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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. *plots to make your birthday topic*

  2. *pokes repeatedly with sharp pointy objects*

  3. *pokes unmoving body*

    You still alive, dude? =D

  4. *pokes* Nice job with the promotion. =D

  5. *pulls out Kleenex box* Hey, I'm just really attached to your old name, okay?

  6. *runs through profile, waving Seahawks flag* =P

  7. *sees Calix* THAT'S MINE! >,

  8. *shambles through profile, slightly punch-drunk from a surprise earlier today*

  9. *Sips iced coffee* Thanks for the warning. *moves breakables to another room and locks door* BTW, Akaku's written his own Prank wars fic.

  10. *slaps HN quite a few times before running off*

  11. *snorts* Yeah right. You're just saying that to deny the truth. My Glaceon is Level 73. :P

  12. *stares at new username* *decides not to comment*

  13. *stares* Why is everyone poking me?

  14. *steals back the mask, puts back on face* *chases after Akaku*

  15. *strolls by* I saw you around the forums, and I thought I'd drop by to say hi. =P (This is Inferna from ff.net, jsyk)

  16. *substitutes self for a punching bag* *yanks out one of her books and starts saying a few funny words*

  17. *surprise glomp* ^^

  18. *tackles, binds, and gags you* :P

  19. *throws guitar at MacGyvr because he took a bite out of my mask*

  20. *Throws homing SWORD*

  21. *trains grenade machine gun on you*

  22. *Turakii-glomps*

    Yay! You're back! =D

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