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Posts posted by Cadias

  1. IC: Sanei - Odaiba


    Well, at least this 'Wrath' seemed to have some manners. Wrath... Wrath.... wait. She had heard that name before... ah, yes. "You're the one that keeps changing loyalties, yes?" Sanei worked hard to keep a tone of disdain out of her voice. She didn't want to start a fight in front of Sato, in case it'd make her look bad.

  2. IC: Sanei - Odaiba


    Sanei eyed the newcomer suspiciously. Walking up to two members of the Umbraline clan and then mumbling a sarcastic remark to them, without even giving your name? Ugh. She had bowed to..... that?


    Just after she'd had the thought, the newcomer introduced herself. Well, things were looking up for her. "To which clan do you belong, Vatrica?"


    Sanei then turned to Sato. "I'm afraid I can't say that I'm that closely related to the Rora," Sanei said. "Something like third or fourth, maybe? I'll have to look it up when I return to Sado. I don't directly guard the Rora- I'm usually stationed outside the Towers of Knowledge. Pretty dull, but every now and again you learn something."

  3. IC: Sanei - Odaiba


    "Pretty distant," Sanei admitted. She smiled somewhat sheepishly. "Truth be told, I'm not entirely sure. I've always been horrible at keeping track of lineages and such." She thought for a moment, tapping her foot as she did so. "Cousin, I think."


    "What relation are you, Sato?"


    Sanei looked up at the newcomer. She bowed formally. "I am Sanei of Clan Umbraline." Then, more casually, she addded, "We were just trying to figure out how closely we are related to each other."

  4. IC: Sanei - Odaiba


    "Good," was Sanei's only acknowledgement of Eshai's quick response. She could have communicated with Eshai telepathically, but Sanei considered such an action to be beneath her. She was a Menti warrior of Clan Umbraline, after all.


    After a few moments, Sanei decided that it was probably a good idea to take a break- but, of course, she'd never admit it. Instead, she stopped and turned to face Sado, which glittered in the sun. "Look at that, Eshai. No place quite like it, is there?" Her canteen floated upwards in response to her mental command. She caught it and took a drink, not offering any to Eshai. Being a Mindarm was unusual for an Umbraline, but one could only take tradition so far.


    She decided to try and strike up a conversation with Eshai- after all, she was Sanei's bodyguard, even if she was lower than a 'Hoko. "Where was your clan from, Eshai? I always forget."


    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw motion. It was the person up on the hill waving at them. Promptly forgetting about her attempt at making conversation, she waved back and said, "Eshai, go find out who that is."

  5. IC: Sanei - Odaiba


    Sanei walked briskly through the scenic, rolling hills of Odaiba. Most other Dasaka would have paused to take in the beautiful countryside, but Sanei had no time. She was slightly behind schedule as it was.


    She'd always known that taking that vacation was a bad idea. She hadn't enjoyed a second of it, besides her exercises- there was so much more she could be doing. Sure, sure, she was always doing something. She'd never become famous for taking a vacation, after all.


    Sanei, realizing that her companion (for lack of a better term for someone so lacking in status) had fallen behind, glanced around. There was someone up on a hill, but that wasn't her... oh, there she was. "Eshai! Do try and keep up, will you?"

  6. ...


    I had trouble following that disjointed, nonsensical post, but I have this vague feeling that I should be insulted.


    That's due to BZP's filter. It replaces first p0st with, "Nobody cares about me. I need attention so I wanted to be annoying."


    EDIT: Ah, good call GH. Welp, time to go post my Dasaka's opening post and such.

  7. IC: Geklan


    Geklan's smile disappeared as the glass broke over his head. Feeling several sharp pieces falling down his back, he winced. He ignored the waiter's many apologies, waving him off.


    He watched in silence as Theriss stormed by him, presumably to vent. He raised his eyebrows, staring thoughtfully at her back and then at empty space as she disappeared from sight.


    Perhaps he had gone too far. After all, Theriss had been going through hard times. Maybe he should make it up to her somehow, maybe he should-


    Wait. Wait just a moment. What was he thinking? Making it up to her? Why should he have to make it up to her anyway? Was it his fault that she couldn't take a joke? Mata Nui, he was about to give her money. How low had he sunk?


    Even as excuses bubbled forth, Geklan found them feeling hollow. Disgust welled up from deep inside him, but he couldn't figure out why he felt it- was it because of his weakness, or his action? His former good mood ruined, Geklan found himself at a loss for words. He should probably say something, something like, She didn't take that well, huh? or Wow, I didn't see that coming.


    A low scream, clearly audible to Gekan's keen ears, came from the general direction Theriss had thundered off in. His will to stay or even utter an excuse abandoned him, and Geklan stood up. SIlently, and with a stormy expression of his own on his face, he tossed the folder into Theriss' seat, then fished out a tablet and pencil and furiously scribbled a note to the Ga-Matoran who had brought the chair in. As an afterthought, he placed enough widgets to cover the cost of his meal at his place, and, without a single word to the others, he left.


    As Theriss rounded the corner to enter the building from the front, she might have caught a glimpse of Geklan's back as he walked hurriedly to his home. If she decided to look at the notes in the folder, she would see that sales were going well, with small action figures of the team being particularly popular.


    The waiter emerged from the kitchen, bearing a towel and Geklan's meal. Surprised to see that the Lesterin had departed, he picked up the widgets and went to grab a broom. After all, someone had to pick up the broken glass.

  8. OOC: And we're back!


    IC: Geklan - Ga-Koro - Restaurant


    Geklan walked in through the door of the restaurant, looked around, and spotted Theriss and the other Toa Sarsi. His face lit up, and he promptly sat down beside them. "Theriss! I heard you were having a little get-together and thought it was the perfect opportunity to fill you in on sales. I'm afraid we'll have to wait a bit, though. I forgot my notes and sent someone back to get them."


    Geklan ordered his meal, one of the more expensive ones on the menu, and a glass of the finest wine available. It was a bit unusual for him, as he usually bought cheaper items to save money. He was also obviously fighting to keep a grin off of his face.


    After a few minutes, a Ga-Matoran stuck her head through the door. Judging by her solid build, she was a worker at the docks. "Is there a Mr. Geklan in here?"


    Geklan waved. "Oh, you've arrived! Yes, I'm right over here." He was now smiling quite broadly, having given up on trying to hide it.


    The Ga-Matoran walked up to Geklan and handed him a folder, which he quickly glanced over. Once he was satisfied that everything was as it should be, she turned around. "Alright, bring it in!"


    The patrons of the restaurant watched as a small group of Matoran walked through the door, carrying an extremely ornate chair. Geklan was practically bouncing up and down as he handed the Ga-Matoran a purse that made a distinctive clinking noise. "Ah, thank you. Drop by in a few hours to pick it up again, please."


    He sat down in Theriss' former chair, letting out a satisfied sigh as he did so. A waiter emerged from the kitchen. "Excuse me, sir. I'm afr-" She stopped mid-sentence as she caught the bag Geklan had tossed to her. It was rather heavy, and the waiter's eyes grew large.


    "What was that, waiter? I'm afraid I didn't catch it."


    "Uh, nothing, sir. Thank you, sir, we're glad to have you here, sir." She headed back to the kitchen.


    Geklan turned to face the Toa Sarsi; specifically, he turned to face Theriss. "I thought you'd be interested to know, Theriss, that I made a most unusual acquisition earlier today. Such an exquisitely crafted chair! I think I'll have to keep it." He paused for a moment, as if he was remembering something. "You know, Theriss, this reminds me of the day you chased me out of your house with my own sword. Strange, isn't it?"

  9. The foreign tech section has also changed to include that Lesterin can have one piece if they give up their mask. I don't think that was there before.


    I think it was, actually. I seem to recall debating over whether or not Geklan should have a mask or gun of some sort.

  10. OOC: One unspecified amount of time later....


    IC: Cadias


    Finally, it looked like Seria had recovered. She had regained her lost weight and was obviously feeling better. Cadias turned to their generous host.


    "Well, I suppose it's time we got going," he said. "I'd hate to take advantage of your hospitality any longer." Then, realizing that it was probably best to ask Seria if she felt well enough to travel, he added, "Uuh, if you're feeling up to it of course, Seria."


    .... That kind of ruined the farewell moment there....

  11. IC: Cadias


    Cadias smiled. "Don't say that to anyone in Ga-Koro." The smile faded. "They're not forgetting about the Toa Daedra for a long time to come."


    "Yes," he said, turning to look at Seria, "she spent a few weeks out in the jungle by herself. She was searching for Vrana, a friend of ours."

  12. IC: Cadias


    Once Seria had been safely deposited on the bed, Cadias glanced around the Matoran's house. The small size of the furniture caught his eye- it wasn't as if he hadn't seen plenty of it before, but most of it had been in inns, alongside Toa-sized chairs and stools. Cadias smiled, almost imperceptibly. He had once owned a house not so very different from this one, before he became a Toa. It seemed so long ago.... how long had it actually been?


    Suddenly, Cadias realized that he had been staring at a chair for around a minute or so. That won't make me look weird at all...


    "Umm, sorry about that. I got lost in thought."

  13. IC: Cadias


    "Oh. Um, I guess that depends on your definition of all right. My friend here is in rough shape, but it's practically a miracle that she's alive, so..."


    Perhaps 'in rough shape' was putting it a bit lightly.

  14. IC: Cadias


    "Uh.... right. Thanks." Seria had managed to catch Cadias off-guard with her last sentence. I guess she's right. I should focus on the task at hand.


    "Well, an inn would be good. With any luck, the locals will be able to direct us to a decent one."

  15. IC: Cadias


    "Alright. You wouldn't happen to have any money, would you? I'm almost completely out." Despite his best efforts, it was easy to tell that Cadias was embarrassed. I knew I should have found some work while I was here....

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