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Status Updates posted by Arkatox

  1. Oh, btw, I love your website link.

  2. You and Gavla's comics are . . . weird.

  3. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies" =D.

  4. Hey Jahli, your sig is missing.

  5. Hey! I got a new comic series up! I only have 1 comic up so far, and when I sent this comment, nobody had posted yet.

  6. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  7. Note: I'll probably have Songs of the Week #7 and #8 up this afternoon. It's really easy to get behind with these things.

  8. I would request a cursor, but I don't have the picture on this computer. but I have a question: if I send you a picture that I took from a camera, then would you make the cursor of the whole picture, or just the bionicle in the picture?

  9. Edited my profile. Check the "I hate my life" section.

  10. Haha, yeah. He told me he'll hopefully have the next round of voting up in the next few days. :D

  11. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  12. Hey, I changed my name!

  13. Didn't you say that you have two new topic? I can't seem to find them.

  14. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  15. Oh, and by the way, nive MOCs. You're good at making female poses.

  16. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  17. Yeah, in the past I've been called: MakutaZarnax, Vican - Toa of Shadows, Vican - Master of Shadows, Vican - Shadow Master, Toa Vican, Elite Shadow Master, Toa Altern Vican, and then Arkatox. Anyway, yes you're still cool.

  18. You mean will I ever make comics again? Well, let's make it a surprise.

  19. For some reason, this site won't let me send PMs. so I guess I can't be a GS or PGS.

  20. Kk, hopefully it's out soon! He said he'd have it done by Sunday.

  21. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  22. Please check out my new comic series "Random Zombies"!

  23. That's the thing, I can't seem to be a GS or a PGS in anything cause for some reason I can't send PMs. (Zahaki was nice anof to let me get in TotDH)

  24. Yeah, people say that to me alot :)

  25. I guess I'll do that ):

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