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Status Updates posted by Carnifex

  1. Heroes, heroes... I dont really know. Im on the verge of trying to get Alex to restart Outbreak.

  2. Hey, bonesii, why can't I download the PDF for the Expanded Multiverse?

  3. Hey, weren't we like 40-50 but looked like we were 30?

  4. HEY! Y haven't you written any BZProvince stuff? Or read mine and Xom's?

  5. Hey. ALex fixed Oubreak.

  6. Hey. I read your review of my RPG entry so i edited it. WOuld it be okay for you to give it a re-review?

  7. Hey. I read your review of my RPG entry so i edited it. WOuld it be okay for you to give it a re-review?

  8. HEY. Wat's up? Check out my new story topic.

  9. Hey. Why haven't you posyted a review yet? >_

  10. Hey. WIndsaber here. CHeck out my BZprovince -related story cuz it just closed. You're in it.

  11. How can a summer not be summery?

  12. I did. Why are you Resolution? *must convert*

  13. I don't really know. Life is getting boring without Catlin and Riko.

  14. I like Vanille. : P

    Lightning is cool too. Snow is.... bleh.

    : P

  15. I might be offline on your b-day, so Happy B-day! *pulls out cake that I baked cuz Im good at baking*

    Its Chocolate! :P


  16. I miss you so much TMS!! :(

  17. I missed you. LONG TIME NO TALK.


  18. I need ur charrie at BZProvince.

  19. i see. I hate hair cuts. Im growing mine out.

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