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Aussie Tahu Nuva

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Status Updates posted by Aussie Tahu Nuva

  1. I just received all my Bionicles today. They are so good, well worth the full price

  2. I just finished Brisingr, it was so captivating, one of the bet books I've read in a long time

  3. Happy New Years, I hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

  4. Where are you up to, I only started reading Saturday.

  5. Hmm, yeah I guess so, it says on the site up to 18 business days, does it usually come within the allocated time?

    And on another topic. Have you read Brisingr yet? I'm currently reading it now, it is a really good read so far.

  6. Thanks, I can't wait till I receive them, have you ever ordered from S@H, and how long do you think it would take.

  7. the gears underneath your name represent your status, at the moment you are a Turaga, and Welcome to BZPower

  8. I got the Glatorian, Agori, Fero and Skirmix, and Tuma. How are they are they cool

  9. Yeah it really drains me though, sometimes I work till midnight, like I did last night, however I did get paid double.

  10. I know, I just ordered all of them, even though they are all at full price, now that I'm working I can afford to waste my money, lol.

  11. Are you from Australia?

  12. Yes it is the afternoon here, now, Enjoy your Christmas and have a safe New Year.

  13. I can't wait till the Glatorian come out here, which probably won't be till February

  14. Wicked, it should be fun to build. I had a great time building mine before I went on and built the Axalara T9, I was in my room for 4 hours non stop.

  15. Congratulations, do u have any plans for Christmas. I'm having a very relaxed day here, No presents coz I got them all early

  16. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Sorry if I haven't talked in a while

  17. Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.

  18. Hi are you from Australia?

  19. It is raining here now, and I didn't realize how many Aussies are on this site. I gave you 5* and could I add you to my friends

  20. Thats good to hear, I had my orientation for my job today. It went well and I start as a trainee tomorrow from 6 till midnight, should be good. Well thats al the new news from me.

  21. Thats cool, good luck with the election

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