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Status Updates posted by ChocolateFrogs

  1. Tomorrow's Friday, and I just found out the event is just from 6 to midnight. I'm sure you can find some time to get over there.

  2. Note: Turns out the Chipotle day is after 6 PM, so don't expect a free lunch.

  3. Thanx. Say so in the topic and you raise you post count with a non-spam comment.

  4. No no. A great opportunity to make random realize we're crazy.

    But I think I'll bring it to school after break. That'll be a site!

  5. I understood the RIP and tear thing, just decided not to mention it.

  6. Oops. (and I'm an English major...)

  7. Dude, where do you keep digging up my old blog entries, and why?

  8. It was a nice review. I especially how ToM emphasizes the Toa Mata feet recolored this year.

    Tan rocks, especially the pieces in this set. The brown on the armor might mess up MOCing, but I'll deal with it. I need to figure out how to get two of the Mata foot and Metru chest armor.

    I don't like how people keep claiming this is a brown set. There are four bits of brown and cou

  9. I was like "who is this kid?" and then I realize who you are and I can now say that yes, your MOCs did arrive yesterday. SO COOL to have the Kraata skeleton in my hands.

  10. Might I suggest taking another look at my "Deathnote?" blog entry. I fixed it. (I know what Deathnote is.)

  11. you mentioned in my blog something about the ninja-Pirate minifig. Did you build that fig and scene from BF06?

  12. So did you hear the story about the two muffins in the oven and one says to the other "It's getting hot in here," and the other muffin is, like, "Zomg a talking muffin!"


  13. Yes, different doesn't mean bad, but one wrong move can be a disaster if you get the wrong person posting.

    Not that I care.

    They were fun.

  14. You're right. Good thing my banner is about the animal, the alot.

  15. Thanks for noticing. Aanchir and I mentioned the problem of people stealing MOCs and saying it's theirs in Binky's blog. Then I posted again because I too saw my awesome Sparaku (my best MOC so far, IMO) taken and even put up on "featured creations." So now Bink knows it's personal. He said he'd talk to people in Denmark about the plagiarism.

  16. Um...so I just sifted through over a page of new blog entries of yours from being away for three days. Slow down!

  17. Great personal statement!

  18. Awesome personal pic. Love the gold Miru Nuva!

  19. Thanks! I hadn't realized it was a thing, and thought you made yours yourself. I found it yesterday, made 2 today. One got posted and within two hours had over 200 reblogs. Wow. I plan on posting a few in a few days. (And lol, you recognized me.)

  20. Your current stick-figure banner makes me laugh. Especially the sword fight part, pure WIN.

  21. Prom is tomorrow!!!

    *Is glad I can add !'s because I'm too tired to get real excited in real life*

    Senior Skip Day tomorrow!

    Speed Racer tomorrow!

    Lego Store tomorrow!

    What are you doing tomorrow?!?!

    Did I get something started?

  22. Sure, we'll work it out then. Clear out your inbox to make it easiest.

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