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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *high-fives* *happy-dances*

  2. *homing poke pokes you ... along with a homing dagger*

  3. *insert extremely late Inferna-esque comment about the poetry here* =P

  4. *insert random shoutout to you here*

  5. *is breathing heavily, like an angry bull, on the back of your neck*

  6. *is referencing to your new banner*

  7. *is still waiting for a Cry of the Broken update*

  8. *is still waiting for a Wings review*

  9. *kills Zarayna*

    Anyway, happy 21st birthay; your e-cake awaits in my blog. =P

  10. *knocks out, chains, gags, and drags into Gaeabionta* :P

  11. *laughs*

    . . . BTW, about your problem with Zarayna, did you know that a tornado + windowpane + bystander not in storm cellar = decapitation? =P

  12. *leaps into 2009 SSC Ultimate Aero (red) and drives at top speed past you* :P

  13. *leaps into your profile and makes off with the Daybreak manuscript*

  14. *Left 4 Dead reference flies straight over my head*

  15. *lights explode, only to be replaced with freaky green torches* *appears in my Withc Queen costume* *laughs insanely and draws sword*

  16. *looks up from my pile of paper documents* Yep. I'll PM it to you. =D

  17. *melts Akaku's longsword before it hits you*

  18. *My Luxray blasts you with Thunder, while my brother's Infernape and mine both use Blast Burn on you. My Leafeon then uses Leaf Blade on your speedboat to cut the fuel line*

  19. *Nemesis creates plasma beneath your feet* *slams a tower of fire towards you*

  20. *Nemesis teleports behind you, leaving you to make an impact into the concrete*

  21. *Olmaks myself to secret base* *Olmaks missle and launcher to some random planet*

  22. *Pakari kick to the butt* Kagha! Heed HN's wishes! NOW!

  23. *places bet that the number of times you'll delete your rules is 12* =P

  24. *plans to stalk profile until Unseen Entity is posted* =P

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