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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Sorry if I haven't talked in a while

  2. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

  3. MOC, oops forgot to finish the comment

  4. nah mate no crocs here im in south east QLD, u get them up more north

  5. Nice about time some other aussie. awesome

  6. Nice MOC of the Toa nuva Kaita.

  7. Nice work and thx for visiting my profile

  8. Nice, finally someone from Australia so far all the people i see arent from here. anyway nice interests

  9. No I don't, but I should make one.

  10. No I doubt they will come on the first, but within the first fortnight.

  11. No I haven't but I don't think it is available for Mac yet.

  12. No I haven't seen any in stores yet,because I only live near a Big W, and they always get them at the end of February, but I really want to go to Maroochydore where they have Kmart, Target, and Myers, they may probably have them. Although I have had reports that they are already in Target stores, if you live near one then you should go and check them out.

  13. no i havent seen many, only the mask of light saga and that was just recently

  14. No problem, your art is really good, and deserves to be noted as some of the best art on BZP.

  15. no sorry im not on deviant art, i can barely even draw, ok talk to you next time, its like 6am here.

  16. No there weren't any catches they delivered it in 13 days, and everything went smoothly, sorry for the late reply though, I had work today.

  17. No worries, I'm very easy to forget, so how are you?

  18. No worries, Yes get Strakk he is really good.

  19. No, I haven't thought about getting LSW this year because I don't have any of the sets from last year, and they look good but (no offense) I don't buy sets that are made in China apart from Bionicle, which only the vehicles are partly made in China.

  20. No, the hands don't have any writing on them. Why?

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