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Status Updates posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. I meant bragging that I'm my own staff group.

  2. Oi. AIM for like 5 minutes?

  3. It /crashed/ your computer?!?!


  4. Sweet Nuva Cube! (Can you make me a lightsaber handle?!?! :P Huh?)

    And cool avatar. Ever heard of Greg Martin?

  5. Oh, no, I'm not the leader of my branch of staff; I have others I report to. I'm just the only reporter without another staff position. (So does that mean I'm not eligible for anything else or just haven't accepted any other position?)

  6. Never mind about the hand. I blogged about it. Enjoy!

  7. Yeah, it always helps to look at who's reviewing.

    I don't think I'll be doing any reviews any time soon.

  8. Ha! Me, have time to party? Yeahno.

    (Then again, me, party? Yeahno.)

  9. Great personal pic!

  10. I love that "Cowbell Hero" photoshop edit on your website!

  11. Hi Kativa!

    Graduated yesterday!

    And I sort-of have a girlfriend, meaning we've only been on one date and she isn't answering her phone right now so I can't ask her on another one as of yet. I hope it works, seeing as how we'll be separated by summer and different colleges at the end of August.

    How's life?

  12. Yeah, it's funny how different the blogs are from the forum. There, we can get away with an emotiocon for a post, but that would probably get us banned if we did it in the forums. LOL.

  13. Your PM inbox is full...

    Anyway, feel like doing a mosaic? Check out my blog for more info; there's a nice big picture in the top right corner.

  14. But B6 got the ambassadorship.

  15. Change of plans, I'm not whitewater rafting right now because the river was too high.

    So I saw Iron Man!

    How's your weekend?

  16. So, why do you get a big banner? (It's clever though)

  17. I know what you mean about the books. I have a whole list I want to get around to.

    *PMing you about DN and other anime*

  18. How did you know I use the anonymous member invisibility cloak?

    And how did you expect a comment to wake me up?

  19. Then my guess would have to be Fruits Basket, based on your av and pic.

    (I'm not too familiar with this series though.)

  20. I love showing people the fish story and telling people "This will scar you for life. I'm not sorry."

  21. OK, I'll go comment on your guys' posts, but I didn't think there was anything to comment on.

    *makes note not to comment on Saoerann's post*

  22. That was a very clever comment.

  23. Thanks! The av is my way of having fun with life, because people can take is so seriously sometimes.

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