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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    It roxorz.
    I always love when LEGO throws something random and almost unnoticeable into the magazine. If I was just skimming, I wouldn't have noticed those guys. I even went to the LEGOclub website to see more! =O
    Maybe the single most epic BIONICLE comic ever.
    But..that's Jaller on the back..with a giant Vahki leg... Huh?
  2. Bitter Cold
    That was a BZPer.
    His name and av/banner is themed around Bionicle.
    He has topics about Bionicle.
    Bionicle is in his interests list.
    I love the whole world, and all its hypocrates, boom dee ah dah boom dee ah dah...
  3. Bitter Cold
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Kualus just got awesome, and now he might die? =( 
    Also, on a completely unrelated note, I feel it neccessary to post this:

    I swear to every deity known to man, that's not an edit.
  4. Bitter Cold
    So, three things off the top of my head:
    1) I want to join the TTGL namechange fad. Can someone do me an av-banner combo for Simon? =D
    2) The next Bionicle.com video update has a screenshot of the island of Mata Nui still intact. MYSTERIOUS.
    3) Click my siglinks please?
    Oh yeah, and everybody applaud Wrack for remembering the fifth of November. I almost missed it. =)
  5. Bitter Cold
    But wait. Shouldn't Metru Nui be..in his head? Or was it his face?
    What happened to all the Mata Nuians on Mata Nui? Did they all just die?
    Imma go read the GregF Blog.
    But that was pretty dang sweet.
  6. Bitter Cold
    I can't go to Bionicle.com on the school computers. It's blocked.
    GAAAaaaaAAaAAAaaaaAAAaaAGGgGgaGaaahhAHAHhAhhahhhhaahHHH!H!!!!! >=O
    Waitin', I guess.
  7. Bitter Cold
    ..always seem to inspire MOCs.
    The BBC forum is flooded with Mata Nuis..
    ..And I don't mean to offend, but most of them suck.
    They don't look anything like the image..
    ..not like they could..
  8. Bitter Cold
    It's Halloween (Wow, really?), and a bunch of people came to school in costume...
    There's no rule that says you can't wear a costume every day, actually.
    People are sitting behind me, inquiring about my blog.
  9. Bitter Cold
    And the crowd goes wild!
    Exciting! I'm glad for clearer pics, but I can't help but wonder one thing: where do they come from?
    The popular belief, I guess, is that LEGO releases them to a select group of people and someone puts them online. But why does it happen over and over? It seems like they'd catch on. I see no reason for anyone but the set designers and marketing to see the sets before release, so why don't we see more leaked stuff, like progress reports and ad campaigns?
    The other option is that they release them on purpose. They want the internet crowd to get excited about them, because to new buyers they're just toys, but to fans they're developments in Bionicle style. Everybody wants to know where their favorite toy line is going. Maybe LEGO is doing this as a sort of hidden marketing campaign.
    Or maybe there's a spy out there who doesn't work in Sets, but steals images from the people who do. Maybe a hacker.
    I just don't see how leaked images could get out this many times and not get caught.
    Now for my thoughts on the sets!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I also disapprove of Raanu's hands. 
    And why are Tarduk's arms backwards!!?
    But the helmety weirdness of Berix is cool, and all the new old weapons are sweet.
    Metus is FAIL.
    Zesk is pure WIN.
    Skrall's weapon seems MOCy.
    Malum has a Krika arm..
    Hooray for LEGO CGI piece-warping!
    Umm..Tarix is FAIL.
    Strakk's body design is neat, but all those gimmicky new pieces...no. Also, weapon is FAIL.
    Are those solid-color Piraka feet I see on Vorox? He's all weird and stuff.
    Fero: Krika-head! Skirmix: Freakish and not good.
    I kinda like..some of them..
  10. Bitter Cold
    The part of the show where you, the viewer, can submit your questions and have them answered!
    That's right! Ask me anything.
    DA RULES: BZP rules. Also, don't ask me my name, location, school name, phone number, etc. Post your questions here as comments, and I'll edit 'em with answers.
  11. Bitter Cold
    I've got a secret
    I've been hiding
    Under my skin.
    My heart is human
    My blood is boiling
    My brain IBM.
    So if you see me
    Acting strangely
    Don't be surprised
    I'm just a man who
    Needed someone
    And somewhere to hide
    To keep me alive
    Just keep me alive
    Somewhere to hide
    To keep me alive.
    One of my favorite bands ever, Styx.
    5 points if you can guess who I am.
  12. Bitter Cold
    I'm sneaking some time online.
    I'm done with homework, and about to get a shower. I'm typing quietly.
    Total freakiness earlier. My mom got ahold of an old songbook that'd been hidden in my room, we found it after cleaning after getting the roof fixed (long story), and she was singing random songs out of it and it was weird. Made it hard to concentrate on Spanish, too.
    Anyway, my sister found her old diary and was reading some old entries out loud and that was wierd too.
    My marching band director decided we should practice outside, first hour. It's cold. My fingers don't work right.
    Also I got my flu shot.
    So that's today in a nutshell.
    I'll pretty this blog up later, when I figure out how.
  13. Bitter Cold
    Keepin' up with the news. =)

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Wow, it's Mata Nui!!1! 
    *Ahem* I guess it's epic enough, but it's way too smooth. There better be some intense coloring done to make him look as big as he is.
    Did I mention that he looks like he's shooting missiles? =P
  14. Bitter Cold
    Been listening a bit to the Chicago Independent Radio Project.
    On an unrelated note.. Here's how your occupations compare with your values:
    Singer has 5 out of 9 of your values
    Animator has 5 out of 9 of your values
    Musician has 5 out of 9 of your values
    Artist has 6 out of 9 of your values
    Toy designer has 6 out of 9 of your values
    however bear in mind that two of them were "2 or less years training" and "A good salary I can depend on, maybe not the highest" soo yeah
    but what if I did them all at once? or at least, like, more than one
  15. Bitter Cold
    But I don't really care anymore. I'm not feeling much like a blogger these days. Which is fine, since I don't usually have a blog.
    Hey, I got Oh No in the mail yesterday. I know all the songs, but it's fun. OK Go is great.
  16. Bitter Cold
    But instead, I'm going to talk about cappuccinos!
    I got one today because I was a zombie. (For you forward-thinking people, stock up on coffee for the zombie apocalypse!)
    I'd like to discuss how tasty they are. They are quite tasty. Mine was vanilla. My mom is all "How can you drink those, they're so sweet!" And I'm like, "How can you drink coffee, it's so gross!" Because cappuccinos are like, coffee for people with taste buds.
    Check this out, guys, if you don't already know. If you go to a convenience store, you can probably get a cheap refill on really any sort of drink, if you have your own cup. I can get a big ol' cup filled for cheaper than I can get the biggest size drink they have. And their cup is smaller than mine! So I spend less and get more that way. B)
    I usually don't buy them, though, because I don't have a lot of money anyway. But when I'm expected to do yard work on like three hours of sleep, I make exceptions. =\
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