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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Shioi

  1. -Shioi :surprise at Joshua's confession of being mellow:

  2. "Boo," says the mysterious ghost to your comment, "Boo," she says!

  3. "DISREGARD HER" you say? Why I never! ~Just 'cause you're Rah, the one and only, you can get away with it, though. Have you, btw, made it to the US yet for a visit?

  4. "Splat?" That sounds messy.

    *hires clean up crew*

    Hi, back! :D

  5. *waves* Thanks for stopping by my profile page! ^_^

  6. ~ wiggling little rahkshi rule! ~ (they can keep you mesmerized for hours)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shioi


      Thanks, FF Ice Master! ^_^ Nice of you to come by and comment!

    3. The Swimming Beard

      The Swimming Beard

      That avatar is awesome.

    4. Shioi


      Glad you think so, Toa of Smooth Jazz! I took a liking to it immediately after seeing it. Kind of Pohuaki to let me use it all these years. :) Thanks for giving me a visit here. Stop by anytime.

  7. Actually you are right. You have no name. But what's in a name? By any other name you'd be as ...wait a minute...are you "sweet" in any way, shape or form?

  8. Actually, I am not into Prince at all. I just watched a clip from his Superbowl performance from a few years ago, so he's fresh on my mind. Aw, I never saw you as someone with "too" much hate in ya. ;) Maybe...some...

  9. Ah yes, "Ed, Edd 'n Eddy topic," I remember that request well. Thanks for stopping by my profile, oh profile viewer, you. :)

  10. And a Merry Christmas to you, too! And you know...and I can't say this about everyone, but you have always struck me as being so very archetypical of an everyday, run of the mill, one year old female from Tennessee. :o

    Those are just my feelings, now, on the subject. Don't mean to push them onto you.

  11. And here I have always thought so highly of adaptive armor.

    (thanks for stoppin' by my profile page) ^_^

  12. Aren't you just the one who included the word, "Mysterious" in that previous comment of yours...and yet...you ask such a question? ;)

  13. Darn you! I like dewd better than doooooood. I should have thought of that! ;)

  14. Define: Heebadeewhuh

  15. doooooooooooooood!

  16. Shioi

    Good for you, Kex, for hosting this COT contest. True, you ARE brave, but I think it is going to go great! I'll stay tuned. *smiles* I'm enjoying all the pink text.

  17. Hello! :) Thanks for stopping by my profile page.

    (I probably would enjoy Taco Tuesdays, too)

  18. Hey, records are meant to be broken, yes? Who is it? And how did they manage it? (impressive that you remembered that I had a low post count when becoming staff; good memory!)

  19. Hi Bio####!

    Thanx for stoppin' by my profile. ^.~ Just checkin' on me, I presume?

  20. Hi Kani. Wassup? XP

    *quickly disappears*

  21. Hi Pohuaki.

    Thanks for stopping by on the 29th. ;)

  22. Hi Sumiki! Thanks for stopping by my page not too long ago. :) I'm always amazed anyone knows who I am...it's been so long since I've been active. *waves*

  23. Hi there, Joshua the Drummer. Thanks for stopping by my profile page not too long ago. Hope you're doin' well!

  24. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by my profile page. :)

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