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Everything posted by Sakaru

  1. I GOT THE STAR WARS: CLONE WARS BOOK a FEW DAYS AGO!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!! :D It's soooooo good! It makes me want to see the movie! :D

  2. Sakaru

    An Avvie Update

    But what's wrong with it's color right now. And what color do you want it? Oh and here I'm sorry that a few are grumpy but they are just tired!
  3. Kongu~Tohunga! It's the name I got to know you by! And it sounds awesome! Here take it and like it!
  4. Sakaru

    70 To Go

    Post, post, post! As fast as you can! No one will catch you, you are Toa Valtika!
  5. I'm jealous of all thoes things.... except for the Wal-Mart .... My dad works a Mijer.... WICH MEAND A DISCOUNT ON LEGO! But that store dosent have Taka yet... Hope you get Vultraz! TAKE LOTS OF PICS!!!!!!! Please!
  6. Sakaru

    So Close...

    Great for you! Have fun on you trip to the protoderms! And dont forget your towel!
  7. *clicks link* *faints* *wakes up, clikcks link agian, faints again* *repeats process for half and hour* wow...I didn't think I was that good. There are lots of people that are better than me! (I just can't remember their names right now) That is one of those things were the member clicks on it, it directs them to there profile. When I click on it, it goes to my profile. Strange...
  8. *clicks link* *faints* *wakes up, clikcks link agian, faints again* *repeats process for half and hour* wow...I didn't think I was that good. There are lots of people that are better than me! (I just can't remember their names right now)
  9. Sakaru

    Ussal Crab Club

    I JOINED! Yay Ussal Crabs!
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