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Status Updates posted by dviddy

  1. ... Or so you think.

  2. Like, ONE DAY!

  3. Anberlin is a band, New Surrender is the name of their soon-to-be released major-label debut record releasing on September 30th.

  4. I really like what you've been MOCing. Keep up the amazing work!

  5. No thanks. I like my gallery just how it is.

  6. So is life. ;)

  7. Pretty much. I've been building with Bionicle pieces since they came out in 2001, and I've been building with system since I can remember. So really, the Fusion aspect is just me putting the new with the old I practiced for so many years.

  8. Haha, we have one of those too. And a Starbucks. In fact, that's where I work, is inside the Starbucks inside the SuperTarget. Haha.

  9. Yeah, I work at a SuperTarget in Tulsa. I checked the back stock room a few days ago, and we hadn't even received the shipment with the summer sets yet. Don't know when we will. Oh, and by the way, my comments are set so I have to approve them first. That's why it didn't show up. ;)

  10. It's ~Greenbioguy~'s blog, not sure of the name. 'Emerald' something or other.

  11. dviddy

    Like, three pages back in your comments here. You said that 'at least you didn't work for a place like Wal*Mart or Target'. Spoken in such a manner, it implies a negative feeling towards the said store.

    BTW, I checked the back room in the Target I work for, and we didn't even have the boxes for summer sets. So I would suggest not searching Targets for your new set fix.

  12. dviddy

    I don't know why you had to say something negative about the place. Employees don't control what is on the shelf, they stock whatever is in the back room. If they don't have what someone is looking for, that's Target Corporate's fault, not an individual employee.

    So, what did Target do to you, and how can I, a Target employee, make that better for you?

  13. dviddy

    There is nothing wrong with working at Target. It's a great corporation with pretty fantastic benefits. It's hardly a difficult job, and I don't know anyone who works at one who would rather work a different part time job. Pay is several dollars above minimum wage. It's nice.

  14. I thought I did that awhile ago, sorry! But yes, you're good now.

  15. dviddy

    You rapscallion, you! You should make a blog post that details how so many of your old Neo-Toa designs were ripped off of mine. :P

    You know I love you.

  16. It's good! And how is your life?

  17. Seran kicks it in the best ways possible! :)

  18. Oh, I pre-ordered it. It came in the mail a day before it's major retail release date.

    I loves it.

  19. You should've bought me, I'm worth the money!

  20. Four times. *cough*

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