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Everything posted by Axewazerwazer

  1. and now i have reached 1000!!!!

  2. aw you changed your name to Bane? im going to miss Kex, had a nice ring to it

  3. welcome to BZPower, i suppose this is a little late, my apologies, i hope you enjoy your stay here

  4. the comedie IS over, THAT one at least, i was wondering if anyone had ideas for maybe...a certain..sequel..

  5. the comedie IS over, THAT one at least, i was wondering if anyone had ideas for maybe...a certain..sequel..

  6. i saw your post in a topic, you live in canada too?

  7. Indeed, welcome to BZPower and ill give you 5 stars too xD have fun and stay in school!

  8. hi you can see the whole Bionicles Alone series at the new topic (which i can now get to easily) on my profile, i will be making a new series about it soon, any suggestions and ideas will be accepted =)

  9. welcome to BZPower,welol all the welcome stuff have been established so ill also give you 5 stars xD

  10. oooo ok =P because my name is Harley xD

  11. hey i remember you liked Bionicles Alone, im pretty sure it was you, well i made a new topic with it on my profile, ideas for another series about it?

  12. were did you get that awesome banner?

  13. WOOHOO 800 POSTS! i have new goal, to get 1000 posts by the end of the year !

  14. good job on Nidhiki and Takanuva

  15. i made a sequel, BATLLE OF THE INIKA

  16. yea im working on the nest one,should be done in the next...10 minutes

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