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Posts posted by dotcom


    Consistency in Lego story themes? Never heard of it. :P

    It's called Bionicle.


    That is a funny joke! But it's also incorrect. The first couple of years in particular had a bit of media and general...stuff that ended up getting thrown out, which resulted for instance in the "semi-canon" status of stuff like the MNOG.

    • Upvote 3

    Absorption, hands down. It;s like Mimic's power, except you need to make contact with a friend or foe. Plus, you get to keep any power you've previously copied.

    I think there has to be some sort of time limit on that. Otherwise Skylor could have copied like 200 powers before the tournament started and curb stomped everyone.


    I think her power may only apply to elemental abilities, though. And I doubt there were that many Elemental Masters.


    The limit is definitely not 6 though, Petewa, otherwise they would not have been able to use her to complete the spell.

    • Upvote 1

    But honestly? There have always been terrible Pokemon (don't anyone ever even try to say poliwrath isn't the worst pokemon there is, and that one was from gen 1) A lot of what makes a Pokemon good is indeed just opinion.

    You want smacked don't you. Or maybe I do, because I happen to love Poliwrath. While not my favorite Fighting or Water type he is in my top for each. Not that there were too many fighting types in Gen1, You have the machop group then the Hitmon___ duo. Primeape, and I think that was it off the bat. Anyway Poliwrath was my top 3 for fighting and I think maybe still is.


    May I ask what you hate so much about the Wrath man?


    Like Ballom said, it's the absurdity of "evolving" through the power of frowns. Gen 1 in general wasn't really that great at evolution. We had three that were just "ye olde pokemon, but with three heads!" as well as the now infamous Voltorb/Electrode family, and of course Slowpoke. And if we want to get really into it evolutions like Ponyta's or Dratini's as Archer Vonn said, or even some of those of the starters, even, aren't particularly imaginative. Not that I really mind those, though.


    Poliwrath really is in a league of his own amongst all Pokemon, though. He really just gets angry, and that's pretty awful.


    I like to say that it's just angry you evolved it wrong.

    • Upvote 1
  4. You kind of lost me at some point there. If you think any of the first few generations were in any way darker or better written than generation v, it's probably just nostalgia doing the talking. Like. By a lot. You're just older. That's why it feels less serious.


    Personally, there's Pokemon I love from every generation, without exception. I love generation 5 a lot. It has a ton of what I think are great Pokemon designs. (Gen V has the BEST ghost types, plus Reuniclus, and Volcarona, and ). There's some bad apples in, certainly (not very fond of the starters that aren't Snivy).  But honestly? There have always been terrible Pokemon (don't anyone ever even try to say poliwrath isn't the worst pokemon there is, and that one was from gen 1) A lot of what makes a Pokemon good is indeed just opinion.

    • Upvote 2
  5. Honestly, compared with other Lego themes, Bionicle is really really cheap. There's just usually more of them...but even then, it's still relatively cheaper. Compare to Ninjago, in which the first wave this year alone costs well over three hundred dollars. (around 330, in fact). Heck, compare just to Bionicle in 2009, in which a full collection cost well over 400 dollars, not even taking inflation into account. Obviously this is in part due to the higher amount of sets, but it's still kind of a relevant figure. So I mean. It's expensive. But. Not so much.


    But yeah, I think just about every set is worth their price, so as a whole? Yeah. Pretty worth it.

    • Upvote 8
  6. The first sets I got were like, creator sets. And then I got a Star Wars set or two as gifts, but I don't think that really counts. Bionicle probably was the first theme I really got into.

  7. So, you...literally...made a public topic, asking people if they want to make a sock puppet account with you, explicitly to "derp" and troll the mods, because "they deserve it?" I. I can't even begin to understand all the many many ways this is not only foolish but hilariously against the rules. Wow. This really is...something else. You realize they can see this just like everyone else, right? And even if you were going to go through with it, at best the most you'd get is a bunch of people banned. This is just...wow.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Adventure Time is really freaking deep and stupidly dark sometimes. Starting with season 3 there's just...a lot of really interesting reveals and character development. seriously. The Ice King is like. A most tragic character. Also, Marceline, and...the entire setting has a lot of backstory, and the later seasons have a lot of weird plot stuff and foreshadowing and and and it's really just interesting. It's not without flaws, obviously, especially the past couple of seasons (on account of the show sometimes going too far off the deep end, and the fact that as daring as it is it's just terrified of changing the status quo) But it's far from being just a stupid show. There's a lot of stuff beneath the thin upper layer of random zaniness. And it really is a pretty funny and well written show.

    • Upvote 2
  9. Adventure Time is a really great show. It kind of started losing its touch in season 5 but with some exceptions it seems to be back on track in season 6. It's a pretty amazing show at its best, really.


    (the reason there isn't an adventure time thread is because they always die within a couple of week.s the last one popped up late last year...died after like five posts...)

  10. I just finished blogging about him but I still want to show off my Pohatu:


    He looks kinda cool, i think. Back.


    Anyway yeah, my order from Toys R Us came, carrying within Tahu, Pohatu, PoF and PoS. I was very pleased with Pohatu. He is definitely a very solid design. Not solid enough that I wasn't going to mess it up with tan, because those shells were expensive, but still.


    PoS is pretty cool. The weapon is absurdly long, but it works well. The only modification I made to him was adding one of Pohatu's leftover silver shells to his back.


    PoF really is a mess. I mean obviously I knew how awful his arms were, but wow, no I did not. They are so bad. Needless to say I tried to fix those suckers. replaced the dark stone gray bone with a 5m black lower bone, attached to red 3m bones for elbows. Added some more red to his scheme, which he desperately needed, and gave him articulation, so it was an easy fix. Unfortunately replacing the black 3m bones in his legs results in too much red around that area, so I skipped on that. Kind of want to get those red small beast feet now to see how they would look...anyway, at least PoF has the best chest design out of all the Protectors. That...counts for something, though the silver feels a bit out of place, really.


    Tahu is pretty alright. Solid color scheme, and cool chest print, plus cool weapons, but...oh good lord, those legs are absurdly long. They're just. Ridiculous. Especially since the arms and torso are no longer than on any other Toa. It just looks pretty weird. It may be how uncovered the hip bones are that is responsible for that, though. Also having two friction extenders per leg is really really obnoxious. Sometimes a man just wants to move his Toa's legs. It's kind of annoying. These really aren't big enough problems to distract from a solid set overall...but I will say that he still probably is my least favorite of the Toa. Which is too bad, but eh, it had to be somebody.


    And now I have them all. (check out that hot pile of boxes on the edge there) Well, except LoSS, but who even cares about him. I've got Mixels to buy.

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