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Posts posted by Bambi

  1. While all those things you mentioned are definitely a big part of Bionicle, I'd have to say the story. Bionicle is essentially a collection of the legends and stories of many characters. Think about it: how many people who are into Bionicle stopped buying the sets, but continued following the story? I know I did. Around 2006 is when I stopped collecting, but I religiously kept up with the lore. Mata Nui Online Game is arguably the most iconic thing Bionicle ever produced, and while yes, it was made to sell sets, one of the reasons it's so beloved is because of the great world building it did.

    • Like 3
  2. 20 hours ago, TERIDAX941 said:

    I was really tempted to grab it as I never got a chance to play it when it originally came out, but with all the reviews about it, I'm going to wait until they fix the multiplayer and possibly go on sale :P


    19 hours ago, Aiden said:

    The reviews are overwhelmingly negative, which is hilarious. I might grab it in the future when issues are fixed and there’s a price drop, as well.

    As for the last game I played, Slay the Spire. Wonderful game that I swear is impossible to beat. Not even with the best luck and most stacked layout can I beat the final final room.

    At this point, I'm not even sure if I'm going to buy it after it's fixed. Aspyr got caught allegedly using someone's mods in the game, though it seems they removed it.

  3. For anyone interested, Legacy of Evil explains how the Piraka got the canisters. I'd recommend reading the whole chapter for context. Or, just get straight to the point:


    As he descended to bring this news to his partners, Zaktan’s eyes spotted something else. Six large canisters rested on their ends in a row near the base of the mountain. They had obviously been placed there for a reason. Their condition showed that someone had been tasked with taking care of them.

    It took only a short examination for him to determine that these were Toa transport canisters. He had no idea to whom they belonged, nor did it matter, as long as those Toa were nowhere around. With their boat destroyed by the Mana Ko, these would be a perfect solution to the problem of getting to Voya Nui.

    Then an idea struck Zaktan. There would almost certainly be Matoran where the Piraka were going. And what Matoran would not hail the arrival of Toa canisters, and the Toa they inevitably brought? Traveling in these would give an invader a free pass to almost any island.

    He smiled. Even if the Piraka could only fool the Matoran into thinking they were Toa for a brief time, those few hours or days might be all they would need to find the Mask of Life.


    Within the hour, the Piraka had succeeded in hauling the canisters down to the beach. Avak had managed to figure out how they worked and chart a rough course to Voya Nui, with Zaktan’s help. Neither wasted time wondering how they knew just where the island was located. There was, after all, a mask to find.

    “When we get there, remember — you are Toa,” Zaktan said. “Try to act like them… or at least not like your usual selves. The Matoran will welcome us as heroes, little suspecting our true natures.”

    “That’s right,” laughed Reidak. “Hey, look at me! I’m Toa Reidak! Where’s my mask? Where’s my tool? Where’s my swelled head and stuck-up attitude?”

    Zaktan frowned. “Perhaps, Reidak, it would be better if you stay in your canister and let the Matoran come to you. It might be more convincing.”

    One by one, the Piraka climbed into their canisters. Hakann helped Vezok into his and watched as the hatch was sealed. When he was sure no one was looking, he used two quick bursts of his heat vision to puncture a tiny hole in the canister and weld the hatch shut.

    I’m not sure if you can swim, Vezok, old friend, Hakann thought. But I’ll bet you can drown.

    The six canisters moved away from the beach. Each Piraka knew now that there was no turning back. They had abandoned their lives as Dark Hunters and would, now, be actively hunted down as traitors by their former comrades. They were embarking on a new adventure — a chance to steal a mask coveted for ages by powerful factions throughout the universe. If they succeeded in their mission, they would be at war with the world. If they failed, they would be dead.
    As their canisters rode the waves southward, none of the Piraka could picture a life better than this.

    • Like 1
  4. Lately (as in since December lol) I've been getting back into reading, though I've only been reading Star Wars novels. I'm slowly making my way through the post-ROTJ EW books. So far, I'd have to say my favorites have been the Thrawn trilogy and The Truce at Bakura.

    Some other things I'm into are obviously Star Wars, anime (although I haven't been watching it much lately), hockey, some light gaming, and music. Pretty much all I listen to is metal. I also play bass and a little guitar, however I'm not too good at either lol. I'd like to start posting covers online someday, once I work up enough courage and skill.

    • Like 2
  5. Could it be, a birthday on BZP? Why yes, there just happens to be one on this day!

    Happy birthday, @otter!

    Art gifted on the behalf of Mushy, who is currently feeling a bit under the weather:

    Coda 8x10"

    "Pencil, mech pencil on watercolor paper. 17.5hrs. Birthday gift December 13, 2023."

    Enjoy the rest of your special day. ^^

    • Like 6
  6. I have to admit, this was the first time I've ever heard of the term "Zillennial." :P

    To me, it's the second best holiday. It's perfect out, not too cold (where I live), and it's nice to see all the fall decor. I don't ever dress up, I'll just watch some scary movies and eat some candy. I like the marshmallow Kit-Kats the best, though I try to hold off on that so I don't ruin my teeth. :c

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