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Everything posted by Valtika

  1. You told me you lost proto before becoming Premier because you weren't on much.
  2. Most of which you weren't here for.
  3. Yeah. OotS also called me that when I was a noob.
  4. http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1038/957125...c4f1125.jpg?v=0 Wow.
  5. My nickname? http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1038/957125...c4f1125.jpg?v=0
  6. Mind reader! ~X Finally! Someone believes me!
  7. Entries about nothing are fun cause they can be about anything, or nothing at all.
  8. 2 chickens attached together. Like Siamese twins, but chickens. I know, weird entry.
  9. Valtika

    A Contest!

    Yes, it is okay.
  10. Valtika

    A Contest!

    Yes, you can use other changes. As long as you use the Ussal.
  11. Valtika

    Rick Roll Is...

    I made 2 topics about it on Tth! XD
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