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Gali Mistika

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Everything posted by Gali Mistika

  1. Thanks! That one is actually very old. I don't write many Bionicle stories, nowadays.

  2. Thank you for saying so!

  3. Sorry for missing your birthday, I can't seem to be able to keep up with anything lately! Happy Belated Birthday then!

  4. Hi! I see you've changed your name. :)

  5. Hmm, well, I've been going nuts over the Kopaka Phantoka I bought last night, other that that, nothing. =P

  6. Well, I really haven't known you for very long, but liking Sci-Fi and such is not weird for a girl. You just have a very vivid imagination. I used to think I was insane, but my mom told me that everybody's weird. If you're not different, you wouldn't be you. And that would be a problem. Hope you feel better about it all soon!
  7. Yup, I'm nuts over Ed. My brother is NOT. He actually pretends he's gonna blow poor Edward up.

    I happened to get him back with a snowball dedicated to Ed, though. =P

  8. Somebody seriously needs to think about making a Bionicle personality quiz based on your PERSONALITY. Wait, YOU made that. LOL. What's crazy is that I put in Color:Green Matoran:Po-Matoran Name:Lewa Onua:Who? Three times. And it came up with Pohatu, Lewa and Lewa again. So I guess I must be more Lewa. I don't act a bit like him..........
  9. I'm somewhere around 4'11" . My family is very short. I know a girl who is Turakii's age and only a couple inches taller. You are not alone, Turakii!!!! I also have a friend who specifically said that 'Anyone who is shorter than me is a midget, and anybody taller is a giant.' I can't wait until we see eye to eye!!
  10. No, I really haven't had time for writing. Mom keeps me busy with seventh grade.I mean, I've written, but it's just random things. I am going to post some art, though.

  11. I'm good.

    Yeah, it is kinda strange. Weird as I am, I made that name BEFORE I new what the set looked like. :P

    I probably should change it, but oh, well.

  12. I'm ok, just I have little time to be on BZPower. Thanks for asking, I'll try to be a little more active.

  13. I thought we were gonna have game night Friday, so I decided to come back.

    I was missing my home. I've always wanted to go to St.Louis, though.

  14. I'm BACK!!! Ha, I went all the way to Kentucky!!! Then I went to Indiana!! And I could've gone to St.Louis, but...

  15. Sorry, but I won't be on the computer for a while. Probably about a week or so. Maybe not that long. I'm still not sure.

  16. Actually, on the computer, 8.I have so many accounts on the computer that I barely can squeeze BZP in there. At home and doing housework,

    6. Mom's decided to take it easy for awhile.

  17. I'm good, busy though.

    My grandparents left for New York City this morning, wanting me to go too, but I didn't like it when I went last year, so I stayed home.

  18. That's very funny, Chirox. Thanks for not smacking me too hard! :P

  19. I got on the sites but I'll have to ask my mom about playing the games. It looks interesting....

  20. Sorry I haven't been on here, some stuff got in the way. What I've been doing? Helping my parents with building my brothers fort.

  21. Smack me, guys, sorry I haven't been on here because-

    1. Our Internet went down and is now up for a strange reason.

  22. I guess I just don't like the adrenalin rush that they give you. I'm an insomniac, so if I play any games in the evening, or do anything that causes me to get excited to much, I can't sleep.

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