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Cap'n Tek

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Cap'n Tek

  1. Merry Christmas Everyone... it's more than likely I won't be on tomorrow, so I'm wishing it to everyone now. I hope you remember the reason for the holiday--His name is in Christmas, after all. So, don't be forgetting the reason why we celebrate. Anyways, Have fun and all! I'll inform you all of what I got some time... yeah... If I can put down my Super Paper Mario... I mean... erm... I don't know that yet. . . See ya //.Tek
  2. ...And Now for a Breaking News Report from BZPNN The shutting down of BZP's forums for a week or so has wreaked havoc among those who frequent the forum. Those most dedicated to this Children's Toy Fan-Site have had terrible withdrawals every thing from hand muscle atrophy to slipping into a comatose state. "With BZP gone for so long, I don't know that I'll be able to cope!" Says one young comic artist who calls the Artwork III forum "His Homepage." Others have taken it upon themselves to hunt down those who were behind this attack. One Blogger claims, "I'll find those hackers... and when I do They'll wish they never messed with BZP." Unfortunately, the trail seems to have gone cold, and these "Hackers" have not been found. Still for others this has been a time of survival. A few BZP members have tracked other site members down and held their own "Forum Time." Members would get together and write out "Posts" in notebooks and wait for others to reply. "It was so amazing," a Bionicle Theorist says, "We were still able to maintain a Forum-Like atmosphere--and that is the feeling I need to make my best connections!" He goes on to explain how everyone would rush to the cork-board every time a new topic was tacked up, and how those Back-Seat Modders made sure the rules were still enforced by citing the rules and making sure there were followed... With BZP back everything will soon be back to normal though. Everyone will return to their lives, well other then the 3 people that couldn't take it any longer and decided just to end it all... but for everyone else this is truly a great moment. And that is all for BZPNN, until next time, that is...
  3. Cap'n Tek


    Erm... Methinks she means Joy... still that's quite a typo Sunny =P
  4. Yeah, Next Generation =DD =P
  5. Sunny has mentioned it several times, but our Christmas play was finally due last night. It went beautifully. The songs went well, all the lines were clear and perfect--it was simply awesome. I just pray that those there who did not know the message will truly think about it. Considering we wrote the play (Sunny and I) an d we've been practicing for weeks--and that it went even better then planned, I'm happy. Yeah, last night was great. //.Tek
  6. Cap'n Tek

    New Serials

    Woah! That's an amazing line up there. I can't wait to start reading it!
  7. I love large LEGO structures. Especially those with details. this latest Bickshelf Folder is one such LEGO creation. Hanibal Seems to have quite a knack for Castle themed buildings--most of his work is done digitally it appears, but his Cathedral is 100% real. And 100% Awesome. (Click the thumbnail to go to the Gallery) Quite simply, The details in this building are awesome. The size also is awesome, and the colors are spectacular. Really I have not much to say. View the MOC and enjoy. //.Tek (This MOC is not mine, just pointing it out.)
  8. Cap'n Tek

    Should I

    L. It's the best option...
  9. Heh, You and I seem to agree. Check this out Yeah. I can't stand these sets either...
  10. Quite simply I'm really excited about SSB Brawl now. I stumbles across their site the other day and I've read just about every post =DD Still though, the Music in Brawl is going to be Awesome. My favorite is THe LoZ: OoT Medley. Click Here To go to it! Quite simply, If they sell a soundtrack for the game--I'm buying one... maybe more. I can't wait! //.Tek
  11. 1. Vezon and Fenrakk-- though I didn't take them from my set. I bought them... elsewhere... 2. Nope they were never made... Maybe sometime once they are made I'll edit this guy =P
  12. So, I looked outside--and there was a foot of snow out there--yesterday morning... there was none. Yup //.Tek
  13. Maybe


    Actually, yes. He's a friend of mine =P

  14. Heh, another Random Brickshelf. This one I found a while back and thought it was funny--and well built. Noddy has put together a very well Fantastic MOC depicting a Magic Carpet Race. I love every thing about this--the landscaping at the base is awesome--as well as the little details in the Figs and stuff. Yeah, very cool... (Click for gallery) So, somewhere in the Arabian Desert at the time of Aladin and all, apparently, Magic Carpet races take place. Though... how one could not fly faster then another... or even how there is a limit on how fast a magical gravity-defying object could go is slightly beyond me. But still it's cool. Yeah... I'll stop now... Post your thoughts. //.Tek (As, almost always this isn't mine, Just pointing it out)
  15. Cap'n Tek

    New Name

    Wut you meen? Hmm. As for a Name, I like "Not as Awesome" as has been said... Of course you could always just call yourself "Spectacular" =P
  16. Ah, I love the game of Chess. A battle of the minds. I find it so much fun to try and out smart you opponent. Why am I Talking about Chess? Well, our latest Brickshelf folder is a Fan Made Starwars Chess set. Very cool. This one is From Verycherry who seems to be quite the Starwars fan. (Click to Visit the Gallery) Yeah, quite simple, I agree, but still very cool. I'd defiantly get this if I could. I like all the troops used on both sides. My one complaint that I have is the Fleshie Leah... but other then that it's sweet. Post your thoughts! //.Tek (Again, This is not mine Nor do I claim it as such)
  17. @Spitty: I agree. I just wish Someone would take me up on the debate =P @Dokuma: Heh nice. That it is @Zonis: Yup =D
  18. Yeah, you read right Not MOC but rather Mock... A while back I found that one can almost make a whole Toa Inika (Or Mahri or a Piraka... or even, it appears, Phantoka [both Toa and Makuta]) using almost all Pearl Dark Grey (AKA: Gunmetal). I quickly snapped a Toa together, and here he is. I guess the thing that is decent about these kinds of Toa is their articulation. They can move at their hands, feet, knees, elbows, thighs, shoulders, and their necks (13 points of articulation for those keeping score at home). Thus one can pose them, like So: My main complaint however is the proportions in these characters. Especially the length of their arms. In normal humanoid builds hands come down to the mid thigh--not to or past the knee... Another thing I have against these designs is the shoulders. Again in normal humanoids shoulders have about the same broadness as their hips, yet with the new Piraka Torso (And even more in Kongu Mahri's torso) the shoulders are way too broad... So, there you have it. These guys are Action figures--they're becoming almost as bad as the old Galador sets, and while one can still MOC with their parts it's becoming harder and harder... Yes I know this has been covered by many before, but these are my thoughts on the matter. I am open to any points that one may have--either for or against. Yup Oh, and if you're curious here's the Gallery. //.Tek
  19. Yup, just incase you don't read the front page anymore a bunch of us members have been telling everyone it's Thanksgiving today... Yeah, that was corny I know... Anyway, I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Truly use this day to think about how much everyone has been blessed. We have houses, tons (and tons and tons) of food, we have friends--hey if you don't have any of that, you have the internet--and you're alive! Yeah, I say we should make every day Thanksgiving, because really, even when life seems bad, there is still so much to be thankful for... //.Tek
  20. Cap'n Tek

    36 Out Of 36

    Yes indeed it was. Cool stuff. Unfortunately I didn't get any misprints--I did just buy a few from another shop though I got both brown misprints and a few others... along with the Rest of the Noble Masks =D Fun Stuff =D
  21. Cap'n Tek

    36 Out Of 36

    xD Sunny asked me the same thing... The thing is LEGO has never made a Trans-Brown. It doesn't seem very practical. Trans-Orange is the closest they could get with what they had-- and it's not bad
  22. Cap'n Tek

    36 Out Of 36

    I finished off my collection of the 36 Great Masks. The final mask (my trans-Black Kaukau) came in last week. I made the display out of a cork-board, paper and electrical tape provide the white and the black. Yeah I'm happy. (Click for Gallery When it's public) Links: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A while back I found 30 mask packs for about 73 cents each (Yeah, very cool deal) and in those I got most of the 2001 masks--most were duplicates sadly (I have like 6 white Kakamas) and no misprints, so I've been filling out my collection little by little. But Now I have the set of Great Masks--Yes I do have all the gold and silver ones as well (With the exception of a gold Akaku) but I wanted just the 6 basic colors in the display. I plan on getting the 9 noble masks that I'm missing eventually but for now enjoy. By the way, how much would someone give me for this whole display? All 36 masks, the heads and the frame it's on... Just curious... //.Tek
  23. Well, I haven't posted in a while so, here's an update for everyone: In my MOCs. I've redesigned all the Toa Mata--and even added a few, such as a Toa of Plant Life and a Toa of Lightning. I have a Toa of Gravity in the works--as well as an almost finished Toa of Magnetism (Most likely to be Jovan) and I have Takanuva in the works as well. All these Toa Have the same Torso Design yet, each are unique. I'm quite happy with how they all look. Yes, I'll get Pictures up eventually... I recently finished off my Great Mask Collection--I have a Draft post about it that I will post once I've uploaded pictures. Yeah, I'm quite pleased with myself for being able to track these masks down--the Noble Masks are next. Lastly, I Received my Master of Bionicle Prize from Greg today. It's awesome. I'll take a picture of it once it is framed. Yeah, Today has been a good day. Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving Week Everyone! //.Tek EDIT: Oh, one more thing--I just finished Tohunga Hali--that makes something like 17 Tohunga now. Yeah, It's been a good day...
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