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Status Updates posted by Kumata

  1. Of course, every time I see a bad book on the shelves, it makes me happy. It means publishers have lower standards than I thought, thus raising the chance of me getting a novel published someday. =D


  2. I was looking at getting Eragon too. Picked it up, read the first few pages, and couldn't help thinking that I've seen better stuff in the epics forum.

    Not that I'm saying the epics forum is bad. I'm saying it has more imgination than Christopher Paolini.


  3. Would you recommend Terry Pratchett, TPTI? I was thinking about picking up colour of magic the other day. I don't do as much reading as I should.


  4. OH and by Disney I'm talking about Snow White/Lion King/Basil great mouse detective quality Disney, not Lion King III/Home on the range quality. =P


  5. Not that I am pressuring you to watch it, just saying that it's the best of the best so if you don't like it you DEFINITELY won't like anime, period. To be honest I'm more of a manga person myself.


  6. Naruto I think is one of the worst-recieved anime ever, right after Pokémon. So kind of a biased choice there. As for the others, never seen 'em.

    But if you want an example of great anime, watch a studio Ghibli film. Laputa:castle in the sky is my particular favourite. They're often called the 'Disney of Japan' and with good reason.


  7. Out of interest TPTI, what are the things you hate about anime?

    I must confess to watching the opening of TTGL and nothing more. I wasn't necessarily disinterested, it just wouldn't load. =P


  8. Looks like we have an irresistible force vs an immovable object here.


  9. A RYNO that shoots RYNO IIs that shoots RY3NOs that shoots RYNO 4EVERs... like those Russian dolls. =P


  10. Spink, the official upgrade from 'awesome' is 'lawsome'. Just ask David Willis.


  11. We'll go with the best version - RYNO 4EVER, as in ToD - and add flaming chainsaw blades to its sides, so it can be a long-range AND a melee weapon.


  12. Hence the flaming chainsaws. They cut, they burn, they kill.


  13. As anyone who has ever played 'rock, paper, scissors, flaming chainsaw', the flaming chainsaw always wins. Despite the fact that it defies logicality.


  14. I have no idea which, if any, historical event TPT1 is referencing, so your 'wit' is wasted.

    FYI, it's 'jinGoistic'.


  15. Spoken like a true American. Too lazy to get off his backside and actually put the work in =P


  16. No, not Hitler! I'm talking about GOD. Is that really your dream? To become GOD?

    'cause I'd totally vote for ya. =P


  17. You know who else preferred autarchy? Who killed millions in order to get people to conform?


  18. Popular vote has you in the Quinn outfit, TPTI. I'll be sure to bring my camera.


  19. Whoever said the costume was for me?


  20. Yeah, but we can't both dress up as the Joker can we...

    Maybe I can rent a Harley Quinn costume.


  21. I'm quite a small guy, so one of us is going to have to go on the other's shoulders.


  22. Even better; dress up as a nurse and just walk in. If the Joker can disguise himself as one, how hard can it be for us?


  23. Resev has a point! Rehab clinics have tons of storage space!


  24. Of course, the simple solution is to get rid of all the things in your room that aren't really necessary; desk, wardrobe, bed...


  25. I'd recommend Taka, and I don't even have him (soon to be rectified though).

    I'm usually a completist, but it's gotten to the point where I don't physically have room for many more...


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