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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Status Updates posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Hey, if she's hot, she's hot. No denying that. Tell me, what does she look like?

  2. I want you to know, my advice still stands. I may not be as good as my advice, but it is still true.

  3. She was sitting next to her Dad/Uncle. I was super embaressed to even look at her ;-;

  4. When in public, everyone can hear you fail. Plus I did not know her well, and couldn't think of an appropriate approach.

  5. Yep. I had a chance to talk to some cute girls in the waiting room, one who even looked back when I looked at her, and I did not take that opportuity. And then she was in the Waiting room again, but again I did not take that opportunity. She was with her family the second time. But she definatly was interested in me. Ugh. I feel like carp for not taking the first or second opportunity to talk with

  6. No, I'm far to much of a sly and shy fool to have a GF at this time, plus I am not in school or Youth Groups so yeah. I need to get in a youth group.

  7. Um. No. Maybe a few roundhouse kicks to get me out of the habit. CALL CHUCK!

  8. I've been having the feeling that I need a girlfriend for a while, and I let it out like that.

    I didn't even lie cause of the story, that was inspired by the lie.

  9. Maybe, somewhere someday, I will find her. As of now, no. I'm really 14.

  10. You are awesome for liking M*A*S*H

  11. Uh, what's Constitution? You mean the Document?

  12. Good, that way I can kill you and take your command easier [/obscure Star Trek reference]

  13. I got all Squinty eyed when you said you where going to another writer.

  14. I sent you three paragraphs on it.

  15. Did you show him what I wrote about it?

    Also, I vote for realism.

  16. I tryed that one too. It's not as cool as FireFox.

  17. Nothing much, I put Firefox on my Laptop. Which Internet Browser do you use?

  18. Oh. My Leg's doing fine. And my ankle too.

  19. It's good, better definatly.

    Thank you for the comment,I appreciate it.

  20. Haven't had time to read it all.

    You should say oceanic Flight 815 whenever you mention a flight. It'll freak some people out.

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