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Status Updates posted by MICKSTER

  1. Life's goin just great. :)

  2. Nah, I haven't. Is it good?

  3. Nah, they're just sprites that you can put in your sig or whatever.

    Anyways. How've you been?

  4. Nah. I like to type stories on my own computer in my room, but it's out of commission right now because my bro has to use my moniter for his computer. And I use a different computer for getting on the internet, but everyone in my family uses this computer and I don't like people reading over my shoulder. It makes me nervous. I've been workin' on Exeno Raptors instead. You should ch

  5. Not much. 'Ow 'bout you?

  6. Not much. Ha ha! Just kidding! I just got out of school. And now I'm leaving a comment for my favorite online friend. ;) You?

  7. Not much. How 'bout you?

  8. Not much. Just sittin' here postin' and stuff. :P

  9. Not much. Wanna be my friend?

  10. Not much. What 'bout you?

  11. Nothin' much. What 'bout you?

  12. Nothin' much. What about you?

  13. Nuthin' much. What 'bout you?

  14. O_o Zoinks. *Fills space with meaningless stuff that he can't think of right now* *Newb mode on* YES!1!1!11!!! ILOVEDOdgEBALL!11!!!!!!1

  15. Oh yeah. I got Axalara T9! Woo hoo! :-D What about you?

  16. Oh yeah. There's a certain enjoyment that comes from destroying everything in your path. XP

  17. Oh, ya know. Mow, pull weeds, trim bushes. That sort of stuff. :) Yeah it gets really boring sitting inside all day.

  18. Oh. When we play, it's usually just 7th grade through 11th, so it's all good. =) I also like four square, but I don't like volleyball that much, even though I am 6'4" and I can spike like crazy. =)

  19. Pretty good. How 'bout you?

  20. Pretty good. How's it goin' with you? *Attempts to disco again, but with the same result as before* Aw man. *Runs to a corner and cries again*

  21. Pretty good. It feels like forever since I've been on here. How are you?

  22. So watcha up to? *Feels inspired and attempts to disco but falls flat on his face* Ouch! That hurt. *Runs to a corner and cries*

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