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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    Actually, my creativity is being blocked.
    I have videos on "the site that must not be named," and I can't figure out how to play them through Google Video.
  2. Bitter Cold
    This is a ploy to make BZPower seem like a less-great force, as will be shown by LEGO Magazine when they get entries into the contest.
    It has to be at least a foot tall, have nearly no bionic parts, no masks, no weapons, and it has to be done before the end of the month?
    I think it's a trick.
    Or maybe it's just my defense mechanism because I probably won't even get entered in time. =\
  3. Bitter Cold
    I've thought since I got Prowl that he should have a katana, maybe two. They'd be easy to store in both modes.
    Also I got Atakus. And Drill Dozer for $10. Haven't played Drill Dozer yet. Atakus is cool and bizarre.
  4. Bitter Cold
    -----Samurai mode

    Prowl's Samurai mode reminds me of a tank. It's bulky, it's smooth, and it looks nearly indestructable. It changes his appearance almost completely, leaving only the lower parts of his legs, and his arms unaffected. (his thighs are partially armored on the sides, and his biceps are covered by shoulder armor.) The suit looks awesome from every angle, except the back.
    From the back you can see some gaps in armor.
    He has a sword thing (it's also a shield, I guess) on his arm. You can put it on whichever arm you like. It has awesome paint, but it's kind of short.
    His helmet looks cool from the front. It's got a tall crest on the front, which is transluscent blue plastic that's painted gold. It goes down and forms the sunglasses as well. The sunglasses themselves are not symmetrical. The left lens is larger than the right. I'd guess that in the upcoming episode involving Samurai Prowl, he goes a bit crazy with power, and that's why the glasses are shaped like they are. It's weird, but it's easy to overlook. The sunglasses go over Prowl's regular sunglasses, which causes them to jut out from the face rather oddly. It creates a very strange profile.
    Adding to this effect is the fact that most of Prowl's face shows through the helmet. I think if the helmet had it's own face sculpt, the weird profile could be resolved. The helmet remains attached to the armor when he wears it, which keeps his head from looking to the side. However, he can look up a little, and down a little, and can tilt his head to the side.
    -----Regular mode

    Prowl looks very ninja in his normal robot mode. He's essentially the same figure as the last Prowl, but there are a few changes.
    He has light piping. It doesn't go through his head, though. His sunglasses are assymetrical just like the ones on his helmet.
    There's an odd nosecone bit on his chest that goes down to just above his hips. It looks better in Samurai mode, but worse in regular mode (in my opinion).
    His fingers aren't painted tan. They're black. Also, there are tabs on his forearms so you can attach his weapon.
    The arrows on his forearms are backwards. On "regular" Prowl, they pointed toward his hands (toward the back of the motorcycle). This time they don't.
    Under the lights on his arm, there is a sort of ridge. It helps the lights stay in the right place in robot mode, and it does something in motorcycle mode that I'll mention later.
    The wings on his back look different this time around. The gold part is actually raised, and it's angled a lot more. There are what appear to be joints on them (I'll let you figure out that magic on your own).
    The gas cap is painted gold. On "regular" Prowl it's grey.
    He has swivel joints at the top of his thighs. This is awesome for posing, but a bit of a pain transforming.
    His thigh armor is black, not gold. Also, the shape you had to cut the old ones into for poseability? It's already that shape. But it doesn't need to be: the lower leg never touches it.
    This part annoys me. The shurikens are still here from last time...
    But their paint doesn't match the other side of the wheel.
    Here's one of the shurikens.
    Except it's not a shuriken. There's no gears in there, just round things. And the blades are attached to them. You can't pull the blades open if you try. But if you have "regular" Prowl, you can put his shurikens in there instead. They won't match, but neither do these ones.
    The transformation is a little bit more picky than "regular" Prowl's.
    The only pictureworthy bit is this. The ridge I mintioned before is there to keep the lights from being the attachment that holds the back end together. They line right up, and it's much easier to seperate them.

    From the side, this one looks a little weirder than before. It's just the wings. They look more "Animated," but they curve forward and I think it looks strange.
    Here you can see where the sidecar attaches. There's two slots.
    Since the hands are black, it's a lot harder to see them in the back, which is good.
    -----Sidecar attached

    The sidecar is painted with exactly the same colors as the motorcycle (thank Cybertron). I think it's kind of cute. =P
    From the top, you can see the gaps where the seat should be. I have no clue where the motorcyclist is putting his right leg, either.
    The headlights in the sidecar shine a lot more because there's nothing behind them.
    The wheel on the sidecar is split in half. One half is a little bigger. That half spins.
    You can't see it if you look from the other side. Well, you can a little.
    There's some super-cool lines going on in the windsheild of the bike. You can find similar ones in Lockdown's windshield. Coincidence?
    There are similar lines in the windshield of the sidecar.
    -Many different combinations
    -It's a motorcycle with almost no kibble
    -Lots of poseability (more if you have a knife*)
    -Transluscent blue (yes, that's its own Pro)
    -Paint continuity (more of a not-con but still)
    -Still has kickstand, so you can display him however you like
    -Finnicky transformation
    -Weird helmet sculpt
    -No shurikens
    -Seriously out of scale with everyone else
    -----Final thoughts
    I loved Prowl before he got a suit of armor. I think any Transformers Animated fan should definitely check this guy out. Even if you already have Prowl (hey, then you can substitute shurikens!). He's really cool, and there are some really brilliant ideas in his design.
    *there's a little bit of plastic in his knees that restrict them from moving much. You can shave it out with a knife and grant him mroe poseability. Also you can shave down the outside edge of his foot, where it makes contact with the balljointed section, and give his feet more movement (this works on "regular" Prowl too).
  5. Bitter Cold
    Went swimming yesterday.
    Went to school today.
    Kinda like the darkness in the morning, but it's WAAAAAY too early. Had to get up at 4:30 to get a shower, wait for Morgan to get a shower, and get out the door in time to wait for the bus.
    Our classes are short. All the teachers spent them talking about how we should be nice to the little kids, even though we're not going to see them probably at all.
  6. Bitter Cold
    There you go
    You're always so right
    It's all a big show
    It's all about you
    You think you know
    What everyone needs
    You always take time to criticize me
    It seems like every day I make mistakes
    I just can't get it right
    It's like
    I'm the one
    You love to hate
    But not today
    So shut up, shut up, shut up
    Don't wanna hear it
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get outta my way
    Step up, step up, step up
    You'll never stop me
    Nothing you say today
    Is gonna bring me down
    There you go
    You never ask why
    It's all a big lie
    Whatever you do
    You think you're special
    But I know, and I know, and I know, and we know that you're not
    You're always there to point out my mistakes
    And shove them in my face
    It's like
    I'm the one
    You love to hate
    But not today
    So shut up, shut up, shut up
    Don't wanna hear it
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get outta my way
    Step up, step up, step up
    You'll never stop me
    Nothing you say today
    Is gonna bring me down
    Don't tell me who I should be
    And don't try to tell me what's right for me
    Don't tell me what I should do
    I don't wanna waste my time
    I'll watch you fade away
    So shut up, shut up, shut up
    Don't wanna hear it
    Get up, get up, get up
    Get outta my way
    Step up, step up, step up
    You'll never stop me
    Nothing you say today
    Is gonna bring me down
  7. Bitter Cold
    I just got back from the SB party; pretty cool.
    They had a match between the members and their parents, in which I didn't participate 'cause I was busy debating things like whether homosexuality is a choice, what causes people to have morals, and whether there really is a god. (don't discuss that stuff please)
    There was also an astounding amount of food. =D
  8. Bitter Cold
    Pretty cool episode. Although there were a lot of weird parts where BB or Prime had their arms up and it looked really weird, I don't know what I'm talking about.
    I didn't remember Wasp's voice being like that, but I didn't remember his voice at all.
    That color change thing didn't make much sense.
    Jetfire and Jetstorm have accents. And they don't understand idioms. And they're cool. Jetfire is cooler though, and his powers make slightly more sense.
    Totally did not expect that ending.
  9. Bitter Cold
    *that may or may not be an exaggeration.
    -I now have (at least temporarily) a jo..well I can't call it a job because I don't work for anyone. My mom has another job and I can help for money. There we go. Optional job.
    -This may mean I'm not on BZP as much. I'll still be on of course, but yeah, I likes me money.
    -BZPower's back online. Also, the sky is blue, and water is wet. Ice is cold. Fire is hot. I am incredibly observant and catch things that many do not.
    -I'm working on an entry into Czar's Sanitarium Contest, which can be found (cough cough) and criticized (cough) here.
    -One of my friends from way back when is back at our school.
    -30 Rock is an awesome show.
    -And we live a life of ease; every one of us has all we need. Sky of blue, and sea of green, in our yellow submarine.
  10. Bitter Cold
    Got to ride a Segway. Very cool. Hard to stop though.
    Also, went to Wallyworld. They haven't had a single Vorox since the Glatorian came out (that may be an exaggeration but I've never seen any), so of course the day I have no money, they restock.
    Also, their TF Deluxes are thirteen dollars. O_o
    Also aaaaalllssssooooooo, I have to put in some random thoughts into this blog later.
  11. Bitter Cold
    I'm addicted to stress, that's the way that I get things done.
    If I'm not under pressure then I sleep too long
    And I hang around like a bum and I think I'm going crazy and that makes me nervous.
    Everybody's out to get me but I feel all right
    Everybody's out to get me but I feel all right
    Everybody's out to get me but I feel all right
    Everybody's thinkin' 'bout me.
  12. Bitter Cold
    Inconspicuous link is inconspicuous
    They made..specialized backgrounds! =O
    And..the Glatorian all look awesome there.
    And yes, I know I'm late, lol.
  13. Bitter Cold
    I'd have bought Vorox (obviously), but they didn't have any.
    Anyway, all the bashing on him is unfair. True, if he didn't have gold, he'd be boring. But he has gold. It's glorious.
    His weapons are awesome (and gold), and the light blue bits are sweet. The color distribution doesn't look bad, but I would have liked more Mata blue, because the Metru blue is..well, it's dark. And there's a lot of it. He looks like "the black set" instead of "the blue set."
    Also, his mask is cool.
    And I have a problem with the hands, which I will discuss later with diagrams.
  14. Bitter Cold
    I was driving on the freeway in the fast lane
    With a rabid wolverine in my underwear
    When suddenly a guy behind me in the back seat
    Popped right up and cupped his hands across my eyes
    I guessed, "Is it Uncle Frank or Cousin Louie?"
    "Is it Bob or Joe or Walter?"
    "Could it be Bill or Jim or Ed or Bernie or Steve?"
    I probably would have kept on guessing
    But about that time we crashed into the truck
    And as I'm laying bleeding there on the asphalt
    Finally I recognize the face of my hibachi dealer
    Who takes off his prosthetic lips and tells me
    Everything you know is wrong
    Black is white, up is down and short is long
    And everything you thought was just so
    Important doesn't matter
    Everything you know is wrong
    Just forget the words and sing along
    All you need to understand is
    Everything you know is wrong
    I was walkin' to the kitchen for some Golden Grahams
    When I accidentally stepped into an alternate dimension
    And soon I was abducted by some aliens from space
    Who kinda looked like Jamie Farr
    They sucked out my internal organs
    And they took some polaroids
    And said I was a darn good sport
    And as a way of saying thank you
    They offered to transport me back to
    Any point in history that I would care to go
    And so I had them send me back to last Thursday night
    So I could pay my phone bill on time
    Just then the floating disembodied head of
    Colonel Sanders started yelling
    Everything you know is wrong
    Black is white, up is down and short is long
    And everything you thought was just so
    Important doesn't matter
    Everything you know is wrong
    Just forget the words and sing along
    All you need to understand is
    Everything you know is wrong
    I was just about to mail a letter to my evil twin
    When I got a nasty papercut
    And, well, to make a long story short
    It got infected and I died
    So now I'm up in heaven with St. Peter
    By the pearly gates
    And it's obvious he doesn't like
    The Nehru jacket that I'm wearing
    He tells me that they've got a dress code
    Well, he lets me into heaven anyway
    But I get the room next to the noisy ice machine
    For all eternity
    And every day he runs by screaming
    Everything you know is wrong
    Black is white, up is down and short is long
    And everything you used to think was so important
    Doesn't really matter anymore
    Because the simple fact remains that
    Everything you know is wrong
    Just forget the words and sing along
    All you need to understand is
    Everything you know is wrong
    Everything you know is wrong
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