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shadow pridak money gang

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Status Replies posted by shadow pridak money gang

  1. I am not your friend. I am not your lover. I am not your family.

  2. I am not your friend. I am not your lover. I am not your family.

  3. I am not your friend. I am not your lover. I am not your family.

  4. I am not your friend. I am not your lover. I am not your family.

  5. I am not your friend. I am not your lover. I am not your family.

  6. "Perhaps we as novice artists are cursed: We see humans not just as works of art, but as forms unable to be replicated even through rigorous application of pencil and eraser. Don't even get me started on drawing sneakers." -Me

  7. i'm feeling a wave of narcissism coming on --> hour later --> omg an actual profile with actual information

  8. She torched Neil? You're right. She is a monster.

  9. I just ate chocolate with caramel. #ROLO

  10. I just ate chocolate with caramel. #ROLO

  11. I just ate chocolate with caramel. #ROLO

  12. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good!"

  13. This finale for Techna: Breakdown is making me sad...

  14. This finale for Techna: Breakdown is making me sad...

  15. This finale for Techna: Breakdown is making me sad...

  16. This finale for Techna: Breakdown is making me sad...

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