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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. Yeah... I am working on that... XD Also, YAYZ!!!!!

  2. Yeah... I figured as much... XD ROFL LOL

  3. Yeah... I saw. And also, you did what to who?!? rofl lol

  4. Yeah... I see you also changed your Location............ "pwetty"? lol, rofl!!! I'm sorry, I can't control my laughing side sometimes... I usually get into pretty awkward situations that way... -_-

  5. Yeah... I think that in R2, Imma go with the Sentry Gun. It fires out an auto-turret like the Hailstorm. I like those kinds of guns. But the LAARK makes everything funnier. XD

  6. Yeah... if only technology kept up with TV.... XD ROFL Well, for now, all I can do is epic characters, so... would you like to guest star in my next one? ^^

  7. Yeah... it does, but thankfully the doctors were able to reattach it in time... XD ROFL I am j/k. :P *sees you run off somewhere* ... Where are you going?

  8. Yeah... lol, I almost did that once. XD I never know where I'm going in those unless someone leads me. :P Also, I saw some of the scariest stuff in this one haunted house...

  9. Yeah... XD I am not really that good at responding to emoticons. -.-

  10. Yeah... you a fan of Godzilla?

  11. Yeeeeeessss.....? XD Anyways, ok. :D I will go vote for... wait, I thought you said it was in a contest?

  12. Yep, and it will shock and amaze ALL. *eyes get huge to emphasize effect* ...Could you help me? My eyes are stuck this way now... Also, do you have any epics/artwork?

  13. Yep, sandbox mode is always fun, it gives you time to do stuff and just play around. I thought the action was pretty good too. :D

  14. Yep, so whaddya like?

  15. Yep, sure. I will be back in a sec.

  16. Yep. I know this is sudden, but could you review my epic?

  17. Yep... so..... *gives you a hug* Did you say, "More thorough review ni the future"? Or was it someone else... *looks on a list of people who owe me a review* XD

  18. Yes it is. XD You really didn't?! Wow... that was unexpected. *gets hit by a wrecking ball, flying into the sunset* DON'T WORRY I'LL BE BAAAAAAAAACK..... XD Lol

  19. Yes you do, and which Godzilla do ya like? There are 3: japanese, new york, and the american tv show one.

  20. Yes, and good mornin'!!!

  21. Yes, I have been uhhh..... busy. >.> <. xd the quote is still like that cause i really quote. xp>

  22. Yes, I like Pokemon, and that is why you have all these people? :S Whatever suits you best, I guess.

  23. Yes, I meant the recent one. And also, may I use Tarik? It is for my epic, the current one not the Makuta one.

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