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Mister Electon

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Status Updates posted by Mister Electon

  1. Imma tryin' t do the same t you! :P

  2. It WAS at the bottom of my intrests list, then I realised people would only read 1-2 of my paragraphs. :P

  3. How are you OM NOM NOM feeling?

  4. Your banner is too big. ;)

  5. I guess I'll make avatars with the banners. :P

  6. Witch one? Yours, or The obiwan one?

  7. Sure. :)

    That game was a thriller!! I stayed up till 12:00+ Watching that. :P

  8. PITT deserves to lose. :(

  9. They blew it into 2nd OT. D:

  10. Ur lead at half is the last lead you'll see tonite. :P

  11. Happy Happy Birthday!!! :)

  12. It's still too far away. ;)

  13. Ya, not goin, to expensive and too far. :(

  14. If you make a s.p.a.m. banner and/or avatar, I will use them and get you some publicity. :)

  15. You should try a battle droid or somthing. (From star wars)

  16. Lol, yeah, I'll PM you the link. ;)

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