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Blog Entries posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. ChocolateFrogs
    And today the Whovians shall watch Doctor Who and experience heartbreak as we have never felt before.
    My girlfriend and I are aiming for a BBC livestream so we can watch at 2:30 instead of abandoning our friends at 9:00. Or waiting a few days.
  2. ChocolateFrogs
    I mailed out 9 MOCs today. I remember mailing Arpy's, Bunda's, and one to Sweden. But I don't remember the rest and don't have my list on me right now.
    So until I get that list, and also mail out the other 9, let's assume it's yours that was shipped out.
  3. ChocolateFrogs
    Finally got some Series 8 minifigs today at TRU! How many? You guessed it, 8!
    But half of those I'm giving away, so I actually got 4:
    Two Alien queens, a businessman, and the diver.
    The aliens are pretty awesome. I am pleasantly surprised at getting two pieces of fabric for the cape, and how the head/brain is two pieces with a minifig head inside. I'm experimenting to see what I can place the brain on that will look good. I also like getting 2 of every space figure.
    The businessman is pretty much just for the black bowler hat so I can make an Inspector Spacetime minifig, but I'm having trouble finding the proper jacket. The new Monster Hunter Zombie chauffeur has a pretty good one, but it's ripped and whatnot.
    The diver was just because it's awesome and different; another great idea from LEGO!
    I also snagged the cowgirl for my sister, the thespian for my friend, the evil robot for my girlfriend, and the pirate for my brother (which my mom is putting into a Talk Like a Pirate Day care package to send to his dorm which will arrive by the 19th). I had no trouble finding any of these (or at least I assume--I haven't opened the three except for the fact that my sister opened her cowgirl).
    Overall a nice pull this time around.
  4. ChocolateFrogs
    And by me I mean DV but I mean that I received them either at my house or from DV after the con and I have to send them all back...
    Then I guess I should let you know where I am in getting those back to you.
    Currently they are all sitting in a box downstairs.
    If you sent them exclusively to BrickFair, they are probably in the boxes they came in. All your return postage is safe in my bank account. (Unless you still need to paypal me that. > )
    Everything sent to Oregon is in one box and hopefully all the return shipping is there and that's why DV told you to PM me so I have all your information on where/postage.
    Tonight I will sort through everything and tell Black Six how many prototype pieces I need to include in the returns.
    Once I get those then I'll mail them out.
    ETA: 3 weeks. So expect 4.
    That's why I haven't been responding to PMs. Sorry.
  5. ChocolateFrogs
    If I call you by your username, it means I love you.
    Or I don't like your real name.
    Or your username is cooler.
    Or easier to say.
    Or I might call you by your real name too.
    Like if I've known you for a while.
    Or just feel like saying it for a change.
    Or I know you prefer me doing so.
    But sometimes I just don't care.
    To me, a username transcends a person's identity. It becomes them. To me, I am ChocolateFrogs, a person, not someone named after a Harry Potter candy, but the term has changed meaning to be my name. Other names-- Sisen, Disky, Nukaya, Arpy-- are just as unique as a name given at birth, but instead is also one chosen by the bearer to be them.
    I know some people don't like being called their username in public, which is totally fine, but it doesn't change that it is part of their identity now.
    Of course, that's just my personal view. Maybe you look at me and think I'm crazy for choosing a name after the Harry Potter-verse. Maybe you would much prefer to call people by their real name, because it is perfect and also them. But when I'm out having fun, I have fun with your names too. And that is something we all share.
  6. ChocolateFrogs
    BF12 is barely halfway over (or isn't, depending on who you are and how long you're staying) and I already have plans for next year:
    -Build 6-foot long SHIP to rival the two large things here that own my 3-foot long SHIP.*
    -Make a pyramid and Stargate for the already expanding Warehouse 13 colab with xccj.
    -New Bionicle MOCs--and some improved old ones.
    -Have collected all available members of the Avengers team(s)--and maybe built a few more.**
    -Finally build some steampunk... :/
    Until then, time to keep enjoying this fantastic fanfare--or fanFair!
    *This doens't include the 7' 2" Serenity model. My gosh. I give up.
    **Not a display goal for BF13, just a goal for life by then. I want to make a Miniland scale Thing about the size of the Hulk.
  7. ChocolateFrogs
    In 9 hours I will be heading out to BrickFair for the next 4 days! You know, to be with awesome people I haven't seen in over a year having shenanigans.
    Gosh I can't wait!
    Those of you who I've already met who can't make it this year better show up next time. As well as some of you who I care about who I've never met IRL (you know who you are).
    Well, I better register these MOCs you sent me. I'm sure you'd appreciate that.
    Fun fact: LEGO turns 80 this month!
  8. ChocolateFrogs
    So here's the deal:
    BrickFair prep is at a standstill.
    Like, I'm pretty sure I'm not building anything else.
    Sad things is I haven't build a single noteworthy thing (or a single thing maybe) since the Odradek.
    Which is totally coming to BrickFair.
    Along with my SHIP, this 2 year old thing, and the fishbowl.
    And I've just about reassembled Crustaceous back to his crab-like state.
    And maybe my Toa team, another Toa, and Piraka Fusion will make it into the car, and then onto the display tables.
    But I won't get to make a Wheatley mosaic. A floating micro-city on a space-rock with engines is out of the question. And forget about the Steampunk coordinator building something steampunky. ("Just put some gears on it, and call it steampunk.")
    Because I fear for my head that until I send out a few more resumes and attempt to get into freelancing/publish a freelanced article or two, my dad will get on my case for breaking out the brick.
    On that note, I'll fix up Crustaceous and make sure my SHIP is in order if it's the last thing I do. I can procrastinate more on real-job stuff another week, right?
    But hey I've received MOCs so far from awesome people, and more are on their way. KUTGW!
  9. ChocolateFrogs
    It's a sad day when Hank Green tells you that what is essentially published Twilight fanfiction has sold more copies than Ray Bradbury ever did in his entire life.
    So it turns out nerdfighteria will be mass-reading Fahrenheit 451. Which sounds great because I have yet to read it (never required in high school. Or 1984, but we had to read Brave New World which I still take to heart 5 years later...) and think a big group thing like that sounds fun.
    Until then I'll quickly finish John Green's The Fault in Our Stars (a perfect book!) and Batman: Hush.
  10. ChocolateFrogs
    I had a grand plan of "yay I'm going to get all the Avengers!" because I have the Jeep set and will get the Quinjet, which just means I'd need to shell out some cash for the Hulk.
    And then I realized LEGO is making more Avengers: Wolverine, Spider-Man (already made ) and Iron Fist.
    Which means I'll need to acquire Wolverine and Iron Fist somehow too.
    No biggie. I was going to get the X-Men helicopter set anyway. And will figure out a way to get Hulk at a decent price for a complete set of 2012-movie Avengers. But I'll probably just buy Iron Fist separately (because the set he comes in is $30, and I already have Spidey and Doc Ock, though Ock isn't built ).
    Decisions of a recent-graduate who shouldn't be spending money on LEGO. Luckily the Quinjet and Helicopter won't be out of my pocket and gifts instead!
    This also means I'll have to get any other Avengers they make. ~Crosses fingers for Storm, The Thing,* Nick Fury (or Furies (Furys?)),** Venom, Beast, and tons of others...~
    *I should build the Thing in miniland scale which would fit in with the minifigs.
    **They should totally make Fury, Coulson, and Hill. In their own set.
  11. ChocolateFrogs
    Never has a fantastic movie been so terrible.
    Or never has a jumbled mess of a film looked so great.
    Which is actually saying two different things.
    I had heard, going in, that it was very scenic and introduced some very nice "big ideas." I had also heard it had too many big ideas to satisfactorily answer even a few of those. What I did not know was that some of the things they put in made no sense and provided nothing to the story, or that there was potential for foreshadowing that was not followed up upon.
    What really got my goat was how cliche and stereotypical tropish so many scenes were. I had expected more from Ridley Scott.
    I'm glad I free passes, but I don't blame you for paying full price to see it (which apparently now is $12 at my theater D: ). But I also don't blame you for wanting your money back, or waiting.
  12. ChocolateFrogs
    Yeah, I was right there looking at it. Trying to figure out how it could, somehow, get to the highway and to my house...

    Back angles.
    It's currently on tour across the States. It'll be in Baltimore, Maryland, today, Memorial Day. But there will probably be a bigger crowd than today at the National Harbor because there's a sci-fi/fantasy convention concluding.
  13. ChocolateFrogs
    Well, here I go. Graduation is about to start. Pretty soon I will be expected to actually get a "real job" (which is fine because hey I have this degree here), move out (which is fine because I like privacy), and become self-sufficient (which is fine because I practically already am).
    I just don't like the pressure to get searching for those things...
    But hey, I'm graduating! A BA in Journalism from Christopher Newport University with a minor in Philosophy/Religious Studies.
    I've made plenty of friends (and some enemies) who I am going to miss (until I see them again, which I'll blindly assume will happen more often than it will, at least for the summer). I've learned a lot about myself and the things I believe in, the world around me and other people.
    I am definitely not who I was when I moved in as a freshman, and seeing those marks in my life where I grew is exciting. And it is that fact that makes me realize that I can continue on in life, to develop myself so I make my mark on the world, however small (or large), and a mark for myself.
    Granted, that is all pretty scary. I am pretty sure that were I to be handed $5,000 right now, I'd go escape and hike Europe for a few months, escaping all this madness and being able to be free of worry for just a little longer. No joke.
    (Three cheers for auto-publishing drafts!)
  14. ChocolateFrogs
    First, first graduation entry from this morning.
    I’m no longer a “college kid,” but I definitely do not want to identify as “adult.” Because no.
    On top of that, I miss my friends more than usual. Probably because in the past, I was assured of seeing them again 4 months later in September. But now…plans are fuzzy. We all have our different directions to go in.
    Combine that with tension of being home (sharing room with brother) and having the pressure to find a real job and eventually move out…
    Yet, “all my feels” on leaving my friends and the place I spend the majority of my past 4 years living at and calling home.
    I have literally stepped from one life into another, and it is new and foreign. I do not know what is going on and I am not prepared to find out. Yet I must.
    What is important, however, is that I remain myself. And that I know how to do.
  15. ChocolateFrogs
    Guess who's girlfriend got them the Loki's Escape/Jeep Super Heroes The Avengers LEGO set as a graduation gift?!?!
    It's a really neat, compact set. And I guess what makes it so are the minifigs: Loki, Iron Man, and, to an extent, Hawkeye. Shame it didn't come with the doctor and Maria Hill.
    Loki is awesome, of course. Iron Man even more so, I would argue, but both look fantastic! They both are so iconic and the details in the figures are amazing. Hawkeye? Alright, he's pretty cool too, especially with his sunglasses and compound bow. And I like the details on his back, with the quiver of high-tech arrows.
    The truck? Well, I did not check it out too much. The figures take the show. But the truck is very well built and is not messing around (what would you expect from SHIELD?).
    If there was one thing I would change, it would be giving Loki a glowy-blue bit for the staffhead, and him and Stark hair, and not making me watch that part of the movie thinking "when is Iron Man going to show up?".
    Should you get it? Well, do you want the figs or not? The car is pretty cool but is overshadowed by the figs. I know I'll be getting the Quinjet at BrickFair, so that also has Iron Man and Loki, but not Hawkeye (plus the Quinjet is awesome), but because I'll have two of those figs, one of each can be scrapped for pieces! I do not have much need for a Jeep...
    Now, to get my hands on the Captain America set (and a Hulk fig...).
  16. ChocolateFrogs
    Swung by TRU today to grab more minifigs (and I got the Friends Inventor's Workshop for my sister for her birthday).
    I had already gotten the dark knight (pretty cool), a space marine (awesome!) and the rocker chick (pretty nifty).
    Today I snagged 2 more space marines (I could have gotten 4, but I don't really need that many. Money is tight...), two of Neptune (anyone want to trade at BrickFair? I also have an extra genie and minotaur) who's bare chest might come in handy for figs, except I already used the one from the surfer dude (for a Finnick minifig) and don't know how many more I'll need, but they don't hurt; I also got the Aztec, finally! He is definitely one of the coolest figs in the set. The headdress is amazing. Very noble and warrior looking.
    What I really want is a bagpiper for a friend, but he's so hard to feel for. Other than that I think I'm done.
  17. ChocolateFrogs
    I am quite intrigued by the interesting things Faber has been posting to his website (it's great that the front page shares updates. Though now I placed it in my RSS feed).
    Two things:
    First, I threw together this wallpaper with the MoL unused poster he posted.

    Because that's what I do: I make wallpapers I'll never use from cool images.
    Second is his What about the future? entry with a cool and mysterious image and taglines. (Check it out because I won't deeplink it.) Color me intrigued! Probably more biomechanical stuff, in our world, and animals and the ocean and whatnot, and some promises (albeit from the creator, so it's biased, but what isn't these days?).
    It'll probably be better than Hero Factory at least...and reward the Bionicle fan a whole lot more with any luck.
  18. ChocolateFrogs
    A fantastic seventh game in Risk: Legacy! I won! Woot! Great Britain now has a major city named after me (though I was tempted to call it TARDIS, but the odds being against me winning again I just had to name something after myself).
    We also revealed the new Mutant faction, which was fun to play as in the eighth game but that itself had messy battles, strong tensions, and not too many options for my own gameplay. :/ But I’ve been in Risk withdrawal after a week and a half without it, so it’s all good. (Truth be told, I’m also in a Munchkin withdrawal. Maybe I’ll get to play that soon.)
    Maybe if I win again I’ll rename Europe. That would give me a good bonus at times. I’m calling myself Deus Pangaea (“God of the World” or something), and have a city named after myself called Benjamiel (because angels have “iel” at the end), so I could call it Heaven for more tongue-in-cheek blasphemy which is really annoying one of my friends. XD But I’m actually favoring calling it Raxacoricofallapatorius.
    We’re also super-close to placing the World Capital down. I hope I get to do that. Except then I’d have to think of another name.
  19. ChocolateFrogs
    Today was Free Comic Book Day!
    (Sorry for telling you so late, but maybe your local comic shop is still open and has some good stuff left.)
    I picked up a Serenity/Star Wars flip-cover comic and a preview of The Hypernaturals. And got an extra DC New 52 comic which preluded the Earth 2 #1 I picked up today (along with World's Finest). And I really want to keep reading those!
    Oh and an X-Men comic.
    I also stopped by TRU today. When I called they said they had the Series 7 figs. What I failed to comprehend is that they wouldn't have a nearly full box to sort through.
    So from about a dozen or so figs I picked out the dark knight, rocker chick and space marine.
    Which is what I wanted. But I also want at least another spacer, an Aztec, and a bagpiper (for a friend). But I live near a TRU at home, when I'll have a car.
    Good day, except for the terrible game of Risk. Oh well.
  20. ChocolateFrogs
    I bought my cap and gown today, for graduation.
    "Today" meaning Friday, despite it being 3am on Saturday, because it's still today, Friday, because I have not gone to bed yet.
    So I guess this whole graduation thing is really happening in a week.
    A "week" being seven days, counting from today, technically Saturday.
    Until then I'd best send out resumes and pack my room.
    And I kept telling myself I'd go where jobs are, but then I actually see job listings for reporters in places NOT in my home area (or relatively near) and I think "on second thought, do I really want to move to Minnesota or California or Iowa right now, so soon? At all?
    We'll see.
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