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Kohrak Kal17

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Blog Comments posted by Kohrak Kal17

  1. 1. What is my life's philosophy?

    Bengabad block [My philosophy is a place where people live, apparently]


    2. What will my last words be?

    List of National Natural Landmarks in Arizona [i don't even know what any of those places are!]

    3. How am I feeling today?

    Michel Waisvisz [Dead?]

    4. What is my theme song?

    Entrenched Player's Dilemma [Hey! We both got something economically realated]

    5. What will my wedding be like?

    Kovilje [A place in Serbia with 15 people. I don't think so]


    6. What will my funeral be like?

    Miss Brasil 2000 [Nah uh]

    7. How will I be remembered?

    Channel letters [i'll be remembered as a sign letter?]


    8. What is some good advice for me?

    Jordan Cove Energy Project [What?]

    9. What is my life's dream?

    Boca Del Mar, Florida [Never even heard of that place]


    10. What's my kind of lady/man?

    Peter Demos [um...]


    11. How do people see me?

    Cling [Huh?]

    12. How would I describe this page?

    1980–81 Buffalo Sabres season [i have not seen anything relating to that on this blog page...]


    13. How would I describe my best friend?

    Vilsoni Hereniko [no]

    14. What's in store for this week?

    Thomas Henry Tizard [so a zombie is coming this week?]

    15. How would I describe my parents?

    Al-Sadaqua Walsalam Stadium [parents =/= stadium]


    16. If I had one wish, what would I wish for?

    Agamodon [Well, maybe. That might be pretty cool (unless they're hard to keep)]


    17. What do my friends think of me?

    Jan Shipps [A thinker; maybe. Other stuff; no]

    18. What is said about me behind my back?

    Carthage Jail [0_o]

    19. What do I think of this questionnaire?

    Sado Province [if this means random, yes]

    20. How will I die?

    Q-Cells [some company I don't know of is going to kill me?]


    21. Who will I marry?

    19754 Paclements [i'm marrying...an asteroid?]


    22. What is my true self really like?

    Tritonia hombergii [wat2]

    23. What is the most important goal I could ever achieve?

    Shabnam Surayyo [wat3]


    24. If I were to be reincarnated, who or what would I become?

    Valentina Tsybulskaya [wait, there'll be two identical persons?]


    25. Instead of filling out this stupid questionnaire, what better thing could I be doing right now?

    SKIV2L2 [wat4]



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