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Everything posted by kongutohunga

  1. Doe-koo-my. Nyooope, as far as I know. 3! [/clueless] I joined BZ in 08, soo ... Without question, NO.
  2. OK. Pink squishy in head does not have enough street smarts. XD Well, that is true, but my brain is big AND has all the post count stuff. XP
  3. <cough>BECAUSE YOUR BRAIN ISN'T BIG ENOUGH?!<cough> What?! Well, I certainly don't agree with that, Kaji, although, from my experiences, you do seem to have a low IQ. Well, anyone who messes with ME obviously has a low IQ. Nothing personal. Street smarts, not ... smart smarts. You probably have tons of them.
  4. ... T_T ... If it was so obvious that why didn't you answer it? j/k
  5. Now we wait to see if you accept ... *glances back and forth*

  6. ... You're one? :P BTW, I'm Kongu~Tohunga BS01. :)

  7. I accidently removed you as a friend, so you'll be getting a new request ... >>

    so i herd you liek mudkipz ...

  8. YES!!! YOU DID IT!! Here's a cookie. *Hands a cookie* Yay for improvised riddles!
  9. Oh. Nope. You can still have one if you get it right.
  10. kongutohunga


    ... I'm sorry. I know how it feels to have someone close to you taken away ... NOT fun. Sorry again, Nikira.
  11. If you get the riddle right. This one is actually possible.
  12. i hath made dat deezeeze thet maks you dies!!!!@1! YYYAAAOR~!! ... Bye. :/
  13. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelo! Also new riddle: Two owls talking to each other, and one says 'Erm'. If 'Erm' means eybdoog, then what does 'Mre' mean? Please note that this riddle is entirely possible. HINT: What do 'Erm' and 'Mre' have in common? OK Kaji. You asked for less obvious riddles, AND HERE THEY ARE. If two times four equals X, THEN WHAT'S THE ONLY PENINSULA IN SOUTH AFRICA THAT HAS MORE THAN TEN HUNDRED-THOUSAND RESIDENTS?! My dog and your dog are the same height and weight, but one is bigger. How is that possible? If counting to ten takes ten seconds, and counting to two takes five, how many times will you have to run around a gym to be tired enough to buy a powerbar?
  14. BTW, I joined the Emotiwiki! ^_^

  15. Woots. You made it.

  16. Soooo cloose to 2000 ...

  17. kongutohunga


    That is so true. Get a life. j/k XP XP XP Like I'm one to talk.
  18. You're both wrong. Try again.
  19. I SUCK at MNOLG and MNOLGII. I ... don't ... like ... them ... >.<
  20. Just typed in W in that came up ... O_o Anyways ... Uh... ANOTHER RIDDLE: If 2 times square = 9, what is 3 times circle?
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