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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. Fine, I've been working heaps, mostly till midnight, so I'm usually really tired, and I have widened my Bionicle collection by purchasing most of the sets I don't have. it cost me a bunch though.

  2. G'day how are things? not much happened here, apart from finishing off my bionicle collection by getting the T9 and T6. Congratulations on the new President

  3. Good luck with high school, I managed to get through it, so you'll be fine.

  4. Good luck with your assignment. I'm pretty bored, there is nothing much to do when your not at school or working.

  5. Good thank you, I went for a job interview on Thursday, at our local cinemas, and I won't find out till Monday

  6. Great, I've been working heaps lately, what have you been up to?

  7. Happy New Years, I hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

  8. Happy Thanksgiving, How was your week?

  9. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays.

  10. he always climbs over those viking sets, and he was sleeping in the picture, i have another, a blue tongue but he doesn't freely crawl around my room

  11. Hello, and welcome to BZP.

  12. Here are some pics they may not be public yet


    (Copy and paste it into the top bar)

  13. hey can i add you as a friend

  14. hey check out my brickshelf, im not sure if it is up but here is the link


  15. hey do you like sharing your Bionicles with your brother, i only have sisters and they dont like bionicle or Lego for that matter

  16. hey have u checked out my brickshelf yet it has a pic of my BD in there

    here is the link again


    copy and paste it into your menu bar

  17. hey i didn't know u were mutrans brother. can i add u as a friend?

  18. hey man thanks for visiting my profile

  19. hey man, how are things, sorry if i havent talked in a while, School is a pain in the neck

  20. Hey sorry mate for losing contact for a while, I've been on eBay mostly searching for Bionicle Sets I don't have, and I have purchased all the 01 Rahi, all 6 Turaga, Toa Iruini, Makuta Icarax, Two Vahi (Orange and Gold) and Three Poisoned Hau Nuva's. I have approximately spent $1000 altogether. So what has been up with you lately?

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