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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. Thanks! What level were you on when you faced Sephiroth (and won)? I'm currently at level 90.

  2. Is Terra harder to beat than Sephiroth on KH2FM? I've seen a video of someone battling him. It was CRAZY!

  3. What are these "extras" you speak (type) of?

  4. I finally got Ultima Weapon.

    P.S. Do you like the KH theme songs? If so, which one is your favorite?

  5. I tried to fight Sephiroth, and I died in 2 hits:P

    P.S. Does my Moogle level have to be 9 before I can make Ultima Weapon? I have the materials, but my Moogle level is 7.

  6. Where can I get Swap Magic?

  7. I've heard that the members from CoM are very hard. Why do you hate Roxas? He's my favorite Organization XIII member:)

  8. I'm on the last Xemnas fight, now. I have a lot of leveling up to do...

    P.S. I see some of your topics are gone, too. My most popular one is. *sniff*

  9. So, when do you think Shippuden will start airing?

  10. KH 2 is awesome so far. I'm still on the Roxas parts.

  11. I'm on Day 6 of Twilight Town, now. I haven't been able to play it much. I beat Axel the 2nd time for the day. Dual wielding is so cool :)

  12. It's too late, now. I got KH 2 today...

  13. I put dots at the end of almost everything that I type...

  14. TERRIFIC!!!! So, what are you doing right now (besides being on BZP...).

  15. From what I've read, it's a part to a bigger Transformer...

    P.S. I now have KH2!!! I'm on Day 2 of Twilight Town.

  16. Have you seen the newest Transformers trailer?

  17. The next movie that I'm going to see in theaters is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Then, I might see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

  18. Guess what... I'm getting KH2 tomorrow. Prepare yourself for the constant comments:)

  19. I buy the manga, too. I have volumes 25-40. So, what do you think of the filler arcs? Do you like them? I personally hate them.

  20. Didn't I just say they're great :P

  21. Hello...how are you today?

  22. May I ask which website you read Naruto on?

  23. Yes...Frosted Flakes are great...

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