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~garnira returns~

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Posts posted by ~garnira returns~

  1. Due to known pictures of the 2013 wave, it seems that there are many iconic story elements that were not made sets. I will put a spoiler outlining them

    -samurai vehicle with sawblade wheels-samurai vehicle with drill and tusks-overlord's final transformation-sawblade catapult

    therefore, it seems like they have some potential to make more sets, but are determined to replace ninjago with chima as soon as possible.

  2. Anyone remember that game? You know the one where you drive a technic RC around a closed toy store that only sell lego racers stuff?Regardless, I've been playing it for a while, and it has been pretty fun! Anyone else have thoughts or opinions on that game?


    Hot topic on new years! :D :onfire:

  3. It look, form what I've seen, like all of the characters will have custom-molded heads. I think that's a little disappointing, it's one step too far away from the minifigs we know and love. Of course, in Ninjago, almost all the villains have custom heads, but at least one side had the standard ones.However, for Chol's sake, I'm hoping there's a wolf tribe or something in that vein. I would be like an official Lego army of his sigfigs.
    Actually, if you look closely, you will notice that the animal heads appear to be "masks" that fit over minifig heads. hint: look at the eyes.
    Hey, I think you're right! I wonder what the printing is like in there...Also, this is totally a gritty reboot of Fabuland.
    I saw a picture of one without their mask, and it looks like a flattened version of the mask, with two expressions.
  4. Nice review! ou make me wish I just happened to have 130 dollars just hanging around, but I don't. I can't even manage to raise enough money for weathertop! I might have if things such as polybag ghosts, ninjago character encyclopedias, and new brickmaster books stopped coming along! Oh well. You might want to check on the last photo link, because it takes you to the the exploded wall picture instead of the theoden's hall pic.

  5. I had forgotten to mention this earlier:I loved the temple scene. that music mixed so well with what was happening. It just turned out really well IMO.and I love that piece anyway.
    YES!!! The music especially matched up when

    the light bounced off the crystals and gave the ninja their Kimono/PWR suits.

    Please don't call them PWR... that was simply a bogus name from bogus synopses of this season's episodes. The ninja's real new outfits were never called that and probably never will be.
    Yes, I know, but thats just for reference to anyone who doesn't know that.
  6. It look, form what I've seen, like all of the characters will have custom-molded heads. I think that's a little disappointing, it's one step too far away from the minifigs we know and love. Of course, in Ninjago, almost all the villains have custom heads, but at least one side had the standard ones.However, for Chol's sake, I'm hoping there's a wolf tribe or something in that vein. I would be like an official Lego army of his sigfigs.
    Actually, if you look closely, you will notice that the animal heads appear to be "masks" that fit over minifig heads. hint: look at the eyes.
  7. @ Aanchir"Granted, I understand that you probably bought the BIONICLE sets for more than just MOCing parts, and so it's not as big a deal for you if you don't use them It's nobody's place to tell you why you should or shouldn't buy a set, but I thought I might throw that in." I'm not sure I follow. I am not telling anyone to not buy a set, neither have I been told not to buy a set. I confess, I probably should of added why I'm concerned with the porportions: because I am working on a potential stop motion series, and Characters of the same spieces should be roughly the same size, or it will look off. I am trying to use the same general poportions that the 2008/2009 characters used, if that clears anything up. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the series (if it comes to be) will have mocs for most of the characters, and I need more matoran, and that means more matoran limbs, which are not quite as readily available as they once were. No hard feelings. :) I admit my previous comment was pretty vague.

  8. Pretty much any standard (boring) HF hero (not the villians). especially the 2.0, 3.0, and some of the breakout editions. I regret all of the 2.0, (I bought all of them), 3.0 and smaller breakout because they would have 2-3 "good" parts, and the rest would repetative, and in some cases, useless. Joints and chest parts are too big for a matoran, and too small for a toa/medium sized character. Don't get me wrong, the parts are useful, but I have enough rahi, titans, and other characters that can use the parts for more "abstract" mocing, and I need more standard inhabitants for my "island".http://hf.biosector01.com/hf/images/5/55/2067_Evo_2.0.jpghttp://hf.biosector01.com/hf/images/e/ec/6217_Surge_Pose.jpg <--------- for clarification, its this build, that I regret buying so much of.http://hf.biosector01.com/hf/images/d/d4/2144_Nex_3.0.jpg

  9. Is it still successful? Because I heard that if it fails, Lego is going to stop building construction figure style sets.
    That statement was made in the early days of LEGO Hero Factory when a lot of BIONICLE fans were foolishly hoping for it to fail, so it's probably no longer valid. If Hero Factory ends at this point, it still will have been successful for around three years, which is around the same lifespan as most successful non-evergreen LEGO themes. If Hero Factory does end at some point in the future, there's no longer any reason TLG would assume that all constraction sets are doomed to failure.Also, people discussing things we learned from the recent un-watermarked images-- the moderators apparently haven't decided yet whether to allow those pics to be posted here since, while they don't have watermarks, they might still be leaked. Until they decide to allow the pictures we probably shouldn't be discussing things that we observed from them like the name of the wave or the features of the sets.
    oh, and I might want to add that they were forund on a german shopping website.
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