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Dr. Dremora von DOOM

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Dremora von DOOM

  1. ZOMG!!!! ur invisible woman nao???

    O_O but... u were GLaD0S then u were EvE then u were- NOW YOUR INVISIBLE WOMAN???












    oh btw... u havn't updated ur bloggy blog in 4 evr.... =o

  2. *throw's bottomless microphone stand like freddie mercury's at you... impaling you and pinning you to the wall* HAVE A HAPPY FREDDIE MERCURY DAY!

  3. *hic*

    thhhatssh shome

    gooooood shtufff....


  4. indeed [/alanshore]

    YOU SIR......

  5. that comment got u an add... buddy ^_^

  6. ahh... her hair looks liek its on fire

  7. no... I live in the capital... she neglects our town though.. we're a bunch of liberals.... and I know her daughter Willow...

    she's a brat..

  8. well, SIR... you did WELL... you are not a FRAUD XD

  9. u used the phrase 'Dear Sir'

    in the OGD... r u keith olbermann?

  10. ZOMG I kno here daughter and am trying to get an interview in with her...

    (i mean... she's talkin to everyone now!!)

  11. who that in ur av/sig/personal pic??

  12. ahh... YAYZ

    *do u ever feel like your brain has energy storms liek karda nui? scept that karda is the heart*

  13. good.... have u read I Am America (and so can you!) ?

  14. I havent said Hi to resev's sister in a while...... oh wait.. is this on???

    oh HI RESEV'S SISTE- CHAN'E I mean!!

    -_- who... that was clo~ AAAGH

  15. do u not wanna be...


  16. Rise and shine mr. freeman..... rise and- shine....

  17. my cellphone's a good listener

  18. karl rove?? NO

    luv... yeah.. a little, but i really not sure weather i ain't just goin crazy (not that jealousy hasn't done that already -_-) :P

  19. i suppose you could call it that... but you'd have to read my blog to really understand,

    it's really wierd, no-one reads it anymore..

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