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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    ..probably isn't all that different from the life of the average person.
    But the life of a good, entertaining blogger! That's a hard job. That's a job I don't really think I can handle!
    So, in lieu of being a good blog writer, having funny images, writing funny stories, using funny memes, or essentially doing anything the blogs I like to read are doing, I shall instead attempt to entertain you with my actual life. Let's see how this goes.
    The first bit of life-ing I'd like to discuss is my awesome girlfriend. She's awesome, you guys! I don't know if I blogged this at the time, but she made me a painting which is on my wall, and she got me a BIONICLE set for Christmas (you people here can appreciate that, right?), and she makes food and gives it to me.
    A few days ago she brought me some enchiladas, which were delicious.
    And on top of all that, she's also fun to be around and she makes me smile.
    I really don't know what I'm bringing to the table here that justifies all that, but I won't complain. =3
  2. Bitter Cold
    There's way too much that's happened/is happening for me to choose one thing!
    Let's move past all the stuff I missed and talk about Valve's new game Alien Swarm, shall we?
  3. Bitter Cold
    My sister got it yesterday. She's already on Day 25.
    She kills a lot of Pikmin. o_O
    The music is repetitive. There's one song. One. Song.
  4. Bitter Cold
    I got my Gorillapod in the mail today! =D
    For those of you who are thinking "What?", a Gorillapod is a flexible grippy tripod from a company called Joby. You can wrap it around things, you can move the legs to better footholds on bumpy surfaces, you can hold it to stabilize your camera, etc.
    I meant to take a picture of mine, but I ran out of camera battery life.
    Anyway, mine's the basic model and it's green. I love it, it's really tight and can grip on all kinds of stuff like doors and chairs and sleeping cats.
  5. Bitter Cold
    I'm writing a song all about you
    A true song, as real as my tears.
    But you've no need to fear it,
    'Cause no one will hear it:
    Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.
    I'd tell all about how you cheated
    I'd like for the whole world to hear.
    I'd like to get even
    With you 'cause you're leavin',
    But sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.
    It's a good thing that I'm not a star
    You don't know how lucky you are
    Though my record may say it,
    No one will play it
    Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.
    It's a good thing that I'm not a star
    You don't know how lucky you are
    Though my record may say it,
    No one will play it
    Sad songs and waltzes aren't selling this year.
  6. Bitter Cold
    And slower than ever!
    Haha, I know it'll get back to normal before long. I'm glad we're back online.
    And, considering the time put in by our staff to get this place working again (and considering I've missed blogging in more than 140 characters) (and also considering I have birthday money), I'm going to get me a Premier Membership. That has little to do with the forums coming back, but this blog is about me. =P
    What I'm saying is it's time to celebrate! *cracks open coconut*
  7. Bitter Cold
    Tune in to CMT (channel 166) at 4 PM Central on Saturday. This Saturday.
    Or at 9:30 PM.
    Or you can set it to record. Just watch it. I'll tell you why after you watch it.
  8. Bitter Cold
    I'll give you Phantom Hourglass, you give me Shockwave.
    Because if you were going to buy the game retail, it'd cost more than Shockwave, but if I sold it at Gamestop, it'd be less than Shockwave.
    I have box and instructions too.
  9. Bitter Cold
    Cowards die many times before their deaths;
    The valiant never taste of death but once.
    Of all the wonders that I have yet heard,
    It seems to me most strange that men should fear,
    Seeing that death, a necessary end,
    Will come when it will come.
  10. Bitter Cold
    Ben got a DSi too. So now Ben, Hayley, and Dallas have one... Eh, I don't have a job.
    Oh yeah, Brian got a job at the local restaurant. Apparently he doesn't like it much, but hey, it pays.
    I need to see if the place where Ben works has any openings, it's a bakery.
    Wow, this is weird, talking about jobs. I'm 15 for crying out loud. =P
  11. Bitter Cold
    We went to St. Louis and stayed in a hotel overnight, just to get out of the house. They have a pool and I swam. Swimmed. Swum?
    And apparently I'm not getting to Target anytime soon.
    And also I consumed a lot of food. We had candy (Easter!), and Doritos (Sweet and Spicy Chili Doritos are my new fave), and a breakfast buffet at the hotel. Then we went to my grandparents' house and ate there for dinner and helped them with some stuff and talked and whatnot.
    =D (except the Target part)
  12. Bitter Cold
    I spent part of today wandering town looking for stray Wi-Fi signals I could use with my DS.
    Didn't find any useful ones. All the ones with consistent transmissions were locked.
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