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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Kumata

  1. I started commenting on his page as if I was a verbally-impaired moron ("sup dude i tink r mocs r prety kool") to tease him. I expected to have a funny little back-and-forth with him, but instead he got quite offended and blocked me.


  2. It's nice of you to defend me on Akai Hana no Tenshi's page, but really there's no point. I tried to have a joke with him, he didn't like it, end of story. And to answer your question America has already been deemed the land of the Free (apparently)


  3. I enjoy being one of the only people on BZP to understand what the heck you're referencing *having just watched and enjoyed the latest Top Gear*


  4. Empty your inbox! I have things to send!


  5. I was just interested to know the optimum temperature at which TPTI's body cooks, for the inevitable day when I kidnap and eat him


  6. Are you much of a tanner? My skin plain won't tan, it just jumps the hurdle straight into sunburn. I have ginger genes which is probably why


  7. Welcome back! How was Barcelona?


  8. I feel the need to tell you that your avatar and signature own.


  9. Hah! Good luck with that! My hands have saw-blades!


  10. I sent you a PM with those profiles, but the server messed up. I tried to re-send, just in case, but your inbox is full! Better have a clearout!


  11. Man, I was going to change my name to something similar! Love it!


  12. Is that a stinger tail between your legs or are you just happy toOH GOD IT'S A STINGER TAIL AAAAAHH


  13. It's now a fact, people; Omi said so himself!


  14. No surprise that YOU think so. =P


  15. Cheers for answering my question! It's a pleasure to have you on the site.


  16. Observations #1 and #2 are infallible as they are not just traits of BZPower members but humans in general. I don't understand where you gleaned the 3rd observation from though?

  17. I honestly have no idea, lol.


  18. Curse the heavens! Panacea was lost in the server crash!


  19. Praise the heavens! Panacea was finally approved this morning!


  20. Naw, my last PM was sent about a week ago and he was online the other day...


  21. Well, he didn't even reply to my last PM... I think he's getting fed up with me. But I'm fed up with waiting!


  22. No but you see, I DID PM the seventh judge and he just replied with "be patient, it'll be approved soon enough". So now I have PMed all three FLs about it.


  23. I don't know which forum leader it was sent to... =(


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