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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. I was eondering which side(CIS, Rebel, etc.) you liked the best. I like Republic. See, ya!

  2. Cool personal photo. Xemnas is my favorite Organization XIII member after Roxas!

  3. I take it your favorite KingdomHearts character is Riku? I just got into Kingdom Hearts about a month ago. I've beat the first game already, and I'm going to get Re: Chain of Memories soon.

    P.S. I have a twin brother, too. Cool, huh?

  4. Youlike Linkin Park? What are your favorite LP songs? Mine are Shadow of the Day, Leave Out All the Rest, and What I've Done.

  5. Do you have the game Star Wars Battlefront 2?

  6. Just stopping by to say hello. "Hello." Okay, I got that off my chest:)

    P.S. I left myself some new comments:)

  7. Thanks, but I'll probably end up commenting myself some more, anyway...:)

  8. I've decided to delete my comments, and start over. Hi, my name is TheJake. What's yours? Really? Wow, that's a nice name!

  9. I read the OGD, post, and leave comments for my friends.

  10. I'm just leaving you a comment...:)

  11. Hi, what's up?

  12. You got that right. See ya, later!

  13. I'm not collecting much this year. I'll probably get You-Know-Who when he comes out, though.

  14. Yeah..I'm sure,really:)

  15. Hello...I haven't left you a comment in a while.

  16. So, you are one year old:) See ya,later and happy holidays!

  17. I was reading your profile, and I noticed...YOU'RE ONLY ONE YEAR OLD! Are you really only 1 or, is my computer playing tricks on me?

  18. I'm getting ready for Christmas, too. I'm cleaning up my room to make room for the new things I'll get. I hope you have a happy holiday. See ya, later!

  19. You like Naruto, too? Who's your fav character? Mine is Sasuke.

  20. Hi, I haven't left you any comments lately.

  21. What I've Done is my 2nd fav.

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