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Status Updates posted by TheJake

  1. I'm getting ready for Christmas, too. I'm cleaning up my room to make room for the new things I'll get. I hope you have a happy holiday. See ya, later!

  2. I hope that they have some worlds from recent movies. (I wonder what a Sora from Cars would look like?) Hopefully, the only old worlds would be the original ones... I wouldn't mind more of Riku either. CoM didn't cut it.

    P.S. Tetsuya Nomura stated in a recent magazine that there would be a big Kingdom Hearts announcement next week! Maybe KH3...

  3. Hi! Want to be friends?

  4. Your pic is AMAZING! Ooh, we like a lot of the same stuff... Angel Beats, Haruhi, Gundam 00, K-ON!!, and Yumekui Merry. Oh, have you seen Awakening of the Trailblazer, yet?

  5. I'm going to go CRAZY!!! I'm on the FINAL Riku battle, and I cannot beat him. I'm even using the Vexen enemy card... How many times did you have to fight him before you won? I'm losing my will to play it, now...

  6. Are you talking about the first one? That was was always hard for me. Most people I know say that Giant Ursala is harder.

  7. I take it your favorite KingdomHearts character is Riku? I just got into Kingdom Hearts about a month ago. I've beat the first game already, and I'm going to get Re: Chain of Memories soon.

    P.S. I have a twin brother, too. Cool, huh?

  8. Thanks! I didn't really think sleights were worth it, anyway. Well, I'm off to beat Monstro and start Halloween Town. See ya, later!

  9. You have a new personal picture...interesting...

  10. I know... ;_; I've heard of "Toriko", but I've never read it... What's it about?

  11. I hope it's not canceled! I need to have more things to look forward to each week than just Naruto and Bleach. T.T

  12. Your personal pic scares me.

    P.S. But in a good way :P

  13. Have you heard? xxxHolic is reaching its climax! :D BTW, have you had any luck with your parents, yet?

  14. You shouldn't take breaks... They're baaddd...

  15. I'm listening to "Magic Number" as I type. It's so cute... but good, too!

  16. Cool personal photo. Xemnas is my favorite Organization XIII member after Roxas!

  17. What level were you on when you fought Genesis?

  18. Have you ever read or heard of Black Cat? That's what I'm reading now.

  19. Have your read the new xxxHolic chapter, yet? I liked it more than the last chapter.

  20. I have a quick question. Does reading CCS help you understand TRC better?

  21. I meant "I" not "O"... :P

  22. I thought that the guy in the secret ending was Master Xehanort, and, he had some connection to the Xehanort we all know. I can't wait for the fillers to end. Too bad there are fillers in Shippuden, too.*sigh*

  23. I watched Charlie the Unicorn for the first time yesterday. It was stupid, but really funny.

  24. I liked the new Naruto chapter. Seeing who is in what division was interesting, IMO. Bleach wasn't very good, though...

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