrap-reinforced wood. The interior is made up of a mix of tents and huts. Its port, one of the largest in the continent, is constanting being repaired and rust proofed. It is governed from an old warehouse called Yu'Kolrar.In choke-points around the wall, there are watchtowers with mounted ballistas, and Fire-bomb slingshots. They are in place to deter possible attacks. West: Ghom: One of the most varied cities on the continent, Ghom plays host to a variety of peoples and building styles. Being conquered and influenced by a variety of cultures over the years, the city is a melting pot. There are little to no ghettos or rich communities in Ghom. Rich and poor live side by side, mansions are crammed next to poorer apartments. This odd trait is due to the onion-like city itself. The oldest buildings are around the middle of the city, and the newest skirt the edge. It and the entire Union is governed from an ancient hall called Cedar Keep. It has little to no fixed defenses, because rising immigration has forced Ghom to steadily grow.New Le-Metru: New Le-Metru is more of an airport then an actual settlement. Originally it was a small Coalition runway, just a couple of miles south of Ghom. It was a prime trading spot during the immediate post-war years. Transformed into a true settlement primarily by Metruans, it has became a center of continental air travel.It is made of a gargantuan airport, a factory district (Where airships are put together) and a village that houses workers. Fe-Koro: Fe-Koro was once a small vassel of Nuramith filled with Matoran of Iron. Hit heavily during the war, it was cleared of plantlife by the Nynrah Ghosts. The Ghosts, with the help of the Metruans and several refugee Xians, factories were built in the village. It is about a mile of factories, with a small apartment complex to house the workers. The city is defended by a stone wall. It's located near the southern border.Nuramith: Founded in ages past by the early Dukes of Nuramith, the city is one of the oldest still existing. Made of imported from the east, it stands out among the plains of the west. It's location is the border with the northern region.It consists of a central keep, the walled inner city, the star-shaped outer walls and the outlaying villages under Nuramith's protection.Port Rhoden: Established by refugees, Port Rhoden was transformed over the years into a formal city. Port Rhoden has established itself as trading power rivaling the Union. Rhoden has recently began to play host to various criminal elements. It is located in the northwestern coast.Rhoden city itself is made up of a huge market district, a hall serving as seat of government and a variety of neigborhoods. It is surrounded by an earthen wall. East: Vredra: Gleaming like a beacon across the landscape, Vredra is one of the largest cities on the continent. Filled with some of the most advanced technology and some of the most modern structures, it looks light years ahead of its competitors. It is located around the middle of eastern region, and borders the sea. It shares a northern border with New Ko-Metru.It consists of the Imperial District, the skyscraper-filled center of government and trade, and the residential district, made up of tall apartments.-The Territories: Vredra's large continental empire is divided into six territories. Each one has a distinct purpose. There is District 1 (Farming), District 2 (Industry), District 3 (Military Testing and Training), District 4 (Banking and Trade), District 5 (Mining), and District Six (Air Base).New Ko-Metru: It was in the far northeast, an area covered by little more then mountains, forest and tundra that the first refugees from the Civil War landed. With Kopaka's help, the area was turned into a frozen wasteland within in a year. In the middle of the wastes lies New-Ko-Metru.Carved out of a strange, rock hard blue ice, the city is unlike any on the continent. It is made up of an outer ring, which is a great, icy wall, a middle ring, where the Matoran population resides, and the massive tower of Ko-Travas in the middle.-The Wastes: Closed off from the rest of the world is the wastes. Made up of a rather large chunk of the northeast, the Wastes are miles upon miles of flash-frozen forests. These forests are covered in a permanent layer of frost. This was all caused by the near-enigmatic Kopaka.Suras: Built millenia ago, Suras is one the beautiful cities on the cities on the continent. Hit heavily by EP bombs, Suras was only recently restored to its former glory. It is located around the south of the eastern region, and shares a border with Vredra, along the river Aizun.Suras is made of ancient, imported stone that was only recently been restored. It is filled with over a dozen canals, and is surrounded by a stone wall.-Lenu Duchies: The four other cities that make up the confederation. Vulunos, Asul, Joruc and Yhulvek are all partially self ruling. Each appears to be smaller versions of Suras, and are all surrounded by walls.They are all north of Suras, in a semi-circle formation.New Destral: One of the many settlements ruled by banished Makuta. New Destral was formerly a small city and caravan stop. Emerging relatively unscathed after the bombings, New Destral was conquered by a banished Makuta named Makron. Makron has managed to enslave the Matoran with his army of Visorak.It is a basic walled city, located near the southern coast.Jezria: Jezria was once one of the more corrupt city-states on the continent pre-war. Now it has established itself as the go-to black market post-war. Ruled by a cabal of former Dark Hunters and continental criminals, it is a thorn in the side of most other countries.It is a rather small city, dominated by a spawling market. It has no walls and is rather weak to attack. It is located in the southeast, not that far from New Destral. Factions/Countries: Staff factions, rather large or small, wil be virtually unplayable in-game. This is to force players to form their own factions and take charge of the story. Staff factions range from small city states to empires. Western Factions:Name: The Union of Free Cities (Western Union)Cities/Territories: Ghom (Capital), New Le-Metru, and Fe-Koro.Symbols: The flag of the Western Union is a light blue flag with four black stars (Shaped into a triangle) in the middle. Government: Federal republic.Leader(s): Premier Onua NuvaHistory: Formed for economic reasons after the collapse of the United Commonwealth, the Western Union is a federation of three primarily Metruan-controlled cities. The Union quickly become the hub of caravan activity and the primary western airport. Under the rule of Premier Onua, the Union has entered into a technological renaissance. Boasting the highest number of Nynrah Ghosts, it has became a haven for inventors and the educated. The four cities are the most advanced and organized in the west. Military: The Union has a small standing army, and each city has a militia and police force. Caravans are protected by the 1st Musketeer Company, Union special forces armed with advanced weaponry. The Union has the only western air force, consisting of both armed war-airships and larger transport zepplins. Misc: N/AName: The Dukedom of NuramithCities/Territories: Nuramith Symbols: The flag of Nuramith is a bright red flag with a black arming sword in the middle.Government: MonarchyLeader(s): Duke Harsox IIHistory: Before the war, Nuramith was the superpower in the western region. Founded after the Great Disruption it was the prime economic and military power the region, keeping it in peace for millenia. After the EP bombings, Nuramith emerged untouched. An early member of the Commonwealth, It was vital to the alliance's defense structure. After the Commonwealth's collapse, however, the city adopted an isolationist stance. After the Harbingers of Bedlam took control of Saltros, they began to move towards the west. The forces of Nuramith stopped them and began a campaign against them. A war between the two factions began, and continues to this day.Military: Nuramith has a large army, mostly armed with traditional melee weapons and plate armor. Loosely organized militia are also commonly employed as second line forces. Nuramith also has a sizable cavalry force, with troops mounted on armored Ash Bears.Misc: Nuramith views the Western Union with suspicion, as Duke Harsox views them as a threat to Nuramith's return to power. The result has been several small clashes between Union Caravans and the city's light cavalry.Name: The Free Port of Rhoden City (Port Rhoden)Cities/Territories: Port RhodenSymbols: A dark blue flag with a teal canton in the right corner.Government: OligarchyLeader(s): Turaga Garvon is the city's official leader, but is rumored to be a figurehead for the mysterious Council of Justice. Although the Council's existance has been denied by officials, it is widely assumed to be fact and is an open secret. The Council consists of about seven unknown beings, and all attempts to discover their identities have came up empty handed.History: Founded by refugees from the southern continent during the Universal Wars, Port Rhoden was once a refugee camp. Turned into a formal settlement under the leadership of Toa Vardon, it became a mildly wealthy village of fishermen. After Vardon's death by drowning Turaga Garvon seized control. Garvon pushed for the enlargement of the ports, and sought to establish relations with Xia.After forming a secret trade deal with the Vortixx, Port Rhoden became the first of the city states to import Xian weaponry. This allowed Rhoden to become an economic powerhouse, and the Western Union's closest rival.Military: Port Rhoden has a small police force, which is responsible for hunting down smugglers and forgers. The city itself is protected by the the Toa Kolla, six Universal War veterans who have settled the region. The Kolla defend the city against threats the Matoran-run police can't handle, such as mutants and rahi.Misc: N/ANorthern Factions:Name: The Harbingers of BedlamCities/Territories: Saltros and various war camps.Symbols: A white flag with a black, humanoid hand in the middle.Goverment: Dictatorship with a defined caste system.Leader(s): Lyderon (Skakdi for leader) Az History: As the Commonwealth collapsed under the pressure of inflation related riots, a little over a dozen prisoners escaped from the Commonwealth's main jail. The prisoners organized under the name 'Habingers of Bedlam' and became a band of roving thieves. Soon, the Harbingers began to recruit more recent arrivals into their ranks. One of the refugees was brutal terrorist named Az, who staged a coup within the organization.Within three years, Az managed to change the Harbingers into a hoard of nomadic raiders. After realizing the need for a stable base, Az ordered the invasion of the pre-war tax haven of Saltros. Saltros's militia was destroyed, and the population was massacred. Using Saltros as a base, the Harbingers began to raid caravans on the Ebony Sea, sack and pillage cities in both the east and west, and gather a massive fortune. In order to increase in size, Harbinger membership was opened to anyone willing to come to Saltros, which allowed their ranks to swell.Military: The military is purely a ground based force, and is divided to two sections. The Frontier Section is tasked with fighting the forces of Nuramith in the western front. The Raiding Section is the largest of the two, and is tasked with assaulting cities, raiding caravans, intimidating enemy factions and guarding Saltros,Misc: Harbingers are heavily armed with some of the most modern weaponry available. This is due to strong ties with Xian weapons brokers in Port Rhoden, which keeps the military well supplied.Southern Factions:Name: Fanikak Cities/Territories: Fanikak and the surrounding docks.Symbols: A black-yellow-brown tri-color flag.Government: MonarchyLeader(s): Grand Chieftain Za'Lorvas History: A roving band of Zyglak, recently displaced by Brotherhood forces, decided to take the chance and enter the remains of Vharus Nui. Taking the overgrown remains of the city's western docks as their own, they established Fanikak. Barring outsiders and declaring the remains of Vharus a new Zyglak homeland, the leader of Fanikak has recently began to allow immigrants into the city.Military: Faced with the constant danger of the Green Karzahni, the Zyglak have developed a large and well organized military. Each warrior is trained to face a variety of situations, ranging from defending the settlement from Bandits to guerilla warfare tactics in case of invasion. All have a variety of weapons and armor made to resist rust.Misc: NoneEastern Factions:Name: The Empire of VredraCities/Territories: Vredra City (Capital) and territories one through seven.Symbols: A black flag with the image of a red Phoenix in the middle. Government: Authoritarian stateLeader(s): High General LoravolHistory: A rather large port city in the pre-war years, Vredra was a minor player in continental politics. Internationally, Vredra was a superpower. The had hundreds of colonial city-states and over a dozen islands under their control. An early player in the Universal Wars, the Empire's citizens watched in horror as their dominion fell to the Makuta. With the Empire's rich colonies gone, the city's economy collapsed.Bombarded heavily by brotherhood bombers, the city was reduced to a jungle in a matter of a week. The royal family was killed in the resulting chaos. In desperation, the homeless Vredrans turned to a former Colonel, Loravol to guide them. Loravol managed to lead troops into the ruins and burn every trace of the EP-caused plantlife to ash. Thus, he appointed himself High General and began to conquer the neighboring territories. The result was the largest single country on the continent.Military: Vredra maintains a huge military armed mostly with modern weapons. The army is given the most of modern tech, leaving the Irregular brigades and Navy with sub-standard equipment. Vredra boasts the largest air force north of the peninsula. It has over a hundred ships of various designs and a brigade of paratroopers.Misc: Vredra's government the most tyrannical in all of the continent. Loravol's secret police, the Imperial Security Service (ISS), brainwash the Vredrans and kill dissidents. As in most tyrannies, the press is censored, and propaganda signs plaster the country.The Empire is politically isolated. Its warlike, expansionist policy has garned widespread hatred from other factionsName: The Confederation of LenuzadCities/Territories: Suras (Capital), and the city-states of Yhulvek, Asul, Joruc and Vulunos. The remains of Kollrus are under a council of Generals, and are under marshal law.Symbols: A white-Mata green-white tricolor-like flag.Government: Absolute monarchy. Leader(s): Archduke Sukot History: Only eight decades before the Barraki emerged to conquer the world, the Northern Continent was mostly scattered tribes in villages. The first real civilization in the northeastern region was Kollrus. Ruled by the noted expansionist Aizun the Great, the first area Kollrus tried to conquer the Lenu plain. Directly south of Kollrus, it offered fertile land ripe for exploitation. But once Kolran soldiers stepped into the plain, the Lenu reacted in force. The often bickering Dukes in control of the plain's villages joined together to form the new state of Lenuzad. The war lasted until the League conquered both nations.After the League was destroyed, the remains of Lenuzad reformed under the command of the Archduke Kurzan. Fighting with the also reformed Kollrus until recent times, Lenuzad eventually took over its rival. When it joined the newly created Coalition, the country's fate was sealed. Hit heavily by Makutan bombers, the Confederation's government went underground. Using the eastern region's then lack of factions to its advantage, Lenuzad once again reformed, stronger then ever.Military: Lenuzad's military resources are primarily spent on its vast mounted forces. Thousands of dragoons, burnak-archers, cuirassers and lancers, all ready to mobilize within hours. Thus, Lenuzad has no air force and a tiny navy.Misc: Lenuzad treats the former citizens of Kollrus like vermin. Name: New Ko-MetruCities/Territories: New Ko-Metru and the frozen wastes around it..Symbols: A white flag with a dark blue triangle in the middle.Government: Absolute monarchy.Leader(s): Lord Kopaka and Governor ArvunHistory: The newest of the continent's major powers, New Ko-Metru was formerly sparsely populated forest land inhabited by nomads. That changed when a little over twenty ships, each hauling refugees from Makutan lands, landed on the coast. The refugees, former soldiers, scientists, and mercenaries that fought for Gorast's side, were lead by Toa Kopaka. Immediately, Kopaka used his heightened powers to flash freeze miles of lands. With his entourage, he established New Ko-Metru. From that year on, the city has been a mystery to most. Protected by a constant blizzard surrounding its borders, the realm has the reputation as invasion proof.Military: New Ko-Metru is defended by a diverse array of forces. Most prominent include mounted scouts, huge, sentinent Ice Golems, a civilian militia and select groups of mercenaries. Misc: New Ko-Metru opens itself to immigrants about once a year. However, those who to live in the frozen realm must be Ko, Ce, Fe, Onu or De Matoran. Faction/Country Creation Sheet Name: (The Name of your faction)Region/Location: (Where your faction is, exactly)Culture: (Is your faction comprised of refugees? Or is it a band of natives seeking to return their country to glory?)Armed Forces: (Is your army comprised of rag-tag irregulars? Or is it a noble order of knights? Note that each faction starts off with fifty NPCs with another fifty with every player)Leader(s): (Which characters control the faction?)Government: (Democratic or Authoritarian? Monarchy or republic? If you pick one of the more exotic types of government, please decribe it in detail)Symbols: (Describe such things as national flag, nation rahi, and any other symbols that represent your country)Members: (Who exactly is in your faction?)Misc: (Any thing else of use) Profile Creation Sheet Name: (The name of your character. Keep it Bionicle sounding)Gender: (Male, Female or unknown)Faction: (What faction your character is in)Appearance: (What your character looks like, either in text or picture form)Powers: (Elements and other powers go here. No elements of Life, Light or Time.)Equipment: (Masks, weapons and other things your character owns. Nothing uber-powerful or unique, such as the Mask of Time, Life, Dimensonal Gates, Mothtrek, Light, and Creation.)Personality: (How your character acts)Bio: (Your character's history)Weakness: (Any and all areas your character is weak in.) Rules 1: No god-modding. Period.2: No taking control of other's characters without the creator's permission.3: The standard In Character (IC) and Out Of Character (OOC) system applies.4: No auto-hitting, metagaming, and insta-armies.5: Do not abuse romance and violence. PG-13 levels, please.6: Please, keep posts understandable.7: All BZP rules apply.
  17. I've just made an Argonian sword-shield combo as character number three. I can't help but be amazed at how well it works.
  18. All hail Hapori Dume! Lord of Vahki Power!

  19. In my noob days, I was in control of an evil organization. Keep in mind, this was Locus Abeo, and evil orgs were really, really popular. In an attempt to make my organization stand out, one of me and Dovydas' characters made the mistake of breaking into the Library of Xa-Koro.Tuck imprisoned that character. To this day, I have this lingering feeling that the common sense rule about bases is partly inspired by that...To add insult to injury, Tuck destroyed my Rahkshi army after I made the wise decision to fly it straight into Lightbringer Crusiers. The org never was the same, and was disbanded forcibly after the New Metru Nui affair.I'm still glad my org didn't get melted to death by lasers, though.
  20. IC: Slowly and steadily, Durzan slid the whetstone down his sword. In the corner of the meeting hut, Metack and Haitol laid a map of Ta-Koro across the benches. Putting his blade down, he walked on over to them.To his surprise, he saw the normally anti-social Metack engaging in tactics with Haitol.
  21. Since both the contest has dragged me away from the BZPRPG the past week or so, I think I'll come back.Can someone give a summary on what's up?Oh, and to all who want to know, here's the villian hideout:Name: BlackwoodSize: Small compound.Location: The Charred Forest, Ta-Wahi. Blackwood is located off a little-used courier route.Owner(s): Durzan, otherwise known as Groundskeeper Larikon.Purpose: Base of operations and safehouse for minions of Makuta.Suppliers: 'Letax' (Haitol Kytorikk)Description: Blackwood is made up of the following:-Durzan's hut: A small, one room home owned by Durzan. To be used as a guest house, if such a need arises. It is located directly right of the meeting hall.-Meeting Hall: A larger hut in the center of the compound. The Meeting Hall consists of a large meeting room, with benches, a board of which to post bounties/enemies of Makuta, and a raised platform in the middle. There is also a pantry for food storage and a tiny side room with a cot and medical chest.-Smokehouse: Located near the gate, the smokehouse is where killed Rahi meat is preserved for storage in the pantry.-Weapons Shed: A small wooden shed to the left of the Meeting room. It is used to store a variety of armaments. These weapons range from daggers to longbows.-Barracks: Consisting a large rahi-hide tent behind the meeting hall, the Barracks are where Makuta-servants can rest on one of about a dozen sleeping bags.-The Fence: Made of charred Punji stakes, a wooden fence surrounds the compound. It is high enough to obscure it from the view of most Toa.-Gate: A wooden gate that slides to the right.
  22. Day Run, Hunger Games, and Rust reviewed.
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