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Everything posted by Nidhikiandco

  1. Well, if he's like that, then you have a potentially good character, and I'd like to read any epilogue to the story (I liked it a lot).

    Oh, and I didn't hear about the contest, is it still going on?

  2. Nice! Sequel material?

    But sequels are dangerous, at least if you want to write a good one. :P I can explain in more depth later, since there's a limit to what I can type here.

  3. Three's still a lot! I did read The Mansion, liked it, going to review it once I muster the energy to produce an adequate review. :P

    Although I was wondering: do you really think theft is an inexcusable crime?

  4. I'm fine, sorry about seeming 'absent'. Life's pretty busy right now, so not much time for BZP. Since you mentioned writing, I'll tell you that I actually do have an epic planned, it's just that I haven't been able to get much work done on it. I see you've done quite a lot of writing, I'll be sure to check all your stories out!

  5. Yay you got a blog. Well, since the entry wasn't really about anything, all I have to say is this: Good luck with Premiership, and thanks a lot for linking H'sD here! I'd link S&D in my blog, except my Premier perks are over and I can't. So congratulations on all of this!
  6. You're really not entering? Shame, although I guess you could say that about my not entering Contest #8.

    By the way, 'The Sniper' was excellent, I'm planning on reviewing it soon.

  7. Contest #8? I wasn't planning to -- the only (completed one I like) epic I have is H's D; the only scene I'd enjoy writing would be Hydraxon's actual death from his point of view. (it's finished, if you haven't seen.) And I'm pretty busy right now with other writing projects (Core War story) and real-life things.

    But I'm sure yours is great, I'll kee

  8. Hi -- Haven't seen you since I got back, so I thought I'd drop a comment here.

    Don't really have anything to say except this: there are other ways to get images online besides scanners. But I don't mean to bother you about the comic, however awesome it may be.

    So nice talking to you, I'll be checking S&D often.

    Oh -- and thanks for putting my epic in

  9. If I had internet stuff to write about, I guess I'd put that here too.
  10. So... Dentist didn't go so well. They were trying to make impressions of my teeth, so they pressed a wedge of pink wax up onto my teeth, left it there for five minutes, then took it off. Having wax in my mouth was pretty disgusting, but I didn't mind so much. What I minded (and which also made the appointment run a lot longer than it needed to be) was that the wax kept getting caught on my braces and messed up the impressions, so I had to have wax pressed in my mouth 10 times before the dentists could get it right. This is for top and bottom teeth. A lot of the wax had crumbled off on my face, so I had to scrub wax off of my face before I could finally leave. I'm making this sound worse than it was, but I didn't like it. Then when I got out, I needed the bathroom pretty badly. My house is just around the corner from the dentist's, so I was irritated when my dad told me that we were going to the market to get lunch (this usually takes a while). We walked a few blocks; I found a Barnes&Noble, though, and even though I didn't buy anything, I snuck into the bathroom. After that, I wasn't so annoyed, as if I had forgotten everything that precluded my gladness. I don't expect anyone to read this, but aren't blogs supposed to be about one's life?
  11. Nidhikiandco


    If I'm not mistaken, this is the last day I get to have a blog. But it's also the first. It's not such a great name, but it'll do for a day. The purpose of this blog: for me to pour my ideas out on your screen. I don't have much time, so I should get busy writing my stuff.
  12. Hmm... this is going to be hard. Anyone who reads this, do not take the following seriously. Why is logic bad? Let's see. -Logic excludes emotions, and emotional barriers. -Logic often takes time to use, time that many do not have in quick situations. -Logic is only consistent in any one argument. -Logic, if dissected hard enough, is filled with untrue assumptions. Can't think of anything else.
  13. Can't believe I can still post here. I thought Premier perks were only for a week! This just made my day. But I have a dentist appointment later. That'll wreck my good mood. But after that, I'm meeting with a friend. That'll put me in it again.
  14. Well then, if that many people post at the same time, then that should make up for your unfortunate time without reviews.

    Plus, good job on gathering well-known people to review your epic. :P

  15. Oh...

    Well, it turns out I'm going away on Saturday for a month, so if it only takes two weeks for S&D to finish, when I come back I'll see the end. :P

    Good luck with ending your story!

  16. Just wanted to let you know: I've finished Hydraxon's Death. =D

    Gonna check on S&D soon!

  17. Hmm... the description of Gelu sounds a lot like myself.
  18. Glad you enjoyed. =D

  19. I finally got around to dropping you a review. Hope you like it! =P

  20. Nidhikiandco

    Book News

    :D :D Even if it's serialized in the US, I'd buy it anyway, not only to support Bionicle, but also, because I like having Bionicle books on my shelves. I'd have to print the serials.
  21. I found the message in your sig, so excuse the spam.


  22. :D

    Awesome review you gave me! You might have even inspired me to write another short story. :P

  23. Thanks!

    I'll be checking over there right now.

    Oh -- hope you caught my review of your short story. Soon you'll be getting another for S&D. :D

  24. =D

    I've been a little busy, but I'm meaning to come on over and give you another review, too.

  25. Oh. Too bad the Feed's gone, but for those of us who're desperate for information can go and wade through pages of the OGD. Have fun wherever you're going! Edit: just realized that you should already be gone. Silly me.
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