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Toa Levacius Zehvor

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Status Updates posted by Toa Levacius Zehvor

  1. Reading my old posts and stuff. Makes me want to back in time and stick young me with a cattle prod.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      You can't edit in the archives?

    3. Wotz


      No, nor can you sign in or do anything other than look.

    4. BenLuke


      Last I check, you could sign in.

  2. Updated the About Me page to reflect my personal life better.

    1. Wade.


      Lev, I expected something a lot longer from you, lol.

    2. Wotz




      It's beautiful.

  3. Wait I still have this thing? They never got rid of it? Seriously?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. a goose

      a goose

      It's pretty awesome actually.

    3. Toa Levacius Zehvor

      Toa Levacius Zehvor

      It's like FacebookPower. I hate Facebook. I don't have a Facebook. Because I hate it.


      Farmville die!

    4. Simulacrum




      Farmville, Cityville, and Mafia Wars.


      Running the world since the invention of 'The' Facebook.

  4. Well, I've had Skyrim since Thursday. Words cannot begin to describe. The. Awesome.

    1. Kal the Guardian

      Kal the Guardian

      I went and took the plunge. INTO SKYRIM!!!!!!!! Ok so I might have just ordered it. It should be here any day now, though.

  5. Saw an add for a game called "Bloodmoon". My Elder Scrolls games are crying right now.

    1. ManiacToaLaco


      There was a game called "two worlds" or something that tried to copy the Elder Scrolls. I'll tell you, it shouldn't have even bothered. And Skyrim comes out soon. It will be too awesome for words.

  6. Saw an add for a game called "Bloodmoon". My Elder Scrolls games are crying right now.

  7. Oh, right, text limit. ANYWAYS, in case anyone sees this, I'm gonna start up a new comedy soon. Also, an epic. So, yay!

  8. Oh, right, text limit. ANYWAYS, in case anyone sees this, I'm gonna start up a new comedy soon. Also, an epic. So, yay!

  9. This is bizzare... I can just post here, and it appears on my profile? What is this, that weird site my mother goes on to talk with other old ladies, and everyone at school talks about... Facebook, I think they call it.

  10. This is bizzare... I can just post here, and it appears on my profile? What is this, that weird site my mother goes on to talk with other old ladies, and everyone at school talks about... Facebook, I think they call it.

  11. Woot! BZPower is back! Yay!

  12. So am I. But you know that. Cuz you've been told. And stuff.


  13. Responding to your response, I like to keep my hands in a lot of pots, and I don't like having multiple characters in one group.

  14. Hey Kazi, this is about the Island of Pain. I have one last character allowable to make, and you have nobody in your group as a healer. I can bring in a character with a Mask of Healing if you would like for the new group. Comment on my profile thingy.

  15. And I still go LEV-AK-EE-US, because that's how I always have.

  16. Not realy, it's good and all but I'm an Elder Scrolls person all and all. You cannot beat Morrowind with anything. Ever. At all. :P

  17. Wow, there are a lot of one shots I didn't realize you had made. And they are all here. Yay. Anyways, same as Megatron, though that "where's the love?" was hilarious. I'd ask for the banner, but I have to support a video game for seven more months.

  18. Truth... but what? No offense to BZPRPG fans, but it really doesn't look like it has much work put into it, as compared to an RPG that gets voted in. Don't get me wrong, complete player drive in a world reasonably known is good. But still, it doesn't seem very defined. Then again, I guess that could be a good thing to some.

  19. Lol yeah. Hey, if anyone sees this, could someone explain why BZPRPG is so popular? I mean, it's characters seem very limited, it doesn't seem as storied as a voted in RPG... so, just a question.

  20. Yeah I know it suckit suck sucks. Of cours,e no one is on anymore. Deader than the turtle with turtle cancer.

  21. Hi there. I'm in your base and I'm not going to have Bohrok invade your pants. Because I hate Bohrok. Because they such.... you know what, ignore this.

  22. Hey, Meso, since you're obviosuly still alive, you comin back to Aftermath? People are respawning and want you to poast toast. Anyways bye.

  23. Posting a comment in my own comments. Yay...

  24. Ignore below comment....

    But I did just clean.

  25. Get out of my base people. Shoo. Get, get, get....

    Ah, whatever. :(

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