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Everything posted by -BD-

  1. DV wins another eh? Yeah.... I'm like the only one without a PM title. I need to get that going again. How's the MOCs?

  2. Been awhile yeah... have I missed anything?

  3. Girls eh Chrome? How could I resist? =)

  4. Yay! I await his role in the epic. ~BD~
  5. -BD-

    10th Grade

    Maybe it's because I have 8 diffrent 90 minute classes. Spanish doesn'y help either. ~BD~
  6. -BD-

    10th Grade

    10th grade's a pain, so I won't be around for a long time. -until then ~BD~
  7. Yeah, Krika would be good. ~BD~
  8. -BD-


    Boy, you can't post one friggin MOC these days without it only getting negative reactions... even if it was just a little quick MOC for fun. Not every MOC is built to shock everyone with awesome colors and designs. Personally as this is one I those quick little MOCs, I like it. Quick, fun, and easy. ~BD~ ------- Too true.... At least a few good reactions are mixed in. LEGO Bricks are supposed to be about having fun, right? Not really. Thankee. -K-
  9. -BD-

    Bbcc #50 Entry List

    I've seen Shadrahks', but I don't know if he wants me to post it. ~BD~
  10. -BD-

    The Dark Knight

    I think Heath played him so good, that it would have made Jack cry. ~BD~
  11. I don't want to be a 15 year-old still doing stuff with Bionicle. It's sort of lame. I should have quit a long time ago.

  12. Oh, thanks, yours is cool too. =)

  13. -BD-

    Almost Done

    About one more week until school starts for me. That means the end of my summer. But, I still have 4 prize MOCs to finish so I have to stick around a little longer. Or maybe I will just send them through MSN. I'm thinking about scraping some of my other MOCs to cut some time and finish those 4. Then I have to do my self-MOC and maybe Kanohi Dragon as the finale. *I don't plan on entering BBCC 51* Probably sell my pieces for cash. I don't know where though. ~BD~ P.S. sorry for not getting to your PMs, I've been having little computer access.
  14. -BD-

    M X B B B C #1

    Hmm.. I may enter something.. ~BD~
  15. No, because... well I don't know why. ~BD~
  16. Ah, you were my first friend on BZP! Good luck, and have fun! ~BD~
  17. Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Nothin much though. Just been trying to get some MOCs out.

  18. -BD-

    Wip Entry

    LOL, yeah I know about the other half. As for the rod, it holds his leg up. Just like the ones for Hydraxon and Axxon. I just had to deal with it. Unless you know a way to fix it. ~BD~
  19. -BD-

    The Choices....

    For how you build, I would go with Takanuva & Rockoh T3. ~BD~
  20. -BD-

    Wip Entry

    @Primus- Yeah I made a real one with some takadox armor, but I need to bulk it up a bit. ~BD~
  21. -BD-

    Wip Entry

    [Wip] I changed most of the black bits to blue and added a real tail. I don't know if I will finish the other half though. It's a Bahrag. ~BD~
  22. Ah! I couldn't find your blog to post this. Entry Name: Seranikai Gallery: Here Do I need to post a story? ~BD~
  23. Horned slugapillar perhaps? ~BD~
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