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Bitter Cold

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Status Updates posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Haha, that's rad.

  2. New sig is WIN.

  3. Fibonacci much? What an odd name. =P

  4. Lol, okay. And that's awesome. =D

  5. Wait I found it.

  6. No news story about your newfound staffitude? Or did I miss it? Anyway congrats! =D

  7. That is awesome.

  8. He was a member since '03.

    What he did made no sense, so I'd have to guess it was hackers. =\

  9. Nevah! My life is too exciting to not document constantly!

  10. I'm amazing like that.

  11. hey hey hey go look at my paaaaage

  12. well the thing i was working on is done but i'll get pics tomorrow

  13. workin' on it actually

    ..hey you say that to everyone angryface.gif

  14. Hey, it's Pop Mhan! =D

  15. Go search the Members list for "JINZO."

  16. Nobody ever does, you know.

  17. Just seems like you always appear right after me. =P

  18. Dude...are you stalking me?

  19. How can your art be so awesome and get such few replies? You should make front page now and then. =P

  20. Hey there! I didn't know you were a BZPer. =D

  21. Lol, it is. I didn't notice that. XD

  22. You are charged with heresy on three WAAAAAHTs!

  23. No one expects the Spanish WAAAAAAAAHT

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