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~garnira returns~

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Posts posted by ~garnira returns~

  1. Nice, but that position looks painful :confused: also, you might want to give it more of an oriental feel, since its from ninjago. Look up eastern dragons vs. western dragons on your favorite search engine and you may find something useful.

  2. Oh yes! I remember playing it and then making factories with actual lego parts. I had a blue junkbot minifig with shapie'd on details. I have made it to building three and sub level 2.

  3. IC:Before the guards eyes, a white and gold matoran suddenly materializes in front of the gates of Ta-Koro,"What in the name of mata nui just happe- Oh. So thats what it does."says the previously shocked av matoran. OOC:This is my first post in BZPRPG so I'm not quite sure how things work.

  4. Ghost villains, more interesting glatoran head style masks, and more vehicles. It would also be cool to see some sets that are places ( made out of technic, or playsets.) I personally would like more of the bright green from the green lantern set. Lilac and medium azure are also high on the list.Should I mention a more complicated storyline? (no, I wont let that rest until it happens :P ) Perhaps the heros could loose for once. (sorry for getting off topic for a minute there)

  5. Nui-Taras: the body is nicely designed and so are the legs. However, the legs don't look really flexible and the golden head doesn't fit in with the other colors but still, nice job on this!Bone Hunter Elite: although this is simple, it's still pretty cool. The colors are great and I like the arm flexibility is awesome. The legs are a bit short but other than that, you did a great job on this. Awesome!
    unfortunately, I dont have any brown or black visorak heads, so this is the best I could find. :whatsthat: Suprisingly, the legs of Nui-Taras are flexible(but not the feet tounge2.gif). Yeah, the bone hunter is supposed to look a little squat. Thanks for the praise!
  6. Nui Tarasappearance:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/006.jpgclassification: Rahipreservation status: well populatedearthly counterpart: Tortoisesize: 7 meters long, 3 meters tallhabitat: desert or grasslandmask: unknown, located in shellBehavior/history: Nui-Taras are known to be one of Makuta Bitil's more succesful non-insectoid creations. Nui-Taras are solitary beasts that roam grasslands and deserts, and aren't naturally aggresive. They are known to have great memories, and if tamed, can follow previously crossed routes as well as ussal crabs! These were also steeds for mantax's armies.more views:front:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/005.jpgtop:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/009.jpgback:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/007.jpg Bone Hunter Eliteappearance:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/011.jpgclassification: sentient beings size: 2&1/2 meters tallhabitat:anywhere they can pilage mask: skrall helmet Behavior/history:The elite faction of the Bone Hunters strike at night, and are known to destroy villages in a matter of minutes! They all share a common personality: fowl and wicked. Naturally, when the Nui-Taras migrated to Spherus-Magna, and the Bone Hunters saw their potential, a powerful new form of Bone Hunter Cavalry was born!Fighting Village guards:http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/garnira/bionicles/013.jpg

  7. Marendar=giant robot? Possible, but unlikely. To start, the giant robots shown in previous story were designed to save life and restore a planet, not to kill other things.And if Marendar was a giant robot, don't you think they would have seen him coming? :lookaround:
    read the whole post! I was referring to bohrok and baterra. ( sorry if I sound rude)
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