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Bitter Cold

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Blog Entries posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Bitter Cold
    The Adventures of Dr. McNinja Issue 1:
    Meet the Doctor and his Friendly Staff
    Page one.

    Just change the number to go to the next page, 'cause deeplinking them takes forever. (go from 1p1, to 1p2 and so on until 1p22)
  2. Bitter Cold
    My local Walmart, last time I was there, had its Phantoka for $9, and its Deluxe TFs for $7.77.
    Now the Phantoka are back to $13 (there's only been one Lewa set there for a while, lol), and the TFs are back to $9.
  3. Bitter Cold
    I did a school project about mechs.
    In collaboration with a friend. Which lead us to much ridiculous humor. More on this later.
  4. Bitter Cold
    Props if you got that, which maybe like one person might.
    Anywho, I made a huge discovery.
    Go to BIONICLE.com, and go to the..I think it's the Downloads..where you can get the instructions for the ACTION FIGURE GAME, download them, and look at them.
    The images of the Glatorian are the leaked ones..the ones with Zamor launchers!
    What is the meaning of this!?
  5. Bitter Cold
    I get it. My name is epic win. Stop telling me that no one expects the Spanish Inquisition.
    If you think my name is funny, feel free to tell me. But don't think you're making some kind of joke, because it's not funny anymore.
  6. Bitter Cold
    - Onua Mistika
    - A box of hilarious bacon-themed joke products (I'll have to get some pictures of these)
    - Cool ball thingy (beyond words lol)
    - Digital picture keychain
    - A pair of shoes meant to replace my old shoes (more on this later)
    - USB flash drive
    - Ski cap with headphones (!?)
    - $25 iTunes gift card
    - A Ripley's Believe it or Not! book
    - 2 Snow Patrol CDs
    - $25
    - Bacon chocolate bar (this should be interesting)
    The fact that only one of those was BIONICLE surprised me a bit, but this still warrants a " "
  7. Bitter Cold
    Today I shall introduce you to Dr. McNinja.
    Dr. McNinja is a comic/serial character created by Chris Hastings. Now, I don't expect that anyone here knows who that is. Neither do I. But that doesn't matter. The point is, he writes/draws the comic/serial The Adventures of Dr. McNinja. His friend Kent Archer, who I'm sure nobody's heard of either, inks the comics.
    Dr. McNinja is a doctor and a ninja. His background is shady (actually it's revealed in Issue 2). His actions are fearless. And other impressive, cool-sounding descriptive-but-vague imagery.
    I came across this comic/serial thanks to BZPer The Orb, who linked me to the website in a YIM convo. I can't link you there, however, because there's some language that's not appropriate for BZP.
    I am waiting for permission from the guys who do it, so that I can begin saving the panels, editing the language out, and saving them to Majhost.
    So, with any luck, Issue 1 will be here before long.
  8. Bitter Cold
    Hey, click this.
    I'm trying to use BBCode to make something resembling a Shoop Da Woop.
    It's not working, but I learned some neat BBCode stuff I'll probably forget.
  9. Bitter Cold
    Oh man.
    I've been on another website (with forums sorry), and there's this topic called The Drawing Game.
    It goes like this: I say what to draw, someone draws it, then they say something else to draw. Someone else draws it and says somethiing else.
    It's amazing.
    I could start it here in this blog entry, but I probably won't participate much. Want to?
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