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Mister Electon

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Status Updates posted by Mister Electon

  1. You thinkin of entering BBCC #57?

  2. You thinkin of entering BBCC 57?

  3. Ever think of dctalk having a final concert in 2011 for a 10 year kind of thing? I just thought of that. Far fetched, but it could happen.

  4. So the new tobymac album is coming out, but I already heard 3 songs in the winter wonder slam. Still can't wait! Already pre-ordered the CD.

  5. Good luck with that! :P

  6. Your banner is WAYYYYY to big. ;)

  7. I get what you mean, but I don't think all 3 of them would agree on tobys style....

  8. It was 2001 right? I know toby's first album was made in 2001.

  9. And they were saying that "when: stuff since 2001 when they took an "intermission."

  10. No offence to the ther two, I like Toby's current music. ;)

  11. You're a newer member so I'm being welcoming. :)

  12. You at least gotta feel good for tebow and meyer winning their bowl. :)

  13. Tough break man, sorry. :)

  14. I know, I'm just looking at the votes though. #5 is a big challenge.

  15. You're welcome. :) You might win. :)

  16. 'Sup Porky =P My name tends to get comments like this. :)

  17. PITT WINS!!!! Now let's see what WVU does. :D

  18. lol I thought someone would say that! :P

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