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Dr. Dremora von DOOM

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Dremora von DOOM

  1. Ahh. one with a mind to question the greatest of all madness: SHEOGORATH!!!!

    may the clouds breathe upon you with breath smelling of bagels!!! ;)

  2. ahh. so it was, you may now try again

  3. Ahh... another video game pyro!!! does you play oblivion or morrowind?? ka-chan and I do, BTW, what level are you again Ka-chan?

  4. ahh... her hair looks liek its on fire

  5. ahh... to sleep or not to sleep...

  6. ahh... YAYZ

    *do u ever feel like your brain has energy storms liek karda nui? scept that karda is the heart*

  7. Ahhh..... the posting thingy is messing it up!

    Ignore the bad spork attempts!

  8. all in all.... School's out, now what? and I am Doin fine!!

  9. allo DX, havent seen you around lately D:

  10. allo! I see ya dropped by meh page!

  11. am back for a 20 minute break, wassup, watdidImiss?

  12. and believe me I am still alive!! HAPPY 4TH!

  13. and by race i mean oblivion race, obvioiusly!

  14. and hello to you to sev... but just so you know, when ya want to say hi to me and stuff, comment on my page that way it makes it less confusing.... kay? that way I have to travel less, and it saves gas!!! :P got all that?

  15. and hello to you, nuju!

    I havent been truly online for a while,

    whats new?

  16. and how is the conquering Kativa?

  17. Approve my blog nao X3

  18. are we nearly to world domination?

  19. are you still there?

    *CLUNK SHVOOOP, gunfire* no hard feelings *turns off*

  20. as in prince, it's a joke get it? the artist formerly known as prince, get it now? ok cool i gotta go, video game camp @ 10:00 in the morning, and i gotta get my "beauty sleep" :P!

  21. asdfjhasdjkfhsdlk sdf;sdalfjsad;lfks;kldfk










    Uber DvD spammed :D

  22. ATTACK!!!!! blah!!


    you just got spammed by DvD

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