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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. Is Marluxia hard to beat?

  2. Thanks for the tip. Now, I'm at Destiny Islands. The Heartless there are soooooo annoying...

  3. Shoot, Larxene was really hard the first time.

  4. Who were the 3 hardest bosses in Sora's story for you to beat? Just curious...

  5. Well, I have another Re: CoM question for you: What level were you on when you fought Riku the 2nd time?

  6. Thanks! I didn't really think sleights were worth it, anyway. Well, I'm off to beat Monstro and start Halloween Town. See ya, later!

  7. I beat Cloud awhile ago and I think I was around level 16. I'm going to start Monstro some time today.

    P.S. When I level up, should I learn sleights? I usually increase my HP or CP...

  8. You better hope I get an "A"...or else!

  9. I got Re: CoM yesterday! What level do you think I should be on before fighting Cloud?

  10. I turned it in yesterday*more (pointless) maniacal laughter*

  11. Whose story is more fun on Re: Chain of Memories?

    P.S. I'm going to get Re: Chain of Memories this weekend! HURRAY!

  12. It is COMPLETE!!!*maniacal laughter*

  13. Okay...SCIENCE PROJECT... UPGRADE!!! Does that sound good? (:

  14. Have you played KH Re: Chain of Memories? If so, whose story is more fun to play? I've heard that Riku's is...

  15. Hello, again. I looked behind me, and you weren't there:)

  16. SCIENCE PROJECT UPDATE!!! I finished...finally.

  17. Hey, I haven't left you a comment in...*calculates*...2 days. Well, I gotta go do homework. See ya, soon!

  18. I'm about to finish a science project.*sigh* Wish me luck!

  19. I thought that the guy in the secret ending was Master Xehanort, and, he had some connection to the Xehanort we all know. I can't wait for the fillers to end. Too bad there are fillers in Shippuden, too.*sigh*

  20. Do you think that Terra is Xehanort? I think he is.

    P.S. I was just reading your interests, when I saw that you like Naruto. I hate these stupid fillers, too. Thankfully, you can watch Shippuden online.

  21. I don't really have a favorite, because most of the characters are so...interesting.

  22. I meant I was wondering... sorry about that

  23. Yuo're waiting for Birth by Sleep, huh? The secret ending for KHIIFM was sweet. I'm waiting for 358/2 Days, because I don't ahve a PSP.

  24. I'll make sure he doesn't find out...:)

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